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This is a missive from Allah and His messenger unto those with whom you have made the covenant from among those who ascribe partners to Allah.
Do tour fully in the land for four months and know that you are not going to escape Allah and that truly Allah is going to humiliate the disbelievers.
And a declaration from Allah and His messenger unto the people on the day of the great pilgrimage that truly Allah disavows those who ascribe partners to Him and so does His messenger. Therefore if you turn in repentance to Allah then that is better for you but if you turn away then know that you are not going to escape Allah and give to those who disbelieve the glad tidings of a painful punishment.
Except those whom you have made covenant with from among those who ascribe partners to Allah and thereafter they have not cheated you anything in the least and they have not backed anyone against you so fulfill the covenant for them until its term. Truly Allah loves those who guard their own souls.
But once the sacred months have rolled away then slay those who ascribe partners to Allah wherever you find them and restrain them and besiege them and lay in wait for them at every vantage point. But if they repent and they establish the prayer and give out the sanctifying dues, then clear their way. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
And if anyone from among those who ascribe partners to Allah seek asylum with you, then give him asylum until he hears the word of Allah, then take him to his place of safety. That is so because they are a people who know not.
How could there be any covenant in the sight of Allah and in the sight of His messenger for those who ascribe partners to Allah except the ones with whom you have made the covenant in the precinct of the sacred mosque. Therefore as long as they observe their duty to you, then do observe your duty to them. Truly Allah loves those who safeguard their own souls.
How then if they were to gain the upper hand on you, they will not consider regarding you neither God nor any treaty. They please you with their mouths but their hearts refuse you and most of them are renegades.
They sold the signs of Allah for a little price, thereby they hindered from His way. Truly how woeful it is that they used to do.
They will not take God nor any treaty in the consideration with regards to any believer and those are the ones who are the transgressors.
But if they turn to Allah in repentance and establish the prayer and pay the sanctifying dues, then they are your brothers in the religion and We detail the signs for a people who know.
But if they breach their solemn oaths after their covenant and slander your religion, then fight against the leaders of the disbelief. Truly they do not keep their solemn oaths perhaps they will desist.
Will you not fight against a people who have breached their solemn oath and they intended to expel the messenger and it is they who started hostilities against you in the first place. Will you have deference for them? Nay! It is Allah who deserves more for you that you defer to Him if you indeed are believers.
Fight against them, Allah will punish them with your hands and He will humiliate them and He will help you against them and He will heal the bosoms of a people who are believers.
And He will remove the rancour in their hearts and Allah will turn in repentance to whom He pleases and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
Do you think you will be left the way you are [to say that you are believers] while Allah has not yet marked out those among you who have strove hard and have not taken any secret allies besides Allah and His messenger and the believers and Allah is All-acquainted with all that you do.
It is not the right of those who ascribe partners to Allah to upkeep the mosques of Allah while they testify in disbelief against their own souls. Those are the ones whose deeds have come to naught and in the fire they will abide forever.
Only those who believe in Allah and in the last day and have established the prayer and have paid the sanctifying dues and defer to none except Allah should upkeep the mosques of Allah. And perhaps those would be among the ones who are rightly guided.
Do you consider giving water to the pilgrims and up keeping the sacred mosque as equal to one who believes in Allah and in the last day and strives in the way of Allah, they are not equal in the sight of Allah and Allah does not guide the people who wrong their own souls.
Those who have believed and have migrated and have strove hard in the way of Allah with their properties and with their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah and it is they who are the successful ones.
Their Lord gives them glad tidings of a mercy from Him and of a good pleasure and of a garden wherein there would be an abiding felicity for them.
They will abide therein forever. Truly with Allah there is a most magnificent reward.
O you who believe! Do not take your fathers and your brothers as allies if they love the disbelief more than the belief. Whoever takes them as allies from among you, they it is who are those who wrong their own souls.
Say, “If your fathers or your sons or your brothers or your spouses or your clans or properties you have earned or commerce in which you fear decline or dwellings which please you are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger and in striving in His way then wait until Allah brings His commandment and Allah does not guide the people who are the renegades.”
Indeed Allah helped you in many situations and on the day of Huneyn when you took pride in your numbers but it availed you in naught and the earth as wide as it is became narrow on you and then you turned back in flight.
Then Allah sent down His tranquility [Sakeena] on His messenger and on the believers and He sent down armies that you did not see and He punished those who disbelieved and that is the requital of the disbelievers.
