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A repudiation from Allah and His messenger for the idolaters with whom you have a treaty.
Travel then on earth for four months and know that you cannot defeat Allah and that Allah humiliates those who reject (the truth).
And an announcement from Allah and His messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage (Hajj) that Allah and His messenger repudiate the idolaters, so if you repent it is better for you, and if you turn away, then know that you cannot defeat Allah, and announce to those who reject (the truth) a painful punishment.
Except those of the idolaters with whom you have a treaty and who then did not withhold anything from you and did not assist anyone against you, then complete their treaty for them until their (agreed) term, for Allah loves those who beware.
Then, when the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and intercept them wherever possible, but if they repent and keep up prayer and give Zakat, then let them go their way, for Allah is forgiving and merciful.
And if any of the idolaters seeks your protection, then protect him until he has heard the word of Allah, then deliver him to his place of safety; this, because they are people who do not know.
How can the idolaters have a treaty with Allah and with His messenger? Except those with whom you entered into a treaty at the sacred mosque - so if they uphold it for you, uphold it for them, for Allah loves those who beware.
How (can they), whilst when they gain the upper hand against you they respect neither relationships nor obligations regarding you. They try to please you with their mouths, but their hearts disagree, and most of them are sinful.
They have sold the signs of Allah for a small price so that they divert from His way, bad is what they used to do.
They respect neither relationships nor obligations regarding a believer, and those are the transgressors.
Yet if they repent and keep up prayer and give Zakat, then they are your brothers in religion, and We explain the signs to people who know.
And if they break their promises after their treaty and attack your religion, then kill the leaders of rejection, for they keep no promises, so that they stop.
Will you not fight a people who broke their promises and strove to expel the messenger when they started against you first? Do you fear them? Then Allah has more right that you fear Him if you are believers.
Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and humiliate them and help you against them and heal the feelings of believing people.
And remove the anger from their hearts, and Allah turns back to whom He pleases and Allah is knowing and wise.
Or did you count on being left alone without Allah knowing those who strive amongst you and do not take besides Allah and His messenger and the believers any close friends, and Allah knows what you do.
It is not befitting for the idolaters to visit the mosques of Allah bearing witness against themselves of rejection; their deeds are wasted and they will remain in the fire forever.
Only those shall visit the mosques of Allah who believe in Allah and the last day and keep up prayer and give Zakat and do not fear other than Allah, and those will likely be amongst the guided.
Do you equate the provision of water to the pilgrim and the maintenance of the sacred mosque with someone´s belief in Allah and the last day and effort in the way of Allah? They are not the same before Allah, and Allah does not guide wrongdoing people.
Those who believe and emigrated and strove in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives have a higher stage with Allah, and those are the winners.
Their Lord gives them good news of mercy from Him and approval and gardens containing lasting blessings for them.
They will remain in them forever, for with Allah is immense reward.
Oh you believers, do not take your fathers or brothers as protecting friends if they prefer rejection over belief; whoever amongst you seeks their protection, they are wrongdoers.
Say: if your fathers and your sons and your brothers and your partners and your relatives and wealth you have acquired and trade whose loss you fear and homes you are content with are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger and to strive in His way, then wait until Allah settles the matter, and Allah does not guide sinful people.
Allah has already helped you at many locations and on the day of Hunayn when you were impressed with your multitude, yet it did not benefit you at all, and the earth became tight for you in spite of its vastness, then you turned back.
Then Allah sent His reassurance to His messengers and the believers and sent soldiers whom you did not see and punished those who rejected (the truth), and that is the reward of those who reject.
Then afterwards Allah turns back to whom He pleases, and Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Oh you believers, the idolaters are unclean, so they must not come near the sacred mosque after this year they were given, and if you fear poverty, then soon will Allah enrich you from His favours if He pleases, for Allah is knowing and wise.
Fight those amongst the people of the book who do not believe in Allah nor in the last day and do not hold sacred what Allah and His messenger have forbidden and do not observe the true religion until they personally pay the protection tax and are submissive.
And the Jews claimed ´Uzayr to be the son of Allah and the Christians claimed the Messiah to be the son of Allah; they say with their mouths what resembles the claims of those who denied (the truth) before - may Allah destroy them, where to are they diverted?
They took their rabbis and monks as lords besides Allah and the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary), and they were only commanded to serve a single god, there is no god but Him, glorified is He above what they assign as partners.
They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their talk, and Allah refuses all but to complete His light even if the rejecters resent it.
He is who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth to make it manifest over all religion even if the idolaters resent it.
Oh you believers, many of the rabbis and monks consume the wealth of people by deception and divert from the way of Allah, and those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah, announce to them a painful punishment.
