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26:1  Ta. Si’in. Mim!
26:2  These are the Verses of the irrefutable Book- (the Qur’ān).
26:3  Perhaps you will torment yourself to death with grief because they voluntarily and consciously refuse to adhere to the Faith.
26:4  If such were Our Wisdom and the Will, We could send down on them from the sky a (Prodigious) Sign so that they would bend their necks in humility to it.
26:5  And whenever New Revelation Knowledge comes to them from the All-Merciful (God) to admonish them, they turn away from it.
26:6  Most certainly they voluntarily and consciously refuse to acknowledge (the divine origin of the Qur’ān). So the news of what they mock will soon come to them.
26:7  Have they not seen the earth in which We caused different types of gracious plants to grow in pairs?
26:8  Surely in this there is a Sign (of Allâh's power & glory), yet most of them don’t live a life of Genuine Faith.
26:9  And most assuredly Your Lord is the One Who is the Almighty and the Most Merciful.
26:10  And (mention) when your Lord called Moses: ‘Go to the people who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned Faith in favour of their own whims,
26:11  The clan of Pharaoh. Will they not act piously?’
26:12  Moses said: ‘O’ my Lord! Verily, I fear that they will deny me,
26:13  And my breast will be straitened. And my tongue is not eloquent enough (to be able to persuade them to Yield to the Truth). So send Aaron (to accompany me in this mission).
26:14  Beside that, they have a charge (of murder) against me, and I am afraid that they will sentence me to death’.
26:15  (Allâh) said: ‘By no means! Now, therefore, go you both with Our Signs (of power & glory which I have provided you). We will definitely be with you all, listening closely to you.
26:16  So go now, both of you, to the Pharaoh and say: ’We are the Messengers of the Lord of all the beings,
26:17  So let the Children of Israel go with us’.
26:18  Pharaoh said: ‘Did we not bring you up among us when you were a child? You spent so many years of your life among us!
26:19  Then you committed that (nefarious) deed of yours which you did. And you were one of the ungrateful’.
26:20  (Moses) said: ‘I did it when I was of those who fall away from the Faith’.
26:21  So I fled from you when I became afraid that you (would sentence me to death), then my Lord vouchsafed me the authority (of moral judgments) and appointed me as one of (His) Messengers.
26:22  As for that past favor that you castigate me with (is owed to the fact) that you have (unjustly) enslaved the Children of Israel’.
26:23  Pharaoh said: ’What do you mean by the Lord of all the beings?’
26:24  Moses said: ‘Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, if you have Absolute Faith’.
26:25  Pharaoh said to those around: ‘Do you not hear (what he is saying)?’
26:26  Moses said: ‘Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers’.
26:27  Pharaoh said: ‘Indeed! Your Messenger, who has been sent to you, is certainly a lunatic’.
26:28  Moses said: ‘Lord of the east and the west, as well as all that is between them, if you only have a higher level of consciousness.
26:29  Pharaoh said: ‘If it happens that you choose a god other than me, I will definitely put you in jail’.
26:30  Moses said: ‘Even if I brought to you something manifest?’
26:31  Pharaoh said: ‘Do bring it forth then, if you are of the truthful!’
26:32  So he cast his staff and suddenly it became a veritable serpent.
26:33  Then he drew forth his hand (from his armpit after placing it therein), it was glittering white in the eyes of the beholders.
26:34  Pharaoh said to the chiefs around him: ‘Indeed! This (man) is certainly an expert magician.
26:35  He seeks to drive you out of your land by his sorcery. So what do you suggest?’
26:36  They said: "Now, therefore, give him and his brother a respite, and (in the meantime) send forth heralds to all cities
26:37  To bring to your presence every expert magician’.
26:38  So the magicians were assembled for an appointed of a fixed day.
26:39  It was said to the people: "Are you going to come?”
26:40  They say: “We may follow (the faith of the magicians) if they become victorious’.
26:41  When the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh: ‘We shall certainly obtain a (big) reward if we attain victory, shall we?’
26:42  He said: ‘Yes, indeed. You will then be among the closest senior advisors to me’.
26:43  Moses said to the magicians: ‘Do throw whatever you desire to throw!’
26:44  So they threw their ropes and their sticks, (saying): ‘By the great power of Pharaoh, it is we who will definitely be victorious’.
26:45  Then Moses threw his staff and suddenly it swallowed up what they simulated.
