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26:1  T.S.M
26:2  Here are the verses of Qur’an which explains religious subjects crystal and clear
26:3  O’ Mohammad, even if you go to the extreme and kill yourself of grief, those who do not want to believe will not believe in the words of God (as mentioned in Qur’an)
26:4  If I (God) wanted to make the disbelievers to believe [out of fear], I could have sent them such a terrible sign from the heaven that they would have bowed down being humiliated
26:5  These people will not believe in My Words (as revealed in Qur’an;) they will simply turn aside from it
26:6  As a result of their denial, pretty soon they will witness the reality of what they were mocking at
26:7  Do they not see how many kinds of vegetation I have put on the earth
26:8  Thinking about just this issue will provide them with enough food for thought to prove the existence and the greatness of God. Yet most of them do not care about believing
26:9  Know that your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful
26:10  Recall when your lord called upon Moses: “Go to those unjust people.”
26:11  “People of Pharaoh who have lost their sensitivity.”
26:12  He replied: “My Lord, I am afraid of their denial.”
26:13  “I may loose my temper. Besides, I have a problem with my tongue (and I cannot deliver an effective speech.) Would you kindly appoint my brother Aaron as my assistant.”
26:14  “Besides, I am still charged with murder there. They may kill me for that.”
26:15  The Lord said: “Do not worry, go armed with My miracles. I will be all ears.”
26:16  When you see Pharaoh, tell him: “We are the Lord’s Messenger for all His intelligent beings.”
26:17  “Lord wants you to send the Israelites in our custody.”
26:18  The pharaoh’s response was: “Did we not bring you up among us as a child? Did you not spend so many years of your life with us?”
26:19  “Do you remember the crime that you committed. Are you not then one of the ingrates?”
26:20  Moses said: “I confess to the crime that I committed when I was an unjust person.”
26:21  “Yes, I fled from you out of fear. But now my Lord has granted me the wisdom and has appointed me to His prophet hood.”
26:22  “You are rubbing to my face that you did me a favor, and use it as an excuse to keep the Children of Israel in slavery!”
26:23  Pharaoh said: “Who is this Lord of all worlds that you are talking about?”
26:24  Moses replied: “He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything in between. Do not have the least doubt about this.”
26:25  Pharaoh turned to those around him and said in a joking manner “Did you hear this?”
26:26  Moses continued: “He is your Lord as well as the Lord of your forefathers.”
26:27  Pharaoh said to his companions: “This Messenger which is sent to you is crazy.”
26:28  Moses continued his speech: “He is the Lord in the east and the Lord in the west, do you get it?”
26:29  Pharaoh continued his chat with people around him: “If by any chance you worship any god beside me, I will throw you in jail.”
26:30  Moses said, “What if I come up with an undeniable miracle?”
26:31  Pharaoh said, “Go ahead, if you are truthful.”
26:32  Moses then threw his staff and it turned into a huge snake
26:33  Then he took his hand out of his pocket, and it radiated an intense light
26:34  Pharaoh turned to his companion and said: “What a magic.”
26:35  “His goal is to take your land, through his magical tricks. What do you suggest?”
26:36  They said: “Leave him and his brother alone for a while, and send your heralds to every town
26:37  “Let them gather all experienced magicians.”
26:38  The magicians came to the meeting place as it was planned
26:39  The people (who were excited about the whole thing) were saying to each other: “Are you going to the meeting too?”
26:40  “If the magicians win, we may follow their religion.”
26:41  When the magicians arrived, they asked Pharaoh: “Is there any reward for us (and this indicates how serious they were about their own religion.)”
26:42  Pharaoh replied: “Not only there will be a great reward, but also a high administrative position in my court will be yours.”
26:43  Moses said to them “Go ahead, do your tricks.”
26:44  They threw their ropes and sticks, and said: “By the Grace of the Pharaoh’s majesty, we will be the winners.”
26:45  Then Moses threw his staff which started to swallow all their tricks
26:46  At this, the magicians fell prostrate
26:47  They said, “We believe in the Lord of all worlds.”
26:48  “The Lord of Moses and Aaron.”
