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11:1  Alif. Lam. Ra. (This is) a Book, whose Verses are made perfect and lucid. It is from the One who is All-Wise, All-Aware.
11:2  (It Commands mankind and the jinn to) worship Allâh in the way He wants them to worship Him. (Say): "I have been sent to you from Him to encourage (towards the eternal bliss of Paradise) and to warn (of the severe torment of Hellfire):
11:3  And (to exhort) you to ask Forgiveness from your Lord, and to turn to Him in repentance. He will provide with a goodly provision to an appointed term, and bestow His abounding grace upon everyone according to the greatness of his merit. But if you are tempted to walk away, then I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful day.
11:4  To Allâh is your return and He is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.”
11:5  Oh, verily, they cover up their breasts in order to hide (their evil thoughts) from Him. Certainly, even when they cover themselves with their clothes, He has full knowledge of what they put out of sight and what they disclose. Most assuredly He has full knowledge of whatsoever is stored up in the hearts.
11:6  There is no living creature on the earth but its provision is guaranteed by Allâh. He has full knowledge of its dwelling place and its place of storage. Lo! All is in a reliable book.
11:7  He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in six days – and His Throne (of power & glory) was upon the water- so that He may let you experience hardship in order to identify those among you who strive to do righteous deeds. Yet if it happens that you say unto them: ‘You will indeed be resurrected after death (& judged), those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth will say: “This is nothing but an apparent sorcery.’
11:8  If We delayed for them the (divine) retribution until a reckoned time, they would surely say: ‘What detains it?’ Verily, on the day when it will come to them, nothing can prevent it from reaching them. And they will be encompassed by that which they used to scoff.
11:9  If it happens that We let the man taste some Mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, he will surely be solicitous and impious.
11:10  But If We let him taste a favor after some misfortune that has touched him, he will say: ‘Evil things have departed from me.' Verily, he is triumphantly happy and boastful-
11:11  Except those who cling to patience and strive to do righteous acts: for them is forgiveness and a great award.
11:12  You may have the tendency to give up part of what has been revealed to you of the knowledge of the Truth, and feel frustrated by it, because they say: ‘Why has not a treasure been sent down to him, or an Angel has come with him?’ But the fact is that you are no more than a Messenger (whose duty is to deliver the Message and) to warn. And Allâh is the Custodian over all things.
11:13  Or do they say: ‘He has fabricated It?’ Say: ‘Bring then ten fabricated Sūrats like to It. And invite whomever you can, other than Allâh, if you do speak the truth.’
11:14  But if they do not respond to you, then let them know that it has been revealed by the knowledge of Allâh, and that there is no other god beside Him. Will you then hasten to embrace Islam?
11:15  We shall pay those who seek (the pleasures of) this worldly life and its adornment in full for the deeds they have done therein. They shall have no reduction therein.
11:16  Those are the ones for whom is nothing in the Hereafter but the Fire, and what they wrought therein will reap nothing: unprofitable is that which they used to do.
11:17  Can, then, (he who seeks the pleasures of this worldly life would be counted equal with one) who stands upon a conclusive evidence from his Lord, and a witness from Himself recites It, and before It was the Book of Moses, an epitome and mercy? Such believe in It; but whoever of the sects that voluntarily and consciously refuses to acknowledge It- Hellfire will be his promised abode. Now, therefore, do not harbour doubts about It. It is the truth from your Lord, yet most people have no tendency to live by Faith.
11:18  Who then does greater evil than one who attributes falsehood to Allâh? These will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say: ‘These are the ones who attributed falsehood to their Lord!’ Surely the curse of Allâh will descend upon those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
11:19  They are the ones who prevent others from the path of Allâh and seek to make it appear misshapen. And it is they who voluntarily and consciously refuse to acknowledge the existence of the Hereafter.
11:20  These will never be able to escape (from the punishment of Allâh) on the earth, nor do they have guardians, other than Allâh. The punishment (that awaits them) will be doubled for them. They could not tolerate to hear (the Truth ), nor were they willing to see.
11:21  Those are the ones who have lost their own selves and that which they used to fabricate has failed them.
11:22  Most surely they are the greatest losers in the Hereafter.