26:46  So the magicians were impelled to fall down prostrate,
26:47  Saying: ‘We affirm our faith in the Lord of all the beings:
26:48  The Lord of Moses and Aaron’.
26:49  (Pharaoh) said: ‘You have adhered to his Faith before I gave you the permission. Most certainly he is your Master who taught you sorcery. But you will surely reap what you sow. I will surely cut off your hands and feet alternately and crucify you all’.
26:50  They said: ‘No harm! Verily, we are bound to return to our Lord.
26:51  Indeed! We ardently hope that our Lord will deliver us from all the consequences of our iniquitous deeds, for we are the first of those adhere to the Faith’.
26:52  And We inspired Moses: ‘Set forth with My servants by night! Most Certainly, you are going to be chased’.
26:53  Pharaoh sent heralds into the cities
26:54  (Announcing publicly): "Indeed, those are but a small troop,
26:55  Who are raging furiously against us.
26:56  And we are truly very cautious multitude’.
26:57  Thus, We deprived them of gardens, springs,
26:58  Treasures and honorable status.
26:59  This is how We caused the Children of Israel to inherit these luxuries.
26:60  Thus, they -(Pharaoh & his host) - pursued them at sunrise.
26:61  And when the two hosts came in view of each other, the companions of Moses said: ‘We will be definitely overtaken’.
26:62  Moses said: "No way! Most certainly my Lord is with me. He will direct me’.
26:63  So We inspired Moses: ‘Strike the sea with your staff’. It parted and each part became like a great towering mountain.
26:64  Then We brought the others (Pharaoh & his host) closer to them .
26:65  (Eventually), We saved Moses and all those with him,
26:66  And drowned the others.
26:67  Indeed, in this there was a Sign (of Allâh’s power & glory). Yet most of them live without Faith.
26:68  Indeed! Your Lord is the One who is absolutely the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:69  And recite to them the story of Abraham:
26:70  When he said to his father and his people: ‘What is it that which you devotedly worship?’
26:71  They said: ‘We worship idols but we shall always be faithfully devoted to them’.
26:72  He asked: 'Do they hear you when you call upon them?
26:73  Can they benefit or harm you?’
26:74  They said: “But we found forefathers doing the same."
26:75  He said: ‘So, have you thought carefully about what you have been worshiping,
26:76  You and all your forefathers before you?
26:77  Surely, they are enemies of me except the Lord of all the beings,
26:78  Who created me. Thus, He will guide me (into all the truth).
26:79  He is the One who feeds me and gives me to drink.
26:80  And when I am sick, He is the One Who heals me,
26:81  Who will cause me to die, and then will give me life.
26:82  He is the One Whom I do look forward to forgiving my iniquitous deeds on the Day of Judgment.
26:83  My Lord, vouchsafe me the authority (of moral judgments), join me with the righteous.
26:84  Let my name be mentioned in reverential tones among later generations.
26:85  Make me one of those who will inherit the garden and live in perfect happiness.
26:86  And forgive my father. Indeed, he is among those who have been deceived into going away (from the path of truth).
26:87  (O’ My Lord), don’t disgrace me on the day when they will be raised up,
26:88  The day when neither wealth nor sons will avail,
26:89  Except the one who comes to Allâh with pure heart’.
26:90  Al-Jannah will be brought near (that day) to the Pious- (who show honor and reverence for Allâh / or who guard themselves against falling into temptation and iniquity/ or who live before the face of Allâh).
26:91  And Gehenna will appear plainly visible to the beguilers.
26:92  It will be said to them: ‘Where is that you used to worship,
26:93  Other than Allâh? Can they help you now or help themselves?’
26:94  Then they will be overturned into the (Hell), they, the beguilers,
26:95  And the soldiers of Iblīs all together.
26:96  They will say while blaming one another therein:
26:97  ‘By Allâh! We were truly living in greatest deception
26:98  When we considered you as equals with the Lord of the beings.
26:99  No one had the ability to lead us to error except the Ungodly Sinners.
26:100  Now we have no intercessors,
26:101  Nor any devoted friend.
26:102  (What a pity!) If we could only have a chance to return (to the worldly life), then we would surely become among those who live by Faith.
26:103  Surely, in this there is a Sign. Yet most of them don’t have Faith.
26:104  Indeed! Your Lord is the One who is absolutely the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:105  The people of Noah persistently denied the Messengers (of Allâh).