26:49  Pharaoh said: “How dare you to believe in Moses before getting permission from me? Now I see; he is your master and has taught you the art of magic. You will surely find out when I cut your hands and feet on alternate sides. I will crucify you all.”
26:50  They replied: “No problem; (as a matter of fact, you are doing us a favor as) we will return to our Lord
26:51  “We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins as we are the first to believe in God and the prophet hood of Moses.”
26:52  Eventually, I said to Moses: “Set off with My servants (at night;) you will be pursued.”
26:53  Pharaoh sent his heralds to the cities
26:54  They announced the Pharaoh’s declaration: “They are only a small gang.”
26:55  “But they have outraged us.”
26:56  “We have to stay vigilant”
26:57  Subsequently (after having drowned Pharaoh and his army,) I took away from them their gardens and springs
26:58  As well as their treasures and their prestigious positions
26:59  On the other hand, I showered all the children of Israel with such blessings
26:60  Pharaoh’s army pursued them towards the east
26:61  When both parties saw each other, Moses’ people said, “Now we are doomed.”
26:62  Moses said, “Not at all. My Lord is with me; He will guide me.”
26:63  At that time I said to Moses: “Strike the sea with your staff,” whereupon it parted. Each part was like a great wall
26:64  Thus I delivered them all
26:65  Thus I saved Moses and all those who were with him
26:66  Then I drowned Pharaoh and his troop
26:67  This by itself is a sufficient proof for the disbelievers. What a shame that most people do not join the believers
26:68  Truly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:69  Now recite the story of Abraham [in this part of the Book.]
26:70  Once in a gathering he said to his father and the present people: “What are these things that you worship?”
26:71  They replied: “We are totally devoted to these idols that we worship.”
26:72  Abraham said, “Can they hear your prayers?”
26:73  Then he continued: “Have they ever brought anything good to you? Have they ever punished you?”
26:74  They said: “To be honest with you No. But they constitute our cultural routes; we do what we have culturally inherited from our forefathers.”
26:75  Abraham asked: “Have you ever opened your eyes to see the absurdity of what you worship?”
26:76  “I am the enemy of you and your ancestors’ gods….
26:77  I am devoted only to the Lord of the all worlds:…
26:78  the One who created me, and guided me.”
26:79  “The One who provides food and water for me.”
26:80  “The one that heals me, when I get sick.”
26:81  “The One who puts me to death, then brings me back to life.”
26:82  “The One who hopefully will forgive my wrongdoings on the Day of Judgment.”
26:83  Abraham then prayed: “My Lord, grant me knowledge and wisdom, and gather me among the righteous ones.”
26:84  “Make me a role model for the future generations.”
26:85  “Please include me among those who will have the pleasure of ending up in the Paradise.”
26:86  “May you forgive my father, for following those who are in the darkness.”
26:87  “I beg you not to abandon me on the Day of Resurrection:…
26:88  the day in which neither money, nor children, is of any help.”
26:89  On the Day of Resurrection, only those who have wholeheartedly devoted themselves to the Lord will find the help
26:90  On that Day, Paradise will be presented to the righteous people
26:91  On that Day, the Hell will be opened waiting for the sinners to enter in
26:92  The disbelievers will be asked, “Where are those idols of yours that you used worship instead of God?…
26:93  Can they help you now? As a matter of fact, can they help themselves?”
26:94  Those idols, along with those who worshipped them, will be thrown therein
26:95  They will be followed by the Satan’s helpers
26:96  Therein they will dispute with one another saying: .
26:97  “By God, we were on absolute darkness.”
26:98  “How could we raise you up to the level of the Lord of all worlds?”
26:99  “What criminals were those who misled us.”
26:100  “Now no one will beg God to have pity on us.”
26:101  “We do not even have a single friend.”
26:102  “If we were given another chance, we would have chosen the belief.”
26:103  The story of Abraham’s life conveys a good lesson. But most people care less
26:104  Your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:105  The people of Noah disbelieved in the concept of prophet hood
26:106  Their brother Noah advised them: “Why do you care less?”
26:107  “I am a true Messenger of God.”
26:108  “Respect the Lord and follow me.”