Then Allah turns in repentance thereafter to anyone He pleases and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
O you who believe! Those who ascribe partners to Allah are but unclean therefore they should not come near the sacred mosque after this year of theirs and if you fear poverty, perhaps in time Allah will enrich you from His favor if He pleases. Truly Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
Fight against those who do not believe in Allah nor in the last day nor hold unlawful that which Allah and His messenger have proscribed nor do they embrace the religion of the truth from among those who have been given the scripture until they give the tax with a lower hand while they are humbled.
And the Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah” and the Christians say, “the Messiah is the son of Allah” That is their saying from their mouths. They emulate the saying of those who disbelieved from before. Allah’s curse be on them. How are they turned away [from the truth].
They have taken their rabbis and their monks as Lords besides Allah and the Messiah son of Mary [as well] but they were not commanded to worship except one deity. There is no deity save He. Glorified be He from all that they ascribe as partners to Him.
They seek to put out the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah with all intent wants to complete His light even though the disbelievers are averse.
He it is who sent His messenger with the guidance and with religion of the truth so that He may make it triumph over all the religion even though those who ascribe partners to Allah are averse.
O you who believe! Truly many of the rabbis and the monks do consume properties of the people by falsehood and they hinder from the way of Allah. As for those who hoard the gold and the silver and do not spend that in the way of Allah, give them the glad tidings of a painful punishment.
The day when it will be heated in the fire of hell and their foreheads and their flanks and their backs will be ironed with it. This is that which you hoarded for your own selves. Taste then all that you used to hoard.
Truly the number of the months in the sight of Allah is twelve months in the book of Allah on the day He created the heavens and the earth. Four out of them are sacred. That is the religion the most upright. Therefore do not wrong your own souls in the course of them and fight against those who ascribe partners to Allah all together as they fight against you all together and know that Allah indeed is with those who safeguard their own souls.
The intercalation is nothing but an increase in the disbelief, those who disbelieve are misguided by it, as they allow it in one year and forbid it in another year in order to conform to the number of that which Allah has made sacred. Thus they make profane that which Allah has made sacred. Their evil deeds have been made seemly for them and Allah does not guide the people who are the disbelievers.
O you who believe! What is the matter with you that when you are told to go forth in the way of Allah, then you incline heavily towards the earth. Are you pleased with the life of this world than the hereafter but the enjoyment of the life of this world compared to that of the hereafter is nothing but little.
Unless you go forth [in the way of Allah], He will punish you with a painful punishment and He will replace you with another people and you will not harm Him in the least and Allah has power over everything.
If you do not help him then Allah did help him when those who disbelieved drove him out two of the two as the two were in the cave and when he said to his companion, “grieve not truly Allah is with us.” Thereupon Allah sent down His Sakeena upon him and strengthened him with hosts that you did not see and He made the word of those who disbelieve the lower and the word of Allah that is the higher and Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
Go forth light and heavy and strive hard with your properties and with your lives in the way of Allah. That is better for you if you indeed know.
Had it been a gain near at hand and a journey with a destination well defined, then they would have surely followed you but the distance seemed far to them and they will swear by Allah, “We had gone out with you if we could” thus they destroy their own souls and Allah knows that indeed they surely are liars.
Allah pardons you for giving permission to them until it becomes distinct for you those who are sincere and until you distinguish the liars.
Those who believe in Allah and in the last day will not ask permission from you to strive with their wealth and their lives [in the way of Allah] and Allah is All-knowing about those who safeguard their own souls.
Only they will ask permission from you, those who do not believe in Allah and in the last day and their hearts have doubted so that they go on wavering in their doubt.
If they had meant to go out then surely they would have prepared the means for it but Allah dislikes their going forth so He checked them and they were told, “Sit back along with those who sit back.”
If they had gone out among you, they would surely have increased you in nothing except confusion and they would surely have spread chaos in your midst seeking the tribulation for you while there are those who readily lend them ear and Allah is All-knowing about those who wrong their own souls.
They indeed sought the tribulation from before and they perverted the matters for you until the truth came and the commandment of Allah became apparent while they were averse.
And among them is such who says, “Give me permission [to stay back] and do not expose me to tribulation” Lo! Indeed they have fallen in the tribulation and truly hellfire is surely encompassing around the disbelievers.
If good happens to you, it dismays them but if calamity befalls you they say, “We have indeed taken our matter in our hand from before” and they turn back while in exultation.
Say, “Nothing will ever happen to us except that which Allah has written for us. He is our master” and so let the believers put their trust in Allah.
