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9:1  Innocence from Allah and His Messenger to those who you covenanted among the polytheists.
9:2  So, tour within the earth for four months, and know that you are not causing incapacitation to Allah, and surely Allah will disgrace the infidels.
9:3  And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the grand pilgrimage day that Allah is innocent from the polytheists, and so is His Messenger. So, if you repented, so it is a goodness for you; and if you turned away - so know that you will not cause incapacitation to Allah. And preach those who disbelieved with a painful torment.
9:4  Except for those among the polytheists with whom you covenanted, and they did not decrease you of a thing, nor raise anyone against you. So, fulfill to them their covenant till their time extension. Surely, Allah loves the pious.
9:5  So, when the Sacred Months have sloughed, so kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And take them, and besiege them, and sit in wait for them at every Observatory place. So, if they repented, and established the prayers, and brought the zakat, so release their pathway. Surely, Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.
9:6  And if a one among the polytheists asks you to shield him, so shield him until he hears Allah’s words; then reach him to his secure place. That is because they are a kinfolk not knowing.
9:7  How would there be for the polytheists a covenant with Allah and with His Messenger, except those with whom you covenant at the Sacred Mosque? So, as they are upright for you, be upright for them. Surely, Allah loves the pious.
9:8  How? And if they prevail against you, they do not respect, in you a kinship nor a pact. They are satisfying you by their mouths, but their cores refuse, and most of them are debauchees.
9:9  They purchased with Allah's verses a little price, so they hindered about His pathway. Surely it was bad what they were working on.
9:10  They do not respect in a believer a kinship nor a pact. And those are the transgressors.
9:11  So, if they repented, and established the prayers, and gave the zakat, then they are your brethren in the religion and We detail the verses for a kinfolk who know.
9:12  And if they renege their oaths after their covenant, and appeal in your religion, so fight the infidelity’s imams, they have no oaths, perhaps they may be ending.
9:13  Will you not fight a kinfolk who reneged their oaths, and interested to bring the messenger out, and they had started the first time against you? Are you in awe of them? So, Allah is more righteous for you to awe Him, if you were believers.
9:14  Fight them, Allah torments them with your hands, and disgraces them, and victories you against them, and heals a believing kinfolk’ chests.
9:15  And He will go away, their core's wrath. And Allah repents upon whoever He wills. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
9:16  Or do you consider that you will be left, and Allah will not be knowing who from you was efforted, and who, were not taking collaborated allies without Allah and His messenger, and the believers? And Allah is by what you are working, Expert.
9:17  It was not for the polytheists to populate Allah’s mosques, witnessing against themselves with infidelity. Those were their works inhibited, and in the Fire, they were immortals.
9:18  Surely Allah’s mosques are only populated with whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day and established the prayers and gave the zakat and did not awe, except Allah, so perhaps those are among the guided ones.
9:19  Do you make the watering of the pilgrims and the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque as like who believed in Allah and the Last Day and efforted in Allah’s pathway? Not equal with Allah, and Allah does not guide the oppressor kinfolk.
9:20  Those who believed, and emigrated, and efforted in Allah’s pathway with their money and themselves, are of a greater degree with Allah. Those are the winners.
9:21  Their Lord preaches (Good tidings) them of a mercy from Him and a satisfaction, and paradises for them therein is a resident grace.
9:22  Immortals therein forever. Surely, Allah has with Him a great wage.
9:23  O you who have believed, do not take your parents or your brothers as guardians if they have loved the infidelity over the faith. And whoever guardians them among you, so those are the oppressors.
9:24  Say: If your parents, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your tribe, and money you have perpetrated and a trade which you awe its stagnation, and dwellings you are satisfying with, are more beloved to you than Allah and His messenger and an effort in His pathway: so, wait until Allah brings His command. And Allah does not guide the debauchees’ kinfolk.
9:25  Allah has already victoried you in many regions; and on a day of Hunayn, when your plenty admired you, so it did not avail, about you a thing; and the earth was narrowed upon you with what it was widened; then you turned away in back retreating.
9:26  Then Allah sent down His serenity upon His Messenger, and upon the believers; and He sent down troops you did not see them; and He tormented those who disbelieved. And that is the infidels' penalty.
9:27  Then, Allah is repenting after that upon whoever He wills. And Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.
9:28  O you who believed! Surely, the polytheists only are a filth so let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs. And if you fear a privation, so Allah will enrich you among His bounty, if He wills. Surely, Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
9:29  Fight those who are not believing in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbidding what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor religioning, the right religion, from those who were given the Book, until they pay the tribute - out of hand while they are subdued.