On the day it will be heated in the fire of hell, then their foreheads and sides and backs will be branded with it: this is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you hoarded.
The number of months with Allah is twelve months by the decree of Allah on the day He created the heavens and the earth, four of which are sacred. This is the upright religion, so do not wrong yourselves in them, and fight the idolaters as a whole just like they fight you as a whole and know that Allah is with those who beware (of Him).
Substitution is an increase in rejection by which those who reject (the truth) lead astray, making it permissible one year and sacred another in order to preserve the number Allah has made sacred but permit what Allah has prohibited. Their bad deeds appeal to them, and Allah does not guide people who reject (the truth).
Oh you believers, what is the matter with you that when you are told to move out in the way of Allah you cling to the earth? Are you content with the life of this world over the hereafter? But the provision of the life of this world is only little compared to the hereafter.
If you don´t move out, He will punish you with a painful punishment and replace you with other people and you will not harm Him at all, and Allah is able to do anything.
If you do not help him, then Allah already helped him when those who reject (the truth) expelled him as one of two, when they both were in the cave and he said to his companion: do not worry, Allah is with us; then Allah sent His reassurance to him and assisted him with soldiers you do not see and made the word of those who reject (the truth) the lowest, and the word of Allah is the highest, and Allah is mighty and wise.
Move out, lightly and heavily equipped, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah, that is better for you if you knew.
Had it been a nearby opportunity and short journey, they would have followed you, but the distance was too far for them, and they will swear by Allah that had we been able we would have gone out with you; they destroy themselves and Allah knows that they are lying.
Allah lets you off, but why did you excuse them before those who were truthful were apparent to you and you knew the liars?
Those who believe in Allah and the last day do not ask to be excused by you from fighting with their wealth and lives, and Allah knows those who beware (of Him).
Only those ask to be excused by you who do not believe in Allah and the last day and their hearts are in doubt and they waver in their uncertainty.
And if they wanted to go out, they would have prepared for it, but Allah dislikes dispatching them and prevented them and it was said: stay with those who stay behind.
If they went out with you, they would only add disorder and cause disturbance for you, seeking corruption for you, and there are those amongst you who listen to them, and Allah knows the wrongdoers.
They already sought corruption before and caused problems for you until the truth came and Allah´s command became manifest whilst they resented it.
And amongst them is he who says: excuse me and do not tempt me; they have already fallen into temptation and hell surrounds those who reject (the truth).
If good befalls you, it hurts them, and if an affliction befalls you, they say: we already took care of our affairs, and they turn away rejoicing.
Say: nothing will befall us except what Allah has written for us, He is our protector and on Allah let the believers rely.
Say: do you wait for other than one of two good things for us, whereas we wait for you that Allah afflicts you with a punishment from Him or by our hands, so wait, we wait with you.
Say: spend obediently or reluctantly, it will not be accepted of you, for you were sinful people.
And the only thing which prevented them from their spending being accepted of them is that they rejected Allah and His messenger and do not pray except lazily and do not spend except grudgingly.
So do not be amazed by their wealth nor by their children, for Allah wants to punish them with it in the life of this world and let them die whilst rejecting (the truth).
And they swear by Allah that they are from amongst you when they are not from amongst you, but they are people who cause division.
If they find a refuge or a hide-out or an entry, they will turn to it hastily.
And amongst them is who blames you regarding charity, so if they are given of it, they are content, and if they are not given of it, they are annoyed.
And if (only) they were content with what Allah and His messenger gave them and said: Allah is enough for us, Allah and His messenger will give us from His favours, we look in hope to Allah.
Charity is only for the poor and the needy and those engaged in its administration and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free slaves and for those in debt and in the way of Allah and for the traveller, an obligation from Allah, and Allah is knowing and wise.
And amongst them are those who insult the prophet and say he listens (to anyone), say: he listens to what is good for you; he believes in Allah and believes the believers and is a mercy to those who believe amongst you. And for those who insult the messenger of Allah is a painful punishment.
They swear by Allah to you in order to please you, but Allah and His messenger have more right to be pleased if they were believers.
Did they not know that for whoever opposes Allah and His messengers there is the fire of hell where he will remain, that is the tremendous disgrace.
The pretenders are concerned that a Surah should be revealed about them to disclose to them what is in their hearts, say: make fun, for Allah will expose what you are concerned about.
And if you asked them, they would say: we were only joking and playing. Say: did you make fun of Allah and His signs and His messenger?
Don´t make excuses, you already rejected (the truth) after having believed. If We let a party of you off, We will punish another party because they were sinners.