Say, “You wait expectantly for us except for one of two good things while we wait expectantly for you that Allah may afflict you with a punishment from His presence or through our hands. Therefore wait expectantly. We are also waiting with you.”
Say, “Spend willingly or unwillingly. It will never be accepted from you. Truly you indeed are a people who are renegades.”
Nothing prevents their spending from being accepted except that they disbelieve in Allah and in His messenger and that they do not come to prayer except in a state of indolence and they do not spend except reluctantly.
Therefore let not their properties or their children elicit your admiration. Allah only intends to punish them through them in the life of this world and so that their souls may annihilate while they are disbelievers.
And they swear by Allah that they surely are of you but they are not of you rather they are a people who are stricken with fear.
If they could find a refuge or a cave or a hole, they would surely have turned towards it while they scuttle away.
And among them are such who denigrate you regarding the charities and if they are given from it, they are well pleased but if they are not given from it, lo they are disaffected.
If only they were pleased with that what Allah gave them and His messenger and they had said, “Allah is sufficient for us. Allah would soon give us from His bounty and so would His messenger and we indeed turn towards Allah with hopefulness.”
The alms are only for the poor and for the needy and for those who are working over it and for those whose hearts are inclined [towards the faith] and for the freeing of the slaves and for those who are insolvent and in the way of Allah and for the wayfarer. It is a prescription from Allah and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
And among them are such who hurt the prophet and they say, “He is All-ear” Say, “He is ear of goodness for you and he believes in Allah and he believes for the believers and he is a mercy for those who believe among you” and as for those who hurt the messenger of Allah for them there will be a painful punishment.
They swear by Allah for you in order to please you but Allah and His messenger have more right for them to please him if they indeed are believers.
Do they not know that whoever challenges Allah and His messenger that for him indeed there will be hellfire to abide therein forever. That is the humiliation the most awful.
The hypocrites are wary lest a chapter is revealed upon them which will inform them about that which is in their hearts. Say, “Go on mocking.” Truly Allah is going to bring out that about which you are wary.
And if you were to interrogate them they would surely have said, “We were just indulging ourselves and playing” Say, “Is it Allah and His signs and His messenger that you were mocking about?”
Do not make any excuses. You have indeed disbelieved after your belief. If We pardon a party among you, We will punish another party because of that they were evildoers.
The hypocrites men and the hypocrites women they are of one another. They command unto the wickedness and they forbid from the kindness and they hold their hands. They forgot Allah so He forgot them. Truly hypocrites, it is they who are the renegades.
Allah has promised the fire of hell to the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the disbelievers. They will abide therein forever. That is sufficient for them and Allah has cursed them and for them there will be an abiding punishment.
Like those who were before you, they were greater than you in power and they had more wealth and more children so they enjoyed their share and you have enjoyed your share like those before you who enjoyed their share and you indulged yourselves like they indulged themselves. It is they whose deeds have come to naught in this life of this world and in the hereafter and it is they who are the ones in loss.
Has not the news of those before them come to them; people of Noah and of ‘Ad and of Samood and the people of Abraham and the people of Madian and the cities overturned. Their messengers came to them with the clear signs and it was not for Allah to wrong them but it was they who used to wrong their own souls.
The believers men and the believers women, they are allies one to another. They command unto the kindness and they forbid from the wickedness and they establish the prayer and they give the sanctifying dues and they obey Allah and His messenger. It is they unto whom Allah will soon grant mercy. Truly Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
Allah has promised unto the believing men and the believing women gardens beneath which the rivers flow to abide therein forever and goodly abodes in gardens of eternal felicity and the good pleasure of Allah is the greatest. That is the success the most magnificent.
O you the prophet! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them. Their resting place will be the hellfire and how woeful a place of ending.
They swear by Allah that they did not say [anything] but they indeed say the word of the disbelief and they disbelieved after their submission and they longed for that which they could not attain. And they are bitter for no reason other than that Allah and His messenger enriched them with His bounty. Then if they turn back in repentance then that will be better for them but if they turn away, then Allah will punish them with a painful punishment in this life and in the next life and there will be for them in the earth not an ally nor a helper.
And among them are such who promised Allah that if He gives us from His bounty that we most certainly will give out charity and we most certainly will be of those who are the righteous.
But when He gave them from His bounty, they withheld it and they turned away [from Allah] arrogantly.
Therefore He placed hypocrisy in their hearts as a result until the day when they will meet Him because of that they failed Allah in which they had promised Him and because they used to lie.