9:30  And the Jews said, “Ezra is Allah’s son,” and the Christians said, “The Messiah is Allah’s son.” That is said with their mouths. They emulate the saying of those who disbelieved before. Allah fought them! So, How will they be fooled?
9:31  They have taken their rabbis and their monks as lords without Allah, and the Messiah Mary’s son. And they were not commanding except to worship one God. There is no God except Him. Glorified is Him above what they are associating.
9:32  They want to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths, and Allah is refusing except that completing His light, even though the infidels are hating.
9:33  He is the one who sends His Messenger with the guidance and the right religion, to raise it over the whole religion, even though the polytheists are hating.
9:34  O you who believed! Surely, many among the rabbis and the monks will eat the people's money by the invalid and are hindering about Allah's pathway. And those who are treasuring the gold and the silver, and are not spending them in Allah’s pathway, so, preach them with a painful torment.
9:35  On a Day when it will be flamed upon it in Gohanam fire, so will be branded with it, their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs: “This is what you treasured for yourselves; so, taste what you were treasuring.”
9:36  Surely, the months count with Allah are twelve months, in Allah’s Book on a Day when He created the skies and the earth, among which four of them are sacred. That is The Valuable Religion. So do not oppress yourselves in them. And fight the polytheists’ all totally, as they fight you all totally, and know that Allah is with the pious.
9:37  Surely, the postponement is only an increase in the infidelity, by which those who disbelieved are led astray? They permit (Halal) it one year, and forbid it another year, to adjust by it a count of what Allah has forbidden, so they permit (Halal) what Allah has forbidden. Their bad works were prettified to them. And Allah does not guide the infidel kinfolk.
9:38  O you who believed! What is with you, when it is said to you, “Advance in Allah’s pathway,” you cling heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the Dunya life (of this world) rather than the Hereafter? So, the enjoyment of the Dunya life in the Hereafter is not, except a little.
9:39  If you do not advance forth, He torments you with painful torment, and will replace you with another kinfolk, and you will not harm Him of a thing. And Allah is over everything competent.
9:40  If you do not victory him, Allah has already victoried him, when those who disbelieved exited him out, and he was the second of two when they were in the cave. When he says to his friend, “Do not grieve, surely Allah is with us.” So, Allah sent down His serenity upon him, and supported him with troops you did not see, and set the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, and Allah’s word is the Highest. And Allah is Mighty, Wise.
9:41  Advance forth lightly or heavily, and effort by your money and yourselves in Allah’s pathway. That is a goodness for you, if you were knowing.
9:42  If it was a near offer, and a proposed journey, they would have followed you; but the distance was too far upon them. And they will swear by Allah: “Had we could, we would exit out with you.” They are destroying themselves, and Allah knows that they are liars.
9:43  May Allah pardon you! Why should you permit them, until it was demonstrated to you those who truthed, and you would know the liars?
9:44  Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask permission from you to effort with their money and themselves. And Allah is Knowledgeable with the pious.
9:45  Only those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day ask your permission, and their cores doubted, so they are in their doubt, hesitating.
9:46  And if they really wanted the exodus; they would have prepared for it, a preparation; but Allah hated their deployment, so he paused them, and it was said, “Sit behind with the sitting behind ones.”
9:47  If they exited out among you, they would not have increased you except a dullness, and they would have presented gaps through your midst to seek infatuation. And from you, are avid listeners for them. And Allah is Knowledgeable with the oppressors.
9:48  They already were seeking the infatuation before, and they overturned the matters for you, until the right came, and Allah’s command had been raised, while they were hating.
9:49  And among them is who says, “Permit for me, and do not infatuate me.” Indeed, in the infatuation they fell down. And surely Gohanam will surround the infidels.
9:50  If excellence inflicts you, it bads them; and if a calamity inflicts you, they say, “Already we took our matter before,” and they turn away while they are rejoicing.
9:51  Say, “Will not inflict us, except what Allah has written for us; He is our Guardian, and upon Allah, so the believers will rely”.
9:52  Say, “Are you lurking us except for one of the two excellences? And we are lurking you: that Allah will inflict you with a torment from Himself, or with our hands. So, lurking, surely, we are with you, lurking.”
9:53  Say, “Whether you spend willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Surely, you are debauchees’ kinfolk.”
