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56:1  When the inevitable event comes to pass,
56:2  Then its occurrence cannot be denied.
56:3  It will put some down and elevate others.
56:4  When the earth is shaken with violent shock,
56:5  The Mountains will crumble to ground,
56:6  Becoming dust particles floating around.
56:7  You will be divided into three categories:
56:8  Those on the right hand; what of those on the right hand?
56:9  Those on the left hand; what of those on the left hand?
56:10  The foremost ones (who were monotheists) are the foremost ones (in receiving their reward).
56:11  Those are the ones who will be brought nigh (to Allâh),
56:12  Abiding in the gardens of bliss.
56:13  A multitude of those foremost will be from the ancient people
56:14  And a few will be from the later generations.
56:15  (They will sit) on bejeweled thrones,
56:16  Reclining thereon, facing one another.
56:17  Round about them will go immortal youths,
56:18  Carrying goblets, pitchers and a cup of pure wine.
56:19  That will cause them neither headache nor intoxication.
56:20  They will also be served with the fruits of their choice
56:21  And flesh of fowls that they desire.
56:22  They will have immortal maidens with wide, lovely black eyes
56:23  Like hidden pearls,
56:24  A reward for what they used to do.
56:25  They will not hear therein any evil vain talk or sinful speeches
56:26  But only the word of greeting, “Peace: Peace.”
56:27  Those on the right hand; what of those on the right hand?
56:28  (They will be) amid thornless lote trees,
56:29  And banana palms,
56:30  In an extended shade,
56:31  By water flowing constantly,
56:32  Many types of fruits,
56:33  Neither intercepted, nor forbidden,
56:34  And on exalted thrones.
56:35  Verily, We created those maidens of special creation
56:36  And then We made them virgins,
56:37  Loving, equals in age,
56:38  For those on the right hand.
56:39  A multitude of those on the right hand will be from the ancient people,
56:40  And another multitude will be from the later generations.
56:41  Those on the left hand; what of those on the left hand?
56:42  (They will be) in scorching wind and scalding hot water,
56:43  And under a shadow of black smoke,
56:44  Neither cool nor refreshing.
56:45  Verily, they were, before that, indulging in affluence,
56:46  And they used to persist in the unpardonable sin.
56:47  They used to ask (mockingly): "When we die and turn to dust and bones, shall we be resurrected?
56:48  And our forefathers as well?”
56:49  Say: "(Yes) indeed, all the ancients and the later generations
56:50  Will be gathered together for the appointed hour of predetermined day.
56:51  Then indeed you, who are spiritually blind and deceived into falling away from the Faith,
56:52  Will assuredly eat from Zaqqūm tree,
56:53  Filling up your bellies with it.
56:54  And thereon you will drink of scalding water,
56:55  Gulping it like thirsty camels".
56:56  This is their accommodation on the Day of Judgment.
56:57  It is We Who have created you. Will you then consent to accept this fact?
56:58  Have you seen that which you ejaculate?
56:59  Is it you who create it, or are We the Creators?
56:60  We have ordained death among you; and We are not to be overcome
56:61  In order that We may transfigure you and make you grow into what you do lack the knowledge of it.
56:62  And Verily, you have already known about the first creation, then why do you not celebrate His praise and declare His glory?
56:63  Have you seen the seed that you sow in the ground?
56:64  Are you the ones who cause it to grow, or is it We who do so?
56:65  Had We willed, We could have turned it into debris, then you would fall in confusion,
56:66  (Saying): ”We are indeed ruined,
56:67  In fact, we are now deprived!"
56:68  Have you seen the water which you drink?
56:69  Are you the ones who cause it to fall down from the clouds, or is it We Who do so?
56:70  Had We willed, we could have made it very salty. Then why do you not show any gratitude (to your Lord for His endless blessings).
56:71  Have you seen the fire which you kindle?
56:72  Are you the ones who initiated its tree, or is it We Who do so?
56:73  We have made it an Awakening and a useful item for the inhabitants of the wilderness.
56:74  Now, therefore, glorify with praise the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.
56:75  Nay, but I swear by the positions of the stars.
56:76  Verily, this is indeed a great oath if you but know-
56:77  This is indeed an honorable Qur’ān
56:78  In a well-preserved Record.
56:79  No one shall touch it except the purified ones.
56:80  It is Revelation Knowledge from the Lord of all the worlds.
56:81  Is it such a divine discourse that you are struggling to accept
56:82  And you make your denial thereof your means of livelihood?
56:83  Then why (can't you help a soul) when it comes up to the throat?
56:84  You are at the moment looking on (helplessly),
56:85  And We are closer to him than you, but you do not see.
56:86  Since you are not held under authority,
56:87  Why do you not bring it back (to its body) if you are truthful?
56:88  Then if he is one of those who are drawn nigh (to Allâh),
56:89  (His soul) will be a breath of life with the scent of basil in the gardens of bliss.
56:90  But if he is one of those on the right hand,
56:91  His soul will be (greeted by the word) “Peace” from those on the right hand.
56:92  But if he is one of those who are spiritually blind, and deceived into falling away from the Faith,
56:93  Then his accommodation will be scalding hot water
56:94  And the heat of the burning Fire.
56:95  Verily, this is the Ultimate Truth.
56:96  Now, therefore, glorify with praise the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.