Do they not know that Allah knows their secret thoughts and their secret counsels and that Allah indeed is The All-knower of the things in the unseen?
Those who denigrate the believers who volunteer in the charity and those who do not have except their utmost little effort so they mock at them. Allah mocks at them and there will be a painful punishment for them.
Ask forgiveness for them or ask not forgiveness for them. If you ask forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah will never forgive them. That is because they indeed disbelieve in Allah and in His messenger and that Allah does not guide the people who are the renegades.
Those who were left behind exulted in their staying home behind the messenger of Allah and they were averse striving with their wealth and with their lives in the way of Allah and they said, “Do not go forth in the heat” Say, “The fire of hell is greater in heat” if only they had discernment.
Therefore let them laugh a little and let them weep a lot as a result of that which they used to perpetrate.
If ever Allah brings you back unto a party from among them and they ask you permission to go forth, then say, “You will never go out with me and you will never fight an enemy along with me. For you indeed were pleased with sitting back in the first place therefore sit back with those who are the ones who remained behind.”
Do not ever perform a prayer on any one of them who dies and do not stand on his grave site. Truly they disbelieved in Allah and in His messenger and they died while they were renegades.
And do not let their wealth nor their children elicit your admiration. Allah all but wants to punish them with it in this life and wants that their souls may perish while they are disbelievers.
And whenever a chapter is sent down that believe in Allah and strive hard with His messenger then the people of means among them will ask you for permission [to stay] and they will say, “Leave us to be with those who sit back.”
They were pleased that they were with those who remained behind so a seal was placed on their hearts so that they do not discern.
But the messenger and those who believed with him strove hard with their properties and their lives. They it is for whom there will be graces and they it is who are the ones who will prosper.
Allah has made ready for them gardens beneath which the rivers flow. They abide therein forever. That is the achievement the most magnificent.
And then came those who are apologetic from among the desert Arabs so that permission be given to them to stay back and those who belied Allah and His messenger sat back. Soon a painful punishment will befall those who disbelieve from among them.
There is no guilt on those who are the weak ones nor on those who are the sick ones nor on those who do not find what they may spend as long as they are sincere to Allah and to His messenger and there is no way against those who are the one who act in excellence. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Nor [is there anyway] against those who when they come to you in order to provide them with a ride you said, “I do not have what to provide for you as a ride” and they turned away with their eyes filled with tears out of regret that they do not find what to spend [in the way of Allah].
The way is only against those who seek permission from you [to stay back] while they are rich. They are pleased to be with those who remain behind so Allah placed a seal on their hearts therefore they will not know.
They will make excuses to you when you return back to them. Say, “Do not make excuses. We will never believe you. Allah has already informed us about your news. And Allah will soon see your deeds and [so will] His messenger and then you will be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and of the witnessed and then He will inform you about all that you used to do.”
They will soon swear by Allah to you when you return back to them so that you may ignore them. Do ignore them. They indeed are an abomination and their resting place will be the hellfire as a requital for all that they used to perpetrate.
They will swear to you so that you may be pleased with them but even if you are pleased with them truly Allah will not be pleased with the people who are the renegades.
The Arabs of the desert are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy and they are more deserving not to know the precise boundaries of that which Allah has sent down on His messenger and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
And from among the desert Arabs are such who consider that which they spend as a levy and they opportunely wait for the turn of events against you but evil turn of events will be against them and Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
And also from among the desert Arabs are such who believe in Allah and in the last day and consider that which they spend as means of drawing near to the presence of Allah and as means of attaining the blessings of the messenger. Lo! It truly is a means for coming near [to Allah] for them. Soon Allah will make them enter in His mercy. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
And the forerunners from the first period from among those who migrated and from those who helped and from those who followed them in excellence, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him and He made ready for them gardens beneath which the rivers flow to abide therein forever. That is the success the most magnificent.
And from among the Arabs of the desert around you are some who are hypocrites and as well from the people of Medina. They are ingrained in the hypocrisy. You know them not. We know them and We will soon punish them twice and then they will be returned to a punishment most awful.
While there are others who have confessed their sins. They mixed righteous deeds with another which is evil. Perhaps Allah will turn to them in repentance. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Take from their properties a charity to purify them and to sanctify them by means of it and send blessings on them. Truly your blessing is a tranquility for them and Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
Do they not know that truly Allah, He it is who accepts the repentance from His servants and He takes the charities and that truly, Allah He it is who is the Acceptor of the repentance, The Most Merciful
And say, “Act all of you and soon Allah will see your actions and [so will] His messenger and [so will] the believers. And then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and of the witnessed. Then He will inform you about all that you used to do.”