11:23  Verily, as for those who live by Faith, strive to do righteous acts and humble themselves before their Lord, they will be the Denizens of Al-Jannah, and there they shall live forever.
11:24  The similitude of the two parties is as the one who is blind and deaf, and the one that sees and hears. Are they equal in similitude? Will you not then take close heed ?
11:25  Verily We sent Noah (as Our Messenger) to his people. (He said to them): ‘I have been sent to you from your Lord to warn (of the severe torment of Hellfire):
11:26  You should only worship Allâh in the way He wants you to worship Him. I fear for you the punishment of a painful day.’
11:27  The chieftains of his people who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth said: ‘We see you only human being like us. And we see that those who follow you are the worst among us at first thought. Furthermore we do not see in you any thing that makes you special or better than us. Actually we think you are a group of lairs.’
11:28  He said: ‘O’ my people! Would you cerebrate if (I tell you that) I have received the knowledge of the Truth from my Lord, and a Mercy has come to me from Himself, but it has been made enigmatic to you, can we compel you to yield to it when you intensely loathe it?
11:29  And O’ my people, I do not ask of you any wealth (for what I admonish you). My reward is due from Allâh. I am not going to drive out those who adhere to Absolute Monotheism. Verily they will meet their Lord. But I see that you are a people who delight in belittling anyone who tries to reason with you.
11:30  O’ my people, who will protect me against (the chastisement of) Allâh if I drive them away? Will you not then take this into consideration?
11:31  And I do not say to you, ‘I possess the treasure houses of Allâh’ nor, ‘I have the knowledge of (the world) of unseen’, nor do I say, ‘I am an Angel.’ Nor do I say to those upon whom your eyes look down that Allâh will never grant them any good. Allâh has full knowledge of what is stored in their hearts. Lo! if I were to say this, then surely I would be of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
11:32  They said: ‘O’ Noah, indeed, you have argued with us and prolonged the debate. Now, therefore, bring upon us that which you threaten us with if you do speak the truth.’
11:33  He said: ‘Only Allâh will bring it on you if he wills. You will never be able to escape (from the punishment of Allâh).
11:34  And my counsel will not avail you if I desire to give you good counsel when Allâh desires to let you go away from the Truth. He is your Lord and to Him you will be brought back.’
11:35  Or do they say: ‘He has fabricated It?’ Say: ‘if I have fabricated It, then my crime will be upon me. But I am free of (all the iniquitous deeds that) you earn.’
11:36  It was inspired to Noah: ‘No one of your people is going to adhere to Faith, except he who has already adhered to faith. Now, therefore, do not be distressed because of what they do.
11:37  Start building the Ark under Our Eyes and through Our Inspiration. And and do not appeal to Me in behalf of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims. Most certainly, they are doomed be to drowned.’
11:38  Noah began to build the Ark. And whenever the chieftains of his people passed by him, they scoffed at him. He used to say unto them: “If you scoff at us now, we will indeed scoff at you as the same way you do.
11:39  You will soon come to know to whom will come a punishment degrading him, and upon whom an everlasting punishment will fall.’
11:40  When at last Our Command came and water gushed forth from the Tanūr (i.e oven cave in the house of Noah), We said: ‘Embark therein two of every kind, a pair (male and female), and your family - except for the those against whom the Word has already gone forth - and those who adhere to Faith.’ And none but a few adhered to Faith with him:
11:41  (Noah) said: ’Embark therein! in the name of Allâh will be its sailing and its anchorage. Most certainly my Lord is Oft- Forgiving- Most Merciful.’
11:42  And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains, and Noah called out his son, who was standing aloof: ‘O’ my son, (come on and) embark with us and do not be with those who are spiritually dead and blind.
11:43  He said: ‘I will betake myself to a mountain, it will protect me from the water.’ (Noah) said: ‘There is no protector today from the command of Allâh except the ones on whom He has Mercy.’ A wave intervened between them, and so he was among the ones who were doomed be to drowned.
11:44  It was said: ‘O’ earth, swallow up your water! And O’ sky, recede! So the water ebbed out and the command was completely fulfilled. The Ark rested upon Mount al-Jūdī’. And it was said: ‘Deprived of divine clemency were the ones who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
11:45  Noah called upon his Lord and said: ‘O’ my Lord, my son is indeed of my family. Your promise is definitely true, and you are the Most Just of all the judges."