26:106  When their brother Noah said unto them: “ Will you not act piously?
26:107  Verily I am a Faithful Messenger (of your Lord) to you,
26:108  So act piously towards Allâh and obey me.
26:109  I ask of you no reward for (my preaching). My reward comes from the Lord of all the worlds.
26:110  Now, therefore, act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me.
26:111  They said: “How do you expect us to trust you when you are followed by a group that has the lowest status?’
26:112  He said: ‘And what knowledge have I of what they used to do?
26:113  Their reckoning rests with none but my Lord- if only you have the ability to perceive.
26:114  I am not willing to drive away those who adhere to Faith.
26:115  I am no more than one who gives you sufficient warning (about how to avoid Hellfire)’
26:116  They said: ‘If it happens that you don’t stop (this nonsense), O’ Noah, you will surely be of those who are stoned (to death)’.
26:117  He said: "O’ My Lord, indeed, my people accused me of lying,
26:118  So do judge between them and me with definitive judgment. And save me along with those who are with me of the monotheistic believers’.
26:119  So We saved him and those with him in the laden Ark.
26:120  Then, afterward We drowned the others.
26:121  Surely, in this there is a Sign. Yet most of them don’t live by Faith.
26:122  Indeed! Your Lord is the One who is absolutely the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:123  (The people of) ‘Ād persistently denied the Messengers (of Allâh).
26:124  When Hūd, their brother, said to them: ‘Will you not act piously towards Allâh?
26:125  Lo! I am a faithful Messenger of your Lord to you,
26:126  Now, therefore, act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me.
26:127  I ask of you no reward for (my preaching). My reward comes from the Lord of all the beings.
26:128  Do you build on every hill a lofty fortress for vain pleasure?
26:129  You take for yourselves strongholds in hope of being eternalized.
26:130  Yet when you take an aggressive action, you do it in the same way tyrants do.
26:131  Now, therefore, act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me.
26:132  Act piously toward the One who amply provides you with (many great) perceptible gifts.
26:133  He provides you with cattle and children,
26:134  Gardens and water springs.
26:135  Lo! Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a hazardous day."
26:136  They said: "It is all the same to us whether you preach or whether you are not one of the preachers.
26:137  This is no other than the custom and tradition of the ancients,
26:138  And we are not going to be chastised’.
26:139  So they accused him of lying, then We destroyed them. Surely, in this a there is Sign. Yet most of them don’t live by Faith.
26:140  Indeed! Your Lord is the One who is absolutely the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:141  (The people of) ‘Thamūd persistently denied the Messengers (of Allâh).
26:142  When Sālih, their brother, said to them: “Will you act piously towards Allâh?
26:143  Lo! I am a faithful Messenger of your Lord to you.
26:144  Now, therefore, act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me..
26:145  I ask of you no reward for (my preaching). My reward comes from the Lord of all the beings.
26:146  ‘(Do you presume that) you will be left secure forever in what is here before us?
26:147  Amid gardens and water springs,
26:148  Tilled fields and date-palms with slender spathes?
26:149  And that you will keep on skillfully craving houses out of mountains?
26:150  Now, therefore, act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me.
26:151  Don’t yield to the authority of the prodigals
26:152  Who excessively indulge in corruption on the earth instead of seeking to make amends’.
26:153  They said: ‘You are of those who are bewitched!
26:154  You are no more than a human being like us. So bring to us a Sign if you are of the truthful’.
26:155  He said: ‘This is a she- camel (that you requested). So she has the right to have a portion of the water to drink as you have yours on an appointed day.
26:156  So don’t touch her with evil lest the divine retribution of a great day would seize you’.
26:157  However, they hamstrung her, and then they became regretful.
26:158  So the divine retribution overtook them. Surely, in this there is a Sign. Yet most of them don’t live by Faith.
26:159  Indeed! Your Lord is the One who is absolutely the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:160  (The people of) ‘Lot persistently denied the Messengers (of Allâh).
26:161  When ‘Lot, their brother, said to them: “Will you act piously towards Allâh?
26:162  Lo! I am a Faithful Messenger of your Lord to you.
26:163  So act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me.
26:164  I ask of you no rearward for (my preaching). My reward comes from the Lord of all the beings.
26:165  What! Of all people you lust after males,
26:166  Leaving your wives that your Lord created for you? Nay! You are a transgressing people!’