The pretenders, men and women, are of one kind, they command wrongdoing and forbid good conduct and are tight-fisted. They abandoned Allah, so He abandoned them. The pretenders are the sinful.
Allah has promised the pretenders, men and women, and the rejecters the fire of hell where they will remain, it is enough for them, and Allah has cursed them and for them is a lasting punishment.
Like those before you who were stronger than you in power and had more wealth and children, then they enjoyed their share, then you enjoyed your share just like those before you enjoyed their share, and you joked just like they joked; those - their deeds are wasted in this world and the hereafter, and those are the losers.
Did not the account of those before them reach them, of the people of Nuh (Noah) and ´Ad and Thamud and the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the inhabitants of Madyan (Midian) and the overturned places? Their messengers came to them with clear proofs, so Allah did not wrong them but they wronged themselves.
And the believers, men and women, are protectors of each other, they command good conduct and forbid wrongdoing and keep up prayer and give Zakat and obey Allah and His messenger, those - Allah will have mercy on them, for Allah is mighty and wise.
Allah has promised the believers, men and women, gardens through which rivers flow, where they will remain, and good habitations in the gardens of Eden, and contentment from Allah is even greater, that is the ultimate success.
Oh prophet, fight the rejecters and the pretenders and be tough with them, and their abode is hell, a bad destination.
They swear by Allah that they didn´t say it, but they already said a word of rejection and rejected (the truth) after their submission (Islam) and were distressed about what they couldn´t reach, and they only resented that Allah and His messenger made them rich from His favours, then if they repent it will be better for them, and if they turn away, Allah promises them a painful punishment in this world and the hereafter and they will have no protector or helper on earth.
And amongst them is who made a promise to Allah that if He gives us from His favours we will give charity and be of the righteous.
Then when He gave them from His favours they withheld it and turned away in opposition.
So He rewarded them with pretence in their hearts until the day they meet Him on account of having broken their promise and having been liars.
Did they not know that Allah knows their secrets and their secret meetings and that Allah knows the unseen.
Those who insult the believers who give generously as well as those who only find the bare minimum, so they make fun of them, Allah makes fun of them, and a painful punishment awaits them.
Ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them - if you asked forgiveness for them seventy times, still Allah will not forgive them. That is because they rejected Allah and His messenger and Allah does not guide sinful people.
Those who were left behind rejoiced at their idleness in opposition to the messenger of Allah and disliked to strive with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah and said: do not move out in the heat; say: the fire of hell is more severe in heat, if they only understood.
So let them laugh a little and cry a lot as a punishment for what they used to commit.
Then when Allah returns you to a party of them and they ask your permission to go out, then say: you will never go out with us and never fight an enemy with me, you were content with sitting idle the first time, so stay with those who are left behind.
And never pray over any of them who died and do not stand at his grave, for they rejected Allah and His messenger and died whilst sinful.
And do not be amazed by their wealth or their children, for Allah wants to punish them with it in this world and let them die whilst rejecting (the truth).
And when a Surah was revealed (saying): believe in Allah and strive with His messenger, the capable amongst them asked to be excused by you and said: leave us to stay with those who stay behind.
They were content to be with those left behind and their hearts were sealed so that they do not understand.
But the messenger and those who believe with him strove with their wealth and their lives and for those there is all the good and those are the successful.
Allah promised them gardens through which rivers flow, where they will remain, and this is the great success.
And those who were excused amongst the desert Arabs came to be excused, and those who denied Allah and His messenger stayed behind. A painful punishment will afflict the rejecters amongst them.
There is no blame on the weak nor the ill nor those who do not find anything to spend if they are sincere to Allah and His messenger. There is no way against those who do good, and Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Nor against those to whom, when they came to be equipped by you, you said: I do not find anything to equip you with. They turned away with their eyes overflowing with tears in sadness that they did not find anything to spend.
There is only a way against those who ask to be excused by you whilst they are rich and who were content to be with those left behind, and Allah sealed their hearts, yet they do not know.
They offer excuses to you when you return to them, say: do not make excuses, we will not believe you, Allah has already informed us about your affairs, and Allah will see your work, and (so will) His messenger, then you will be returned to the One who knows the unseen and the apparent and He will inform you of what you used to do.
They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them so that you leave them alone. Leave them alone, for they are filth and their abode is hell as a punishment for what they used to commit.
They swear to you to be content with them, yet if you were content with them, still Allah is not content with sinful people.
The desert Arabs are the severest in rejection and pretence and most likely not to know the limits which Allah has revealed to His messenger, and Allah is knowing and wise.
And amongst the desert Arabs is he who considers what he spends as a loss and waits for things to change for you; things will change for the worse for them, and Allah listens and knows.