11:46  Allâh Said: ‘O Noah, indeed he is not of your family. He is certainly a man of unrighteous behavior. Now, therefore, do not ask Me of that whereof you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you be among the ignorant.’
11:47  Noah said: ‘My Lord, I earnestly seek refuge in You from asking You that whereof I have no knowledge. Unless You forgive me and have Mercy on me, I will be among those who are doomed perdition.’
11:48  It was said: ‘O’ Noah, descend with peace from Us and blessings on you and on people who will descend from those with you. (There will be other) people to whom We shall grant them enjoyment, then a painful chastisement from Us will touch them.’
11:49  These events belong to the (world of) unseen which We reveal to you. Neither you nor your people had knowledge of them before this. Now, therefore, cling to patience! Verily, the (delightful) end is for the Pious (who show honor and reverence for Allâh).
11:50  To (the people of) ‘A'd (We sent) their brother, Hūd. He said: ‘O’ my people! Worship Allâh (in the way He wants you to worship Him)! You have no other god but Him. Lo! You are no more than inventors of lies.
11:51  ‘O' my people, I do not ask of you any wealth (for what I admonish you). My reward is due from none but from the One Who created me. Don't you have conscious thoughts at least in this sense?
11:52  O’ my people, ask Forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him (in repentance). He will cause the sky to rain abundance on you and invigorate your strength. And do not turn away as ungodly sinners!’
11:53  They said: ‘O’ Hūd, since you have not brought to us any clear evidence, we are not going to renounce our deities for the sake of your word. We simply don't trust you.
11:54  We can only say that some of our gods have afflicted you with a curse.’ He said: ‘I call Allâh to witness, and you bear witness that I am free of what you ascribe as partners (to Allâh)
11:55  Besides Him! Now, therefore, scheme against me all together. And give me no respite
11:56  Certainly I depend on Allâh with full trust, my Lord and your Lord. There is no living creature but He clutches it by its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is (always) on a straight path.’
11:57  But if it happens that they give no heed, (then say): ‘I have certainly notified you of that wherewith I was sent to you. My Lord will cause another people to take your place and you cannot do Him any harm. Indeed, my Lord is the Preserver of all things.’
11:58  And when Our Command came to pass, We saved Hūd and those who adhered to Monotheistic Faith by a Mercy from Us. (Actually) We saved them from a ruthless chastisement.
11:59  Such were (the people of) ‘A'd. They persistently refused to acknowledge what their Lord had revealed of the Knowledge of the Truth and to follow His Messengers. But they yield to the whims of every stubborn tyrant.
11:60  Consequently, they were chased by a curse in this worldly life and on the Day of Resurrection. Indubitably, (the people of) A’d acted impiously toward their Lord. Behold! Deprived of divine clemency were (the people of) ‘A’d, (the people of) Hūd!
11:61  To (the tribe of) ‘Thamūd’ (We sent) their brother Sālih, he said: ‘O’ my people, worship Allâh (in the way He wants you to worship Him)! You have no other god but Him. He initiated you from the earth, and then made you to dwell in it. Now, therefore, ask Forgiveness of Him and turn to Him in repentance. My Lord is always near, reacting quickly and positively.’
11:62  They said: ‘O’ Sālih, you have been among us in whom we placed our hopes before this. Do you forbid us to worship (& venerate) what our forefathers worshiped (& venerated)? We are definitely in grave doubt concerning that to which you invite us.’
11:63  He said: ‘O’ my people, I have been given an Irrefutable Sign and a Gift of Prophecy from my Lord. So have you thought carefully (about the dire consequences of your denial)? And if it should happen that I did not yield to what Allâh has inspired me, then who could help me against (the chastisement of) Allâh? In this case, you would actually add nothing to me but loss.
11:64  O’ my people, this she-camel of Allâh is a Sign for you, and so leave her to graze on the open meadows of Allâh and do not touch her with evil lest an immediate retribution will seize you.’
11:65  But they hamstrung her. So he said: ‘Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days. This is a threat that should be taken seriously.