26:167  They said: ‘If it happens that you don’t stop (this nonsense), O’ Lot, you will surely be of those who are outcast’.
26:168  He said: ‘I definitely loathe what you do.
26:169  O’ my Lord! save me and my family from (the evil of) what they do’.
26:170  So We saved him and his family, all,
26:171  Except for an old woman-(his wife)- among those who remained behind.
26:172  Then afterward We utterly destroyed the others.
26:173  And We let (an evil) rain fall upon them. How dreadful was the rain for those who had been warned.
26:174  Surely, in this there is a Sign. Yet most of them don’t live by Faith.
26:175  Indeed! Your Lord is the One who is absolutely the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:176  The companions of the Thicket persistently denied the Messengers (of Allâh),
26:177  When Shuʿayb said to them: “Will you act piously?
26:178  Lo! I am a Faithful Messenger of your Lord to you.
26:179  Now, therefore, act piously towards Allâh and yield to what has been revealed to me.
26:180  I ask of you no reward for (preaching). My reward comes from the Lord of all the beings.
26:181  Give full measure. Don’t be of those who minify.
26:182  And weigh (things) with the true balance!
26:183  Don’t underestimate (the value of) the property of the people, or be involved in spreading corruption on the earth.
26:184  Now, therefore, act piously towards the One who created you and the former generation’.
26:185  They said: ‘You are indeed of those who are bewitched!
26:186  You are no more than a human being like us. And we think that you are one of those who invent lying!
26:187  Now let a piece of the sky fall upon us if you are of the truthful!"
26:188  He said: ‘My Lord has full knowledge of whatever you do’.
26:189  They persistently denied him, so the divine retribution of the day of overshadowing overtook them. Surely it was the divine retribution of a serious day.
26:190  Surely, in this there is a Sign. Yet most of them don’t live by Faith.
26:191  Indeed! Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
26:192  Most assuredly, this (Qur’ān) is the Revelation Knowledge from the Lord of all the beings.
26:193  The faithful Spirit -(Gabriel)- has brought it down
26:194  Upon your heart so that you may give warning
26:195  In a clear Arabic tongue.
26:196  It has been prophesied in the Scriptures of the ancients.
26:197  Is it not a Sign for them that those who have spiritual knowledge among the Children of Israel know it?
26:198  If We had revealed the Qur’ān to any other nation than the Arabs,
26:199  And he had recited it to them, they would not have believed in It.
26:200  This is how We let It pass unheeded though the hearts of Ungodly Sinners.
26:201  They will never believe in It until they see the painful torment.
26:202  The torment will fall upon them unexpectedly, when they lack the ability to perceive it.
26:203  Then they will say: ‘Are we going to obtain a respite?’
26:204  Do they still hope for Our retribution to be hastened?
26:205  What do you see even if We give them respite for years
26:206  And then there comes to them that with which they are threatened,
26:207  All that which they used to enjoy won’t benefit them?
26:208  We never destroyed a town without prior warning.
26:209  We have never been unjust to anyone.
26:210  It is not the devils who have brought down this (Qur’ān)
26:211  It will neither be convenient for them, nor they will be able (to produce It).
26:212  Surely they are completely debarred even from hearing It.
26:213  So don’t invoke another god along with Allâh lest you become of those who will be chastised.
26:214  Now, therefore, warn your tribe of near kindred (of the consequences of their iniquitous deeds)!
26:215  And lower your wing to those Monotheistic Believers who follow you!
26:216  And If it happens that they fail to yield to your command, then say: "Indeed, I am free (of responsibility) for whatever you are doing’.
26:217  And depend on the Almighty, the Most Merciful with full trust,
26:218  Who sees you when you arise (in the midnight to pray)
26:219  And your arduous effort in prostration among those who prostrate.
26:220  Most assuredly He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
26:221  Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
26:222  They descend upon every sinful impostor.
26:223  They give ear, but most of them are liars.
26:224  And the Poets are followed by those who keep on falling into temptation.
26:225  Do you not see that they wander in every valley,
26:226  And that they say what they don’t strive diligently to achieve?
26:227  Except for those (poets) who live by the Faith, strive to do righteous acts, celebrate the praise of Allâh frequently, and vindicate themselves whenever they have tendency to yield to their own whim. Those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned Faith in favour of their own whims will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned.