←Prev   al-Waqi`ah (The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming) as rendered by/in Samy Mahdy  Next→ 

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56:1  When the inevitable occurrence occurred.
56:2  For its occurrence, there is no lie.
56:3  It is lowering, elevating.
56:4  When the earth is shaken, shakenly.
56:5  And the mountains are pulverized, a pulverization.
56:6  So they were mote, disseminating.
56:7  And you were, three pairs.
56:8  So the companions of the right hand, what are the companions of the right hand?
56:9  And the companions of the inauspiciousness, what are the companions of the inauspiciousness?
56:10  And the Outstrippers: The Outstrippers
56:11  Those are the nearest ones.
56:12  In the Bliss Paradises.
56:13  A throng from the former.
56:14  And a few from the later.
56:15  On woven beds.
56:16  Reclining on it, facing each other.
56:17  Circulate, upon them immortalized young kids.
56:18  With cups, pitchers, and goblet from a flowing stream.
56:19  Neither headache they feel from it, nor they become intoxicated.
56:20  And fruits from which they choose.
56:21  And birds’ meat from what they desire.
56:22  And nymphs with beautiful large eyes.
56:23  As like the hidden pearls.
56:24  A reward with what they were working on.
56:25  They will not hear therein chatter, nor sinful talk.
56:26  Except the saying: “Peace, peace.”
56:27  And the companions of the right, what are the companions of the right?
56:28  Amid thornless lote-trees.
56:29  And layered banana trees.
56:30  And extended shade.
56:31  And outpouring water.
56:32  And abundant fruit.
56:33  Neither cut off, nor forbidden.
56:34  And raised furnishings.
56:35  We instituted them, instituting (The women).
56:36  So, We set them, virgins.
56:37  Loving (their husbands only), equal in age.
56:38  For the companions of the Right.
56:39  A throng from the former.
56:40  And a throng from the latter.
56:41  And the companions of the left, what are the companions of the left?
56:42  In poisonous burning winds and scalding water.
56:43  And a shadow from thick black smoke.
56:44  Neither cool, nor soothing.
56:45  They were before that luxurious.
56:46  And they were insisting on the great perjuring.
56:47  And they were saying, “Is it if we died and we became dust and bones, are we surely raised up?
56:48  And our former parents?”
56:49  Say, “Surely the former and the later.
56:50  Will be gathered to The Known Day Time Appointment.”
56:51  Then surely you, O those the strayers, the falsifiers.
56:52  Will be eating from the zaqqum trees.
56:53  So you will be filling from it your bellies.
56:54  Then you will be drinking scalding water on top of it.
56:55  So you will drink like the thirsty camels drinking.
56:56  That is their hospitality on The Religion Day.
56:57  We have created you, so why do you not confirm?
56:58  Have you seen what you ejaculate (Semen)?
56:59  Is it you who created it, or are We the Creator?
56:60  We have decreed death amongst you, and none will outstrip Us.
56:61  In replacing you by your alike and instituting you in what you do not know.
56:62  And you already know the first creation, instituting. So will yourselves not remember?
56:63  So have you seen what you are tilling?
56:64  Are you whoever planted it, or are We the planter?
56:65  If We will, We will set it up debris; so you stay regretfully jesting.
56:66  “Surely, we are indebted. (You said)
56:67  Nay, but we are deprived.”
56:68  So, have you seen the water which you drink?
56:69  Are you who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the Sender?
56:70  If We will, We set it up salty. So why will you not be thankful?
56:71  So have you seen the fire which you ignite?
56:72  Did you institute its tree, or are We the institutor creator?
56:73  We set it up, a reminder, and an enjoyment for the hungries and travelers.
56:74  So glorify with your Great Lord Name.
56:75  So I will not swear by the stars' sites.
56:76  And surely it is an oath, if you know, a Great.
56:77  Surely it is a noble Quran.
56:78  In a well-protected Book.
56:79  Not touch it except the purified ones.
56:80  A download revelation from the Worlds Lord.
56:81  So are you cajoled, by the narration, this.
56:82  And you make your livelihood, that you deny?
56:83  So why not when it (soul) reached the throat.
56:84  And you at that time look on.
56:85  And We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see.
56:86  So why then, if you are not indebted.
56:87  Can bring it back, if you are truthful.
56:88  So if he was from the near ones.
56:89  Then, spirituality and Basil scent and bliss paradise.
56:90  And if he was from the companions of the right.
56:91  Then, “Peace for you,” from the companions of the right.
56:92  And if he was from the falsifiers, the strayers.
56:93  Then, hospitality from scalding water.
56:94  And Hell-Fire flaming.
56:95  Surely this is the certainty truth.
56:96  So glorify with your Great Lord Name, Al-Aazem (The Magnificent).