9:54  And what prevents them, that their expenditures are being accepted from them, except that they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and that they are not coming to the prayers, except lazily, and that they are not spending except while they are unwilling.
9:55  So, do not admire either their money or their progeny. Allah just only wants to torment them by it in the Dunya (this worldly) life, and that their souls are vanishing while they are infidels.
9:56  And they are swearing by Allah that they are from you. And they are not from you. But they are kinfolk who are frightened.
9:57  If they find a shelter, or a cave, or an entrance, they will turn to it, while they are running away.
9:58  And from them are those who criticizes you in the alms. If they are given from it, they are satisfied; and if they are not given from it, they are indignant.
9:59  And if only they were satisfied with what Allah and His Messenger have given them, and said, “Allah is sufficient for us; Allah will give us from His bounty and His Messenger; surely we are to Allah aspiring.”
9:60  The alms are only for the poor, and the needy persons, and the workers on it, and for those whose cores are concorded, and for the necks (freeing slaves), and for the debtors, and in Allah’s pathway, and for the wayfarer, an imposition from Allah. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
9:61  And from them are those who hurt the Prophet, and say, “He is Ear.” Say, “Ear is a goodness for you, he believes in Allah, and believes for the believers, and is a mercy for those who believed from you.” And those who hurt Allah’s messenger, for them a painful torment.
9:62  They are swearing to you by Allah for you to satisfy you. And Allah and His Messenger are more right to satisfy him, if they were believers.
9:63  Have they not known that whoever infracts Allah and His Messenger, so for him Gohanam (Hell) fires, immortal therein? That is The Great Disgrace.
9:64  The hypocrites are cautioning that a surah may be sent down upon them, informing them about what is within their cores. Say, “Mock; surely Allah will exit out what you are cautioning.”
9:65  And if you asked them, they would say, “We were just only discoursing and playing.” Say, “Is it with Allah and His verses and His Messenger, you were mocking?"
9:66  Do not make excuses. Already you have disbelieved after your faith. If We pardon about a category among you. We will torment a category, because they were criminals.
9:67  The hypocrite men and hypocrite women some of them are from some others. They are commanded by the denial, and prohibit the well-known, and clench, their hands. They forgot Allah, so He forgot them. Surely the hypocrites are the debauchees.
9:68  Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women, and the infidels, Gohanam Fire, immortals therein, it is their sufficient. And Allah cursed them. And for them a resident torment.
9:69  As like those before you. They were stronger in power than you and had more money and progeny. So, they enjoyed, with their share, so you enjoyed with your share, as those before you enjoyed with their share. And you discoursed, as like which they discoursed. those their works inhibited in the Dunya (world) and in the Hereafter. And those who are the losers.
9:70  Have they not come to them with the news of those before them? Noah’s kinfolk, and Aad, and Thamud; and Abraham’s kinfolk, and the companions of Madyan, and the Overturned Cities? Their messengers came to them with the proof. So, Allah was not oppressing them, but they were oppressing themselves.
9:71  And the believing men and the believing women, some of them are guardians of some others. They are commanding with the well-known, and prohibiting about the denial, and establishing the prayers, and giving the zakat, and obeying Allah and His Messenger. Those, Allah will mercy them. Surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise.
9:72  Allah has promised the believing men, and the believing women, paradises beneath which the rivers are running, immortals therein, and a good dwelling in Eden paradises. And a satisfaction from Allah is even bigger. That is The Great Winning.
9:73  O The Prophet! Effort the infidels and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their shelter is Gohanam (Hell), and wretched is the destiny.
9:74  They are swearing by Allah that they did not say; and they already said the infidelity word, and they disbelieved after their submission. And they were interested in what they did not obtain. And they are not resented except that Allah and His Messenger have enriched them from His bounty. So, if they are repenting, it would be a goodness for them; and if they are turning away, Allah will torment them with a painful torment, in the Dunya (life) and in the Hereafter, and they will not have on the earth neither a guardian nor victory supporter.
9:75  And among them whoever covenanted Allah: “If He gives us from His bounty, we will give alms and be among the righteous.”
9:76  So, when He had given them from His bounty, they skimped with it, and turned away while they were averters.
9:77  So He sequelized them, a hypocrisy in their cores, till a Day they will meet Him, with what they infringed Allah, what they promised Him, and with what they were lying.
9:78  Have they not known that Allah knows their secrets and their private consultation? And surely Allah is the unseen Knower?