While there are others who are waiting for the commandment of Allah; either He will punish them or He will accept their repentance and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
And as for those who chose for themselves a mosque as a means of harm [to the true house of Allah] and as a means of propagating disbelief and as a means of creating division between the believers and as a resort for those who fought against Allah and His messenger from before. But surely they will swear that we did not intend anything except that which is the most excellent but Allah witnesses that indeed they surely are liars.
Do not stand therein [for prayer] ever. Surely a mosque which was founded on the reverence of Allah from the first day has more right for you to stand therein [for prayer]. Therein are men who love to purify themselves and Allah loves those who purify themselves.
Is one who founded his building upon reverence from Allah and upon a good pleasure [from Allah] better or one who founded his building on the edge of a crumbling precipice so that it crumble down with him into the fire of hell? And Allah does not guide the people who are the ones who wrong their own souls.
Their building which they built will continue to be a doubt in their hearts until that their hearts are cut up to pieces and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
Truly Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties that for them will be the garden. They fight in the way of Allah and they kill and they get killed. It is a promise binding upon Him in the Torah and in the Gospel and in the Quran. But who better fulfills his promise than Allah therefore rejoice in your trade which you have traded with Him and that it is the success the most magnificent.
The ones who are repentant, the ones who serve [Allah], the ones who praise, the ones who peregrinate [in the way of Allah], the ones who bow down, the ones who prostrate, the ones who command unto the kindness and the ones who forbid from the wickedness and the ones who guard the boundaries of Allah; so give glad tidings to the believers.
It is not right for the prophet and for those who believe to ask for forgiveness for those who ascribe partners unto Allah even if they may be their near of kin after that it has become evident for them that they indeed are people of the hellfire.
Abraham’s asking for forgiveness for his father was but a result of a promise which he promised him but when it became evident to him that he indeed was an enemy to Allah, then he disavowed him. Truly Abraham surely was oft-imploring magnanimous.
And it is not for Allah to cause a people to go astray after that He has guided them until He has made evident to them all that they are supposed to guard themselves from. Truly Allah is All-knowing about everything.
Truly to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and of the earth. He gives life and He puts to death and there is no ally nor a helper for you besides Allah.
Allah indeed turned in repentance to the prophet and to those who migrated [in the way of Allah] and to those who helped, those who followed him in the hour of hardship after that the hearts of a party of them almost swerved and then He turned to them in repentance. Truly He is All-tender, Most Merciful to them.
And He turned in repentance also to the three whose case was suspended until the earth became constricted to them even though it is as wide as it is and until their own souls became constricted to them and they realized that there is no place of refuge from Allah except towards Him. Then He turned to them in repentance that they may repent. Truly Allah, He it is the Acceptor of repentance, The Most Merciful.
O you who believe! Revere Allah and be with those who are veridical
It is not right for the people of Medina and those who are around them from the desert Arabs to remain behind the messenger of Allah nor to prefer their own souls above his soul. That is so because no thirst nor a fatigue nor a hunger will afflict them in the way of Allah nor will they set foot in any place that will anger the disbelievers nor will they achieve any advantage against any enemy except that it is written for them as a good deed. Truly Allah does not allow the reward of those who act in excellence to go in waste.
Nor will they make any expense, small or big, nor will they cross any valley except that it will be written for them so that Allah may requite them for the best of what they used to do.
And it is not right for the believers to go forth all together but if only a party goes forth out of every group of them in order to seek discernment in the religion and so that they may warn their people when they return back to them so that perhaps they will be on their guard.
O you who believe! Fight against those who are next to you from among the disbelievers and let them find in you firmness and know that Allah is with those who safeguard their own souls.
And whenever a chapter is sent down, there are some among them who would say, “Who among you has this increased in faith?” As for those who believe, it increased them in faith while they continue to rejoice.
But as for those in whose hearts there is a sickness, it has increased them in abomination upon their abomination and they died while they were disbelievers.
Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they repent not nor do they bring themselves to remembrance.
And whenever a chapter was sent down, they would look at one another saying, “Does anyone see you?” Then they turn back. Allah turned back their hearts because they are a people who do not discern.
Indeed a messenger has come unto you from among yourselves, it is hard for him all that you have suffered. He is keen about you and he is full of tenderness and mercy to the believers.
But if they turned back, then say, “Allah is sufficient for me. There is no deity save He. In Him I have put my trust and He it is Lord of the throne which is the most magnificent.”
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