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26:1  Ta, Seen, Meem.
26:2  These are The Verses of The Obvious Book.
26:3  Perhaps you put yourself to deadly grieve if not they are believers.
26:4  If We willed, We could send down upon them a verse from the sky, so their necks should still be subjecting to it.
26:5  And no reminder comes to them from Al-Rahman (The Widely merciful), except they are averting from it.
26:6  So, they have already falsified it, so it will come to them the news of what they ridiculed with it.
26:7  Have they not seen to the earth, how many from every noble pair We planted therein?
26:8  Surely in that was a verse, and they most of them were not believers
26:9  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:10  And when Your Lord called out Moses, “come to the oppressor kinfolk”.
26:11  Pharaoh’s kinfolk. Are they not showing piety?”
26:12  He said, “My Lord, I fear that they will falsify me.
26:13  And my chest narrows, and my tongue will not launch, so send to me Aaron.
26:14  And they have a sin against me, so I fear they will kill me.”
26:15  He said, “No. Go, both of you, with our verses. Surely, We are with you, listening.
26:16  So, come to Pharaoh, so say, ‘We are The Worlds' Lord’ Messengers.
26:17  That you send Israel's children with us. “
26:18  He said, “Did we not raise you within us as a newborn, and you tarried within us from your age many lunar years?
26:19  And you did your deed which you did, and you were among the infidels.”
26:20  He said, “I did it then, while I was among the astray ones.
26:21  So, I escaped from you when I feared you; so, my Lord endowed me, a judgment, and set me among the messengers.
26:22  And is that a grace you confer favor upon me, that you have enslaved Israel's children?”
26:23  Pharaoh said, “And what is The Worlds’ Lord?”
26:24  He said, “The skies’ Lord and the earth, and what is between them, if you are certain.”
26:25  He said to those around him, “Are you not listening?”
26:26  He said, “Your Lord and your former parents’ Lord.”
26:27  He said, “Surely your messenger who was sent to you is a madman.”
26:28  He said, “The East’s Lord and the West, and what is between them, if you are reasoning.”
26:29  He said, “If you took a God other than me; I will set you up from the imprisoned.”
26:30  He said, “Even if I brought you by, an obvious thing?”
26:31  He said, “So, bring it, if you are from the truthful ones.”
26:32  So he throws his staff; so, then it is an obvious snake.
26:33  And he pulled his hand; so, it was white, for the onlookers.
26:34  And he said for the chieftains around him, “Surely this is a Knowledgeable magician.
26:35  “He wants to exit you from your land, so what are you commanding?”
26:36  They said, "Postpone him and his brother and send in the cities, musterers.
26:37  “They bring you with every Knowledgeable magician.”
26:38  So the magicians were gathered, for a time appointment known day.
26:39  And it was said to the people, “Are you all gathering?
26:40  Perhaps we may be following the magicians, if they are the overcomers.”
26:41  So, when the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh, “Is there a wage for us, if we are the overcomers.?”
26:42  He said, “Yes, and you will be from the ones who were brought near.”
26:43  Moses said for them, “Throw what you are throwing.”
26:44  So they threw their ropes and their staffs and said, "By Pharaoh’s might, surely we are the overcomers."
26:45  So, Moses threw his staff, so then, it is swallowing what they are faking.
26:46  So, the magicians fell down prostrating.
26:47  They said, “We have believed in the Worlds Lord.
26:48  Moses’s Lord and Aaron.”
26:49  He said, “Did you believe in him before I gave you permission? Surely, he is your grand one, the one who has taught you the magic. So, you will know. I will cut off your hands and your feet from opposite sides and crucify you altogether.”
26:50  They said, “No harm. Surely, We are to our Lord overturning.
26:51  We covet that our Lord will forgive for us our guilt if we are the first believers.”
26:52  And We revealed to Moses: “That travel with My slaves by night. Surely You will be followed.”
26:53  So, Pharaoh sent in the cities, musterers.
26:54  “Surely these are a little platoon.
26:55  And surely, they are ragers to us.
26:56  And surely, we are cautioning, for all.”
26:57  So We exit them out from paradises and springs.
26:58  And treasures and noble abode places.
26:59  Thus, and We inherited it, Israel's children.
26:60  So, they followed them at sunrise.
26:61  So, when the two groups sighted each other, Moses’ companions said, “We are being overtaken.”
26:62  He said, “No; surely my Lord is with me, He will guide me.”
26:63  So, We revealed to Moses: “That you strike the sea with your staff.” So, it splits, and each split is like a great plateau.