11:66  And when Our Command came to pass, We saved Sālih and those who adhered to Monotheistic Faith by a Mercy from Us. (Actually) We saved them from the ignominy of that day. Most certainly your Lord is the One Who is the All-Strong, Almighty.
11:67  Those who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims were seized by the dreadful cry. So they became lifeless at their homes
11:68  As if they had never lived therein. Indubitably, (the people of) ‘Thamūd acted impiously towards their Lord. Behold! Deprived of divine clemency were (the people of) ‘Thamūd.
11:69  Verily, Our (Angelic) Messengers came to Abraham with the glad tidings. They said: ‘Peace’. He answered: ‘Peace’. After a short time he brought roasted calf.
11:70  When he saw that their hands were not touching it, he became suspicious and afraid of them. They said: No need to be afraid!’ We have been sent (by the Lord) to the people of ‘Lot (to destroy them)’.
11:71  His wife who was standing nearby, she laughed and so We announced to her the glad tidings of the birth of Isaac and after him Jacob.
11:72  She said: ‘Woe betide me! Shall I bear a child when I am an old woman, and here is my husband, an old man? Surely this is a strange thing’.
11:73  They said: ‘Are you astonished at the Command of Allâh? May the Mercy of Allâh and His Blessings be upon you, O’ people of this house! Most certainly Allâh is All-Praiseworthy, All-Glorious’.
11:74  And when fear departed from Abraham and the glad tidings came to him, He started pleading with Us for the people of Lot.
11:75  For Abraham was certainly forbearing, lenity and oft-returning.
11:76  They said: ‘O’ Abraham, leave this aside. Indeed, the Command of your Lord has gone forth. Verily, there must come to them a chastisement that cannot be averted’.
11:77  When Our Messengers came to ‘Lot, he became distressed and felt himself straitened for them. He said: ‘This is a distressful day’.
11:78  His people who used to commit evil deeds came rushing towards him. He said: ‘My people, here are my daughters. They are purer for you. Now, therefore, act piously toward Allâh. And do not disgrace me about my guests. Is not there among you any right-minded man?’
11:79  They said: ‘Verily you know very well that we have no right to your daughters. And you know very well what we want’.
11:80  He said: ‘I wish I had the strength to suppress you or I could betake myself to some powerful ally’.
11:81  The (Angels) said: ‘O’ ‘Lot, we are the Messengers of your Lord. They cannot come near you. Now, therefore, travel with your family in a part of the night, and do not let any of you look back, except for your wife. Most surely she will be afflicted by that which will afflict them. Verily, their appointed time is the morning.’ Is not the morning soon enough?
11:82  And when Our Command came to pass, We turned the town upside-down and poured down stones of baked clay in layers upon them,
11:83  Marked with your Lord. And they are never far from those have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
11:84  To Midian (We sent) their brother ‘Shu‘ayb. He said: ‘O’ my people, worship Allâh ( in the way He wants you to worship Him)! You have no other god but Him. Do not give short measure and short weight. Lo, I see you living in prosperity, and lo, I fear for you the chastisement of a conquering day.
11:85  O’ my people, give full measure and weight equitably and do not lessen not the (value of) things that are (legal) entitlement to the people. And furthermore do not spread corruption in the land.
11:86  That which is left by Allâh is better for you, if you are of those who live a life of Genuine Faith. And I am not a guardian over you’.
11:87  They said: ‘O ‘Shu'ayb, does your prayer command you that we should relinquish what our forefathers worshiped or that we should not do what we please with our wealth? Surely you are the forbearing and the right-minded person!’
11:88  He said: ‘O’ my people, I have been given an Irrefutable Sign from my Lord and abundant provision of Himself. So have you thought carefully (about the dire consequences of your denial)? I have no desire to be inconsistent, and then partake in what I forbid you. I only seek to reform as much as I can. My welfare is only in Allâh. I depend on Him with full trust and to Him I turn (repentant).
11:89  O’ my people, ‘Do not let your opposition to me make you indulge in iniquitous deeds lest you will be afflicted by that which afflicted the people of Noah, or the people of Hūd, or the people of ‘Sālih, nor are the people of ‘Lot far off from you!
11:90  And ask Forgiveness of your Lord and then turn to Him (repentant). Most certainly my Lord is Most Merciful- Most Loving’.