9:79  Those who criticize the volunteers from the believers in the alms, and those who do not find anything except their own efforts. So, they ridicule them, Allah ridiculed them. And for them a painful torment.
9:80  Ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them. If you should ask forgiveness for them seventy times - so Allah will not forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah does not guide the debauchees’ kinfolk.
9:81  The left behind (People) rejoiced by their seat behind Allah’s messenger, and they hated the effort by their money and themselves in Allah's pathway. And they said: Do not advance in the heat! Say: Gohanam fire is hotter, if they were understanding.
9:82  So, they would laugh a little, and would cry a lot; a penalty with what they were earning.
9:83  So, if Allah returned you to a category among them, so they ask your permission for the Exit, so say, “You will not exit out with me, ever, nor will fight an enemy with me. You were satisfied to sit for the first time, so sit with who left behind.”
9:84  And do not pray over a one among them who has died - ever - or stand upon his grave. They disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were debauchees.
9:85  And do not admire you, their money and their progeny. Allah only wants to torment them with it in the Dunya (this world), and their souls vanish while they are infidels.
9:86  And when a surah is sent down, that: “Believe in Allah and effort with His Messenger,” the affluence possessors from them ask your permission, and said, “Forsake us to be with the sitting behind ones.”
9:87  They were satisfied to be with the remaining behind ones, and were imprinted upon their cores, so they are not understanding.
9:88  But the Messenger and those who believed with him efforted with their money and themselves. And those for them are the goodness. And those are the gainers.
9:89  Allah has prepared for them paradises beneath which the rivers are running, immortals therein. That is The Great Winning.
9:90  And the excusers from the desert Arabs Bedouin came, to permit for them, and sat those who falsified Allah and His Messenger. It will inflict those who disbelieved from them a painful torment.
9:91  There is no critical upon the weakened ones, nor upon the diseased ones, nor upon those who do not find what to spend, if they are advising for, Allah and His Messenger. There is not, against the benefactors of a pathway. And Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.
9:92  And not against those who when they came to you to provide mount for them, you said, “I do not find what I mount you on;” They turned back while their eyes overflowed from the tears in grieving that they could not find what to spend.
9:93  Surely only the pathway is against those who request permission from you while they are rich. They were satisfied to be with those who remained behind. And Allah imprinted on their cores, so they are not knowing.
9:94  They are apologizing to you if you returned to them. Say, “Do not apologize; we will never believe you; Allah already has informed us from your news. And Allah will see your works, and his messenger; then you will be returning to a knower of the unseen and the witnessing, So He will inform you by what you were working.”
9:95  They will swear by Allah to you, when you overturn toward them, to let you turn away from them. So, turn away from them. They are an abomination, and their shelter is Gohanam (Hell); a penalty with what they were earning.
9:96  They are swearing to you to be satisfied with them. So, if you are satisfied about them, So Allah is not satisfied about the debauchees’ kinfolk.
9:97  The Desert-Arabs Bedouins are the strongest infidelity and hypocrisy, and most deserved to not be knowing the limits of what Allah sent down upon His Messenger. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
9:98  And from the Desert-Arabs Bedouins are those who took what he spends as a fine. And he lurks to you the turn circles (of misfortune). On them the bad turn circle. And Allah is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
9:99  And from the Desert-Arabs Bedouins whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, and takes what he spends as means of nearness to Allah, and the Messenger’s prayers. Surely it is a means of nearness for them. Allah will enter them in His mercy. Surely Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.
9:100  And the first outstrippers from the Migrants and the Victory Supporters, and those who followed them with excellence. Allah is satisfied with them, and they are satisfied with Him. He has prepared for them paradises beneath which the rivers are running, immortals therein forever. That is The Great Winning.
9:101  And from the Desert-Arabs Bedouins who are around you there are hypocrites, and from the inhabitants of Medina who grew up upon the hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will torment them twice; then they will be returned to a tremendous torment.
9:102  And others have confessed their misdeeds, having mixed a righteous work and another bad deed. Perhaps that Allah will repent upon them. Surely Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.
9:103  Take from their money alms to purify them and refine them with it; and pray (Bless) on them. Surely, your prayer is a serenity for them. And Allah is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
9:104  Are they not knowing that Allah accepts the repentance of His slaves, and that He takes the alms, and that Allah is Al-Tawab (The Acceptor of Repentance), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself)?
9:105  And say “Worked so, Allah will see your work, and His Messenger, and the believers. And you will be returning to the unseen knower and the witnessing, so He will inform you with what you were working on.”
9:106  And others are deferring for Allah’s command, either He will punish them, or repent upon them. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
9:107  And those who took a mosque as a harm, and infidelity, and separation between the believers, and as an Observatory for whoever fought Allah and His Messenger before. And they will swear: “We only did not want anything except the fineness.” And Allah witnesses that they are liars.
9:108  Do not stand in it, ever. A mosque founded upon the piety on the first day is righter that you stand in it. In it are men who love to be purifying. And Allah loves the purified ones.
9:109  Is he who founded his building upon a piety from Allah and satisfaction is goodness, or he who founded his building on a brink of a collapsed cliff, so it collapsed by him into Gohanam fire? And Allah does not guide the oppressor kinfolk.
9:110  Their building, which they built, still doubt in their cores, except their cores are being cut off. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
9:111  Surely Allah has purchased from the believers themselves and their money for that it will be for them the Paradise. They are fighting in Allah’s pathway, so they are killing and getting killed, a promise upon Him truthfully in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Quran. And who is more fulfilling with his covenant than Allah? So, be cheerful with your sale which you were selling with it. And that is The Great Winning.
9:112  The repenters, the worshippers, the praisers, the tour goers, the kneelers, and the prostraters [in prayer], the commander with the well-known and the prohibitors about the denial, and the keepers of Allah’s limits. And preach (good tidings) the believers.
9:113  It was not for the Prophet and those who believed to seek forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they are possessors of consanguinity, after it had demonstrated to them that they are the Hellfire’s companions.
9:114  And it was not Abraham seeking forgiveness for his father except about a promise he had promised him. So, when it demonstrated to him that he was an enemy for Allah, he disowned him. Surely Abraham was a beseeching, A Clement.
9:115  And Allah would never astray a kinfolk, after He had guided them, until He demonstrated for them, what they should show piety for. Surely Allah is Knowledgeable with everything.
9:116  Surely Allah has the Sovereignty of the skies and the earth. He gives life and causes death. And without Allah, you have neither a guardian, nor victory supporter.
9:117  Allah has already repented upon the Prophet, and the Emigrants, and the Victory Supporters who followed him in the difficult hour, after the cores of a team among them almost aberrated. Then He repented upon them. Surely, He was with them Kind, Merciful.
9:118  And upon the three who were left behind. Until the earth was narrowed upon them, with what it had widened, and their souls narrowed upon them, and they assumed that there was no refuge from Allah, except to Him, Then He repented upon them, to let them repent. Surely Allah is Al-Tawab (The Acceptor of Repentance), Al-Raheem (The merciful to his creation and himself).
9:119  O you who believed! Show the piety of Allah and be with the truthful ones.
9:120  It was not for the Medina’s inhabitants and the Desert-Arabs Bedouins from them who surrounded them, to lag about Allah’s messenger, nor to seek to prefer themselves than himself. That is because it will not inflict them a thirst, or a painful fatigue, or a hunger in Allah’s pathway, and they are not trampling a trample that enrages the infidels, nor do they obtain from an enemy an obtainment except it was written with it a righteous work. Surely Allah does not waste the benefactors' wages.
9:121  And they are not spending a small expenditure or large, nor do they cross a valley, except it was written for them. That Allah will recompense them the best of what they were working.
9:122  And it was not for the believers to advance forth all together. So, if only individuals from every team, among them a category to understand the religion, and to warn their kinfolk when they are returning to them, perhaps they may be cautious.
9:123  O you who believed! Fight those who are adjacent to you among the infidels, let them find in you a harshness, and know that Allah is with the pious.
9:124  And when a surah is sent down, so among them who say, “Which of you has this increased him in faith?” As for those who believed: so, it increased them, in faith, and they are cheerful.
9:125  But as for those in their cores is a disease: so, it increased them an abomination to their abomination, and they died while they were infidels.
9:126  Have they not seen that they are infatuated once or twice in every year? Then they are not repenting, nor they are remembering.
9:127  And when a surah was sent down, some of them looked at some others, “Does anyone see you?” Then they dismissed, Allah has dismissed their cores, because they are a kinfolk, not understanding.
9:128  Already there has come to you a messenger among yourselves, precious on him, what you suffered, eager on you. With the believers, is compassionate, merciful.
9:129  So, if they turned away, so say, “Allah is sufficient for me; there is no God except Him; upon Him I relied; And He is The Great Throne’s Lord.”