26:64  And then We brought the others there, nearby.
26:65  And We saved Moses and those who were with him, altogether.
26:66  Then We drowned the others.
26:67  Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:68  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:69  And recite upon them Abraham’s news.
26:70  When he said to his father and his kinfolk, “What are you worshiping?”
26:71  They said, “We worship idols, so we stay devoted to it.”
26:72  He said, “Are they listening to you when you are calling?
26:73  Or do they benefit you, or harm you?”
26:74  They said, “Nay, but we found our parents, thus they are doing.”
26:75  He said, “So, have you seen what you were worshiping?
26:76  You and your ancient parents?
26:77  So, they are enemies for me, except the Worlds Lord.
26:78  The one who created me, so He guides me.
26:79  And the one who feeds me and waters me.
26:80  And if I was diseased. So, He heals me.
26:81  And the one who causes me to die, Then He gives me life.
26:82  And the one who, I covet that He will forgive me my guilt on the Religion Day.”
26:83  “My Lord! endow me a judgment and join me with the righteous.
26:84  And set up for me a truthful tongue in the others.
26:85  And set me up among the Bliss paradise’ inheritors.
26:86  And forgive my father, he was among the astray ones.
26:87  And do not disgrace me on the Day they are raised.
26:88  A Day when neither money nor children will benefit [anyone].
26:89  Except whoever comes to Allah with an intact core.”
26:90  And the Paradise brought near for the pious.
26:91  And the Hellfire emerged for those who were lured.
26:92  And said to them, “Where what, you were worshiping?”
26:93  Without Allah? Can they give you victory, or be victorious?”
26:94  So, they capsize into it, and those who were lured.
26:95  And Iblis’s troops, altogether.
26:96  They said while they were quarreling within it.
26:97  “By Allah, surely, we were in an obvious astray.
26:98  When we are equating you with The Worlds' Lord.
26:99  And none strayed us except the criminals.
26:100  So, we have none among intercessors.
26:101  Nor, an intimate friend.
26:102  So, if only we have another repetition, So we would be from the believers.”
26:103  Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:104  And surely Your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:105  Noah’s kinfolk falsified the messengers.
26:106  When their brother Noah said to them, “Will you not show piety?
26:107  I am for you an honest messenger.
26:108  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:109  And I do not ask you a wage upon it. Surely my wage is not except, upon The Worlds' Lord.
26:110  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.”
26:111  They said, “Shall we believe in you, and the lowliest followed you?”
26:112  He said, “And what is my knowledge with what they were working.?
26:113  Surely their reckoning is not except, upon my Lord, if you are aware.
26:114  And I am not driving away the believers.
26:115  Surely, I am only an obvious warner.”
26:116  They said, "If you do not desist, O Noah, you will be stoned.”
26:117  He said, “My Lord, surely my kinfolk falsified me.
26:118  So conquer between me and them a conquer and save me and who are with me from the believers.
26:119  So We saved him and those with him in the laden Ark.
26:120  Then We drowned the remainers thereafter.
26:121  Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:122  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:123  Aad was falsified, the messengers.
26:124  When their brother Hud said to them, “Are you not showing piety?
26:125  I am for you an honest messenger.
26:126  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:127  And I do not ask you a wage upon it. Surely my wage is not except, upon The Worlds' Lord.
26:128  Are you building on every height (or road) a verse, to mess up?
26:129  And you take, manufacture plants perhaps you may be immortal?
26:130  And when you annihilate, you are annihilating as mighties?
26:131  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:132  And show the piety of the one, who supplied you with what you are knowing.
26:133  He supplied you with livestock and children.
26:134  And paradises and springs.
26:135  Surely, I fear upon you a Great Day Torment.”
26:136  They said, " Same upon us whether you exhort us or not be among the exhorting ones.
26:137  Surely this is none, except the formers’ mores.
26:138  And we will not be tormented.”
26:139  So they falsified him, so We destroyed them. Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:140  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:141  Thamud falsified the messengers.
26:142  When their brother Saleh said to them, “Are you not showing piety?
26:143  I am for you an honest messenger.
26:144  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:145  And I do not ask you a wage upon it. Surely my wage is not except, upon The Worlds' Lord.
26:146  Will you be left, in what is here, secured?
26:147  In paradises and springs?
26:148  And vegetation, and palm-trees whose spadix are digestible?
26:149  And you carve from the mountain houses, luxuriant?
26:150  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:151  And do not obey the extravagant persons’ command.
26:152  Those who are spoiling within the earth and are not repairing.”
26:153  They said, “You are only from those who be, bewitched.
26:154  You are none except a humankind like us. So, bring us with a verse, if you are among the truthful ones.
26:155  He said, “This is a she-camel; she has a drink (a known day) and so for you a drink a known day.
26:156  And do not touch it by badness, lest it will take you a great day’ torment.”
26:157  So, they hamstrung it, so they became regretful.
26:158  So the torment took them. Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:159  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:160  Lot’s kinfolk falsified the messengers.
26:161  As their brother Lot said to them, “Are you not showing piety?
26:162  I am for you an honest messenger.
26:163  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:164  And I do not ask you a wage upon it. Surely my wage is not except, upon The Worlds' Lord.
26:165  Are you approaching the males from the worlds?
26:166  And forsake what your Lord has created for you from your spouses (Females)? Nay, but you are a transgressor kinfolk.”
26:167  They said, “If you don't end O Lot, you will be from those who are driven out.”
26:168  He said, “I am for your work from the abhorrers.”
26:169  “My Lord, save me and my family from what they are working.”
26:170  So We saved him and his family, altogether.
26:171  Except an old woman was in the remaining behind ones.
26:172  Then We devastated the others.
26:173  And We rained upon them, a rain. So, the rain was bad for the forewarned ones.
26:174  Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:175  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:176  The Thicket’s companions falsified the messengers.
26:177  When Shuaib said to them, “Are you not showing piety?
26:178  I am for you an honest messenger.
26:179  So show the piety of Allah and obey me.
26:180  And I do not ask you a wage upon it. Surely my wage is not except, upon The Worlds' Lord.
26:181  Fulfill The volume scale measure, and do not be from the causing loss ones.
26:182  And weigh by the fairly straight weight scales (Al-Qastas).
26:183  And do not deprive the people out of their things, and do not spread disturbance on the earth, as spoilers.
26:184  And show the piety of the one who created you and the former horde.”
26:185  They said, “You are only from those who be, bewitched.
26:186  And you are none except a humankind like us; and we think that you are from the liars.
26:187  So fall upon us in fragments from the sky, if you are among the truthful ones.”
26:188  He said, “My Lord is a knower with what you are working.”
26:189  So, they falsified him. So, it took them the torment of the shadow day. Surely it was a great torment day.
26:190  Surely in that was a verse, and most of them were not believers.
26:191  And surely, your Lord is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:192  And surely it is a download revelation from The Worlds' Lord.
26:193  Sent down by it The Honest Spirit.
26:194  Upon your Core, to be among the Warners.
26:195  With an obvious Arabic tongue.
26:196  And surely it was in Zaboors (The Scriptures) of the former ones.
26:197  Is it not for them a verse that Israel's children’ scholars know of, it?
26:198  And if We sent it down upon some of the non-Arabs.
26:199  So, he had read it upon them, they were not believers in it.
26:200  Thus We inserted it within the criminals’ cores.
26:201  They do not believe in it until they see the painful torment.
26:202  So it will be coming to them unexpectedly, while they do not feel it.
26:203  So, they will say, “Shall we be respited?”
26:204  So, are they by Our torment hastening?
26:205  So, have you seen if We gave enjoyment to them, lunar years.
26:206  Then it came to them what they were promised.
26:207  It did not avail them what they were enjoying?
26:208  And We did not destroy, among a village except that for it Warners.
26:209  As a reminder, and We were not oppressors.
26:210  And the devils did not send down by it.
26:211  And it should not be for them, and they were not capable.
26:212  They are from the hearing, isolated.
26:213  So do not call with Allah another God, so you will be from the tormented ones.
26:214  And warn your closest kindred.
26:215  And lower your wing for those who follow you among the believers.
26:216  So, if they disobeyed you, So say, “I am innocent from what you are working.”
26:217  And rely upon Al-Aaziz (The Almighty), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
26:218  The one Who sees you when you stand up.
26:219  And your fluctuation in the prostraters.
26:220  Surely, He is Al-Sameiu (The Hearer), Al-Alim (The Knower).
26:221  Shall I inform you on whom the devils sent down?
26:222  They sent down to every sinful faker.
26:223  They eavesdrop on the listening, and most of them are liars.
26:224  And the poets are followed by those who are lured.
26:225  Have you not seen that they are in each valley roaming?
26:226  And that they are saying what they are not doing?
26:227  Except for those who believed, and worked the righteous deeds, and remembered Allah a lot, and they victoried after they were oppressed. And those who are oppressed, they will know which overturning they will be overturned.