26:109  “I am not charging you any consulting fee. My wage is being paid by the Lord of all worlds.”
26:110  “Respect the Lord and follow me.”
26:111  They said: “How can we believe you, when only our low lives have joined you?”
26:112  Noah replied: “It is not up to me to judge them.”
26:113  “Their judgment rests only with my Lord. Do you get it?”
26:114  “I will never dismiss those who have chosen to believe (in account of their past or social background.)”
26:115  “My only mission is to clearly convey the Lord’s Message.”
26:116  They said, “Noah, If you do not stop, we will stone you.”
26:117  Noah then turned to God and said: “Lord, my people, thus, has rejected me.”
26:118  “Please settle the account between us, and save me and the believers from their wicked intentions.”
26:119  Eventually I saved him, and those who had joined him in belief, on board the loaded ark
26:120  While drowning the others
26:121  There is a lesson to be learned from this story; yet most people care less
26:122  The fact is: your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:123  Another nation who rejected the prophet hood was Ad
26:124  Their brother Hud said to them: “Why do you not choose righteousness?”
26:125  “I am a true Messenger of God.”
26:126  “Respect the Lord, and follow me.”
26:127  “I do not ask you for any consulting fee; I am already being paid by the Lord of all worlds.”
26:128  “On every high ground You build a monument to satisfy your vanity.”
26:129  “You build huge palaces to live in as if you are immortal.”
26:130  “And when you fight, you do not show any mercy.”
26:131  “Respect the Lord and follow me.”
26:132  “Respect the One who has taught you all knowledge that you are proud of.”
26:133  “The One Who has given you livestock and children.”
26:134  “The One Who has given you gardens and springs.”
26:135  “I am worried for the punishment of the most awesome Day for you.”
26:136  They said: “Do not worry and do not bother yourself preaching to us.”
26:137  “The punishment that you are talking about was meant only to our ancestors.” (This attitude is manifested today by the Jews and the Christian who believe that God has promised not to be angry after the Noah’s flood as mentioned in Genesis 9:11.
26:138  “No punishment will ever be imposed upon us.”
26:139  They chose to disbelieve and, consequently, I destroyed them as a punishment. This should be a great lesson; yet most people care less
26:140  The fact is: your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:141  Thamood also disbelieved in the prophet hood
26:142  Their brother Saleh said to them: “Why do you not choose the righteousness?”
26:143  “I am a true Messenger of God.”
26:144  “Respect the Lord and follow me.”
26:145  “I do not ask for any consulting fee from you; I am already paid by the Lord of all worlds
26:146  “Do you think this blessing is forever?”
26:147  “You are enjoying your gardens and springs.”
26:148  “You are enjoying the abundance of vegetables and date palms with delicious fruits.”
26:149  “You are carving luxurious houses inside the mountains with a great skill.”
26:150  “Respect the Lord and follow me.”
26:151  “Do not follow the vanities of those who go beyond the limits.”
26:152  “Do not follow the mischief makers who never do anything good .”
26:153  Their reply was: “You are possessed!”
26:154  “You are only a human being like us. come up with a miracle, if you are for real.”
26:155  He said: “Here is the camel [with the miraculous nature as you see.] she will drink on given days assigned to her and you will use the water well on the days assigned to you.”
26:156  “If you touch her with a bad intention, you will be severely punished on an awesome day.”
26:157  Yet they slaughtered her and became regretful…
26:158  when they were subjected to their punishment
26:159  The fact is your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:160  The people of Lot also rejected the prophet hood of the messengers
26:161  Their brother Lot said to them: “Why do you not choose righteousness?”
26:162  “I am a true Prophet of God.”
26:163  “Respect the Lord and follow me.”
26:164  “I am not asking any consulting fee from you. The Lord of the worlds supports me
26:165  “What is the matter with that, out of all creatures in the world, you are the only one who have adopted homosexuality? (even animals do not do that.)”
26:166  “You have disgraced yourselves by marrying men instead of women as approved by your Lord.”
26:167  They replied “If you do not stop preaching us, like the preachers before you, we will expel you out .”
26:168  He said, “Your behavior is disgusting.”
