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15:1  Alif Lam Ra, these are the signs of the Book and a clear Qur'an.
15:2  Perhaps those who have rejected the truth will wish to submit themselves to God.
15:3  Let them eat and enjoy themselves and be preoccupied with [false] hope, for they will [one day] know.
15:4  We have never destroyed a town unless it had a known decree.
15:5  No nation can speed up [the end of] its time, nor defer it.
15:6  And [yet], they [who deny the truth] say, "You, to whom the message has been sent down, you are crazy.
15:7  If you are honest, why do you not bring us angels?"
15:8  We do not send down the angels except in Truth and, [if We did so now, those who deny the truth) would have no reprieve
15:9  It is We who sent down this Reminder and We will preserve it.
15:10  We sent [messengers] before you, to earlier communities.
15:11  And every time a messenger came they mocked him.
15:12  In that way, We insert discord into the hearts of those who force others to reject Our messages.
15:13  They will not believe. This was what happened with those earlier people.
15:14  And [even] if We had opened a gate to the sky for them, and they had continued to ascend though it,
15:15  they would have said, "Our eyesight has only been befuddled," or, "We are under a spell."
15:16  We have placed constellations in the sky and have beautified it for the observers.
15:17  And We have secured it from every cursed satanic force.
15:18  Except for anyone who tries to eavesdrop [to learn the unknown]-he is pursued by a clear flame.
15:19  As for the earth - We have spread it wide and set firm mountains on it, and caused everything to grow in a well-balanced way.
15:20  And We put sustenance in it for both you and all creatures for which you don't provide.
15:21  We have the storehouse of everything that exists, and We send it down only in a known measure.
15:22  We send the winds to fertilize, and we bring water from the sky for you to drink; but it is not you who control its sources
15:23  It is We who give life and cause death, and it is We alone who will inherit all.
15:24  We know very well those of you who have gone ahead and those who are still to come;
15:25  and, behold, it is your Lord who will gather them all together [on Judgment Day]. Truly, He is the All-Wise and the All-Knowing!
15:26  We have created man out of dried clay, formed from dark mud
15:27  and, before that, we had created jinn from a scorching firestorm.
15:28  And when Your Lord said to the angels: "Behold, I am about to create mortal man out of dried clay, formed from dark mud
15:29  and when I have fully formed him and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down and prostrate [yourselves] before him!"
15:30  Then the angels prostrated themselves, all of them
15:31  except Iblis. He refused to bow down with the others.
15:32  God said, "Iblis! What prevents you from being among those who have prostrated themselves?"
15:33  [Iblis] replied, "I will not bow down before a mortal man whom You have created out of dried clay, formed from dark mud!"
15:34  God said, "Be gone! You are expelled from Our grace
15:35  and you will be cursed until the Day of Reckoning!"
15:36  Iblis said, "Then, my Lord, grant me relief until the Day when all will be raised again!"
15:37  God answered: "You will be granted relief
15:38  until the Day of the appointed time."
15:39  [Whereupon Iblis] said, "Oh, my Lord! Since You led me on to this, I will make [all that is evil] on earth appear good to people, and will most certainly entice them into sin,
15:40  all except the sincere among your worshipers!"
15:41  God said: "[Devotion] is a straight path to Me.
15:42  Truly, you will have no power over My worshipers except for the misled who follow you
15:43  and Hell is the promised meeting place for all of you.
15:44  There will be seven gates leading into Hell, each gate receiving its allotted share."
15:45  Truly, those who are ever mindful of God will be amid Gardens and springs,
15:46  "Enter it in peace, [safe and] secure!"
15:47  And We will remove whatever resentment may have been [lingering] in their hearts, brethren resting on couches facing one another
15:48  no weariness will ever touch them there, and they will never be made to leave.
15:49  Tell My worshipers that I am the Forgiving, the Mercy Giver;
15:50  and that my punishment is truly painful
15:51  And tell them all [once again] about Abraham's guests.
15:52  When they entered his presence and greeted him with "Peace", he answered, "We are afraid of you!"
15:53  They said: "Fear not! We bring you the good news of [the birth of] a son who will be endowed with profound knowledge."
15:54  Abraham said: "Do you give me this good news despite the fact that I am overwhelmed with old age? What kind of good news is this?"
15:55  They answered: "We have given you the good news of Truth so do not be among those who despair!"]
15:56  [He exclaimed]: "And who - other than those who have utterly lost their way -could ever abandon the hope of his Lord's grace?"
15:57  He added: "And, heavenly messengers, what [else] might you have in mind?"
15:58  They answered: "We are sent to a people who already cut all relations to God and rejected his messages,
15:59  except for Lot's household. All of them will be saved,
15:60  except for Lot's wife, [God] has ordained that she should be among those who stay behind!'
15:61  And when the Messengers [of God] came to the house of Lot,
15:62  he said: "Who are you? I do not know you people!"
15:63  They said, "We have come to you with what they have always rejected but wondered whether it will happen to them,
15:64  and we bring you certainty [of its fulfillment], for we speak the Truth."
15:65  Go, then with your family while it is still night, follow behind them yourself; and do not permit anyone to look back, but go where you are told to go."
15:66  And We revealed unto him the decree: "The very last of those [sinners] will be wiped out by the morning."
15:67  The people of the town came [to Lot] hoping to have fun [with the strangers]
15:68  [Lot] said, "These are my guests. Do not bring shame on me,
15:69  but fear God and do not disgrace me!"
15:70  They answered, "Have we not forbidden you [to offer protection] to any kind of people?"
15:71  [Lot] said, "Take my daughters instead, if you must!
15:72  "Do not pay attention to them [the messengers said], they are stumbling around in their wild intoxication!"
15:73  The blast [of Our punishment] overtook them around sunrise,
15:74  and We turned the town upside down, and rained down upon them stones of baked clay.
15:75  Truly, there are messages in this for those who discern
15:76  [the town] is still there standing by a road that still exists.
15:77  Truly, there is a sign in this for all who believe.
15:78  And the woods-dwellers were also unjust,
15:79  and so We inflicted Our retribution on them. Both of these [sinful communities] were on a highway, [still) plain to see.
15:80  And the people of Al-Hijr, likewise rejected our messengers
15:81  We gave them our signs, but they turned their backs to them.
15:82  They carved dwellings in the mountains, thinking themselves secure
15:83  The blast [of Our punishment] overtook them early in the morning,
15:84  and all [the power] that they had acquired was of no use to them
15:85  We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without [an inner] truth; the Hour [when this will become clear to all] is yet to come. Hence, forgive [men's failings] gracefully.
15:86  Truly, your Lord is the All-Knowing Creator of all things!
15:87  And We have given you seven of the oft-repeated [verses], and this glorious Qur'an
15:88  [so] don't turn your eyes [longingly] towards what we have given some of them to enjoy. And neither grieve over those [who are rejecting your message], but spread your wings [of modesty and tenderness] over the believers,
15:89  and say, "I am the clear Warner!
15:90  Just as We have sent down warnings for the conspiring separatists
15:91  who reduced the Qur'an into fragments believing in some and rejecting others
15:92  By your Lord! We will call them to account, one and all,
15:93  for whatever they have done!
15:94  Hence, proclaim openly all that you have been told [to say], and leave the idolaters alone.
15:95  Truly, We are sufficient for you against all who mock this revelation.
15:96  who associate another deity with God, for in time they will know.
15:97  And We know that your heart is distressed by the things they say:
15:98  but celebrate your Lord's limitless glory, praise Him, and be among those who prostrate themselves [before Him] in worship,
15:99  and worship your Lord until you die.