11:91  They said: ‘O Shu'ayb, we could hardly understand what you say. Surely we see you weak. Had it not been for (our esteem and special regard for your) clan, we would have certainly stoned you (to death). You are not that dear to us’.
11:92  He said: ‘O’ my people, is my clan more appreciated in your sight than Allâh? You have cast Him away behind your backs. Most assuredly my Lord is encompassing whatsoever you do.
11:93  O’ my people, work according to your strength. For lo! I (too) am working. You will come to know the one on whom will descend a divine retribution that will demean him, and who is the liar. Watch out! for I too am watching with you!’
11:94  And when Our Command came to pass, We saved ‘Shu'ayb and those who adhered to Monotheistic Faith by a Mercy from Us. The dreadful cry overtook the ones who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims. So they became lifeless at their homes
11:95  As if they had never lived therein. Lo! Deprived of divine clemency were (the people of) Midian just as ‘Thamūd’ had been deprived from the divine clemency before.
11:96  Verily We sent Moses with Our Irrefutable Signs and decisive argument.
11:97  To Pharaoh and his chiefs. But they yield to the command of Pharaoh, whereas his command was injudicious.
11:98  He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection and lead them to the Fire. Evil is the place (Hell) to which they are led.
11:99  Consequently, they were chased by a curse in this worldly life and on the Day of Resurrection. Evil is the gift that which will be given!
11:100  Such were the tales of the nations of the past which We narrate to you. Some are still standing and some have been (already) reaped.
11:101  We wronged them not but they were unfair to their own selves (when they voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims). Their (fabled) gods, whom they used to implore and pray besides Allâh did not avail them when the Command of your Lord came to pass. They actually added nothing to them but ruin (over ruin).
11:102  This is how your Lord seizes when He seizes these iniquitous towns Surely His seizure is excruciating and rigorous.
11:103  Most Surely there is a Sign in this for him who desires to be saved from the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a day on which people will be brought together. And that is the day that will be witnessed.
11:104  And We do not defer it but to a time predetermined(by Allâh).
11:105  On the day when it will come, no human person will be allowed to speak except by His permission. Some of them will be miserable and others jubilant.
11:106  Those who are miserable will be in the Fire. For them therein will be (preternatural) exhaling and inhaling,
11:107  Abiding therein so long as the heavens and earth endure, except as your Lord wills. Verily your Lord is Most Capable of accomplishing His purposes.
11:108  As for those who will be jubilant: they will be in Al- Jannah so long as the heavens and earth endure, except as your Lord wills otherwise- as a gift which will never be cut off.
11:109  Now, therefore, do not be in doubt as to that which these (spiritually blind) do worship (& venerate, other than Allâh). They worship what their forefathers had worshiped before. Most surely We shall repay them in full their share undiminished.
11:110  Verily We gave to Moses the Scripture. But differences arose therein. Had not been for a Word that had already gone forth from your Lord, the case would have been judged between them. Indeed, they are, concerning the Qur'ân, in disturbing skepticism.
11:111  ) Most surely, your Lord will pay each one of them in full for their works. Most assuredly He has full knowledge of whatsoever they do.
11:112  Now, therefore, Keep on relying on your Faith (in Allâh) just as you have been commanded. Whoever turns (unto Allâh) with you and do not transgress, (he can rest assured that) Allâh is most assuredly All-Seer of whatsoever you do.
11:113  Do not incline toward those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims, lest the Fire will touch you. Then you will have no protectors other than Allâh, nor will you be helped.
11:114  And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the beginning of the night. Indeed, the righteous deeds drive away the evil deeds. That is an enlightenment quote to those who celebrate the praise of Allâh and declare His glory.
11:115  Cling to patience! Most assuredly Allâh will not let the reward of those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith be lost.
11:116  If only there had been among the generations of the destroyed towns, who were before you, a group of people who uphold high standards of integrity warning their people from the risks of being involved in corruption, as did a few of them whom We saved. Those who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims indulged in worldly pleasures and so become Ungodly Sinners.
11:117  Your Lord would not have destroyed the towns wrongfully when their inhabitants were reformists.
11:118  And had your Lord willed, He could have definitely made