26:169  Then he prayed: “My Lord, save me and my folks from the consequences of their style of life.”
26:170  Eventually I saved him and all his folks
26:171  Except that old woman; she was too corrupt
26:172  Then I destroyed the remaining sinners
26:173  I sent them a shower. What a miserable shower. They had already bee warned about it
26:174  This is a great lesson; yet most people care less
26:175  The fact is, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:176  The people of Aiykah (near Midian) also rejected the prophet hood
26:177  Shu‘aib said to them: “Why do you not choose the righteousness?”
26:178  “I am a true Messenger of God.”
26:179  “Respect the Lord, and follow me.”
26:180  “I am not asking for any consulting fee; I am already being paid by the Lord of the worlds.”
26:181  “Give full measure when you trade; do not cheat.”
26:182  “Weigh with a right scale.”
26:183  “Do not cheat the people out of their rights, and do not spread corruption on earth.”
26:184  “Fear the One who created you, and those who lived before you.”
26:185  Their reply was: “You are possessed.”
26:186  “You are just a human being like us. The only difference is, you are a liar!”
26:187  “if you are truthful, bombard us with masses from the sky!”
26:188  He replied: “My Lord is fully aware of your misdeed, (if He decides, He may grant your wish.)”
26:189  Thus they rejected him and, consequently, a Canopy (out of which they were being bombarded, as they has asked for) was sent for their punishment. It was an awesome day, an awesome punishment
26:190  This is a great lesson, yet most people care less
26:191  The fact is, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:192  rest assured that this Qur’an is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds
26:193  The Trustworthy Spirit (Angel Gabriel) is commissioned to bring it down to you…
26:194  in order to make you a Warner
26:195  It is revealed to you In plain Arabic language
26:196  This has been prophesied in the books of previous generations
26:197  Is this not a sufficient proof for those who are being invited to Islam that the learned men of the Children of Israel know it
26:198  If I had sent this Qur’an [in another language (as they wish it would have been sent!)]…
26:199  still they would have believed in it
26:200  This is why I render it (like a foreign language) in the hearts of the criminals [so that they do not get it.]
26:201  Thus, they cannot believe in it; not until they face their painful punishment which will come to them all of a sudden, …
26:202  when they least expect it
26:203  They will then say: “May we have a second chance?”
26:204  They are the ones who challenged Me to punish them (and now, that their wish is granted, they come with another wish!
26:205  As you see, I tolerated them for so many years
26:206  Now it is time that I punish them as I had promises
26:207  Their material possessions did not help them the least
26:208  It is not My style to destroy any nation without sending ample warnings
26:209  This is your warning; do not say that I was unjust
26:210  It is against the nature of the devils to come with guidance like this
26:211  They neither would (because of their evil nature,) nor could (because of their inability to understand the goodness.
26:212  They (like the evil people who become angry when Qur’an is being recited to them) cannot even listen to it (as it hurts them.
26:213  Now, if you do not want to end up with those who will be subjected to the punishment, simply do not worship any other God (in any form and shape such as attachment to the worldly materials, wife, woman, children social status, position at work, the boss, the governor, etc.
26:214  Preach the truth to the people who are closest to you
26:215  Treat the believers who follow you with kindness
26:216  If they rebel, say: “I am not responsible for what you do.”
26:217  Put your trust in the Almighty, Most Merciful
26:218  He sees you when you worship Him at night
26:219  He sees you when you worship Him falling in prostration
26:220  God hears everything and knows everything
26:221  Do you want to know upon whom the devils descend
26:222  They descend upon every sinner who fabricates lies (fortune tellers, those who falsify the word of God, those who lie, and those who disobey the Lord’s commandments.
26:223  Such people whisper hearsay into ears, but most of them are liars
26:224  As for the poets (and the artists who visit our houses constantly with their enchanting works,) they enchant only those who reject God pleasing moral standards
26:225  Do you not see that their opinion changes according to the situation
26:226  Actually, they preach what they do not do
26:227  Only those artists are saved who choose to believe, do good deeds, mentions the Lord frequently and use justice as their criterion in their fights. As for the wrongdoers, pretty soon they will come to know the punishment which awaits the