And amongst the desert Arabs is he who believes in Allah and the last day and considers what he spends as a means to get closer To Allah and to obtain the messenger´s blessings; indeed it is a means of closeness for them - Allah will enter them into His mercy, for Allah is forgiving and merciful.
And the earliest of the emigrants and the helpers and those who followed them with good conduct, Allah is content with them and they are content with Him, He has promised them gardens through which rivers flow where they will remain forever, that is the ultimate success.
And amongst those desert Arabs around you and amongst the inhabitants of al-Madinah there are pretenders, they persist in pretending, you do not know them, We know them, We will punish them twice, then they will be returned to a severe punishment.
And there are others who acknowledge their sins, who have mixed good and bad deeds, maybe Allah will turn back to them, for Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Take charity from their wealth to cleanse and purify them with it and pray for them, for your prayer is a reassurance for them, and Allah listens and knows.
Did they not know that Allah accepts the repentance from His servants and receives charity and that Allah is the One who accepts repentance and gives mercy?
And say: work, then Allah and His messenger and the believers will see your work, and you will be returned to the One who knows the unseen and the apparent, then He will inform you of what you used to do.
And there are others who look forward to Allah´s command whether He punishes them or turns back to them, and Allah is knowing and wise.
And those who adopted a mosque intending harm and rejection and division between the believers and as a staging post for those who fought Allah and His messenger before - they will swear that we only wanted good, and Allah is a witness that they are liars.
Do not ever stand in it (in prayer), for a mosque which was founded on awareness (of Allah) from the first day has more right that you should stand in it; in it are men who love to keep clean and Allah loves those who keep clean.
Is not he better who founds his building on the awareness of Allah and for His contentment than he who founds his building on the edge of a falling cliff and it falls into the fire of hell with him, and Allah does not guide wrongdoing people.
The building they have constructed will not stop causing unease in their hearts unless their hearts are broken, and Allah is knowing and wise.
Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth so that they would have paradise; they strive in the way of Allah and kill and are killed. This is a binding promise upon Him in the Torah and the Injil and the Qur´an. And who keeps His promise better than Allah, so rejoice in the deal you have made, and that is the ultimate success.
Those who repent, worship, praise, fast, bow down, prostrate, command good conduct and forbid wrongdoing and observe the limits of Allah, and give good news to the believes.
It is not fit for the prophet and those who believe to ask forgiveness for the idolaters, even if they are their relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are inmates of hell-fire.
And when Ibrahim (Abraham) asked forgiveness for his father it was only on account of a promise he had given him, then when it became clear to him that he was an enemy to Allah, he renounced it, for Ibrahim (Abraham) was devoted to prayer and gentle.
And it is not fit for Allah to let people go astray after He guided them until He has made clear to them what they should beware of, for Allah knows everything.
To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and death, and you have besides Allah no protector nor helper.
Allah has already turned back to the prophet and the emigrants and the helpers who followed him in an hour of difficulty after the hearts of a group amongst them almost swerved, then He turned back to them, for He is lenient with them and merciful.
And to the three who were left behind until the earth became tight for them although it is spacious, and their own selves became tight for them and they considered that there was no refuge from Allah except towards Him, then He turned back to them so that they repent, for Allah is the One who accepts repentance and gives mercy.
Oh you believers, beware of Allah and be with the truthful.
It is not fit for the inhabitants of al-Madinah or the desert Arabs around them that they should stay behind the messenger of Allah nor that they should consider themselves above him. That is because no thirst nor exhaustion nor hunger afflicts them in the way of Allah nor do they go anywhere to enrage the rejecters (of the truth) nor gain anything from the enemy but a good deed is written for them on account of it, for Allah does not waste the reward of those who do good.
Nor do they spend anything small or large in expenditure nor cross a valley but it is written in their favour so that Allah rewards them for the best they did.
And the believers should not all move out as one. A party of every group amongst them should keep back to study the religion and warn their people when they return to them so that they are on guard.
Oh you believers, fight those of the rejecters who are nearby and let them find you determined and know that Allah is with those who beware (of Him).
And when a Surah is revealed there is amongst them he who says: whom does this increase in belief?, but as for the believers it increases them in belief and they rejoice.
And as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it increases them in disgrace upon their disgrace and they die whilst rejecting (the truth).
Do they not consider that they are being tested every year once or twice, then they do not repent nor remember.
And when a Surah is revealed, some look at others: does anybody see you? Then they turn away. Allah turns away their hearts because they are people who do not understand.
A messenger from amongst you has already reached you. Your concerns bear heavy on him, he is eager for your benefit and lenient and merciful to the believers.
And if they turn away, say: Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but Him, on Him I rely and He is the Lord of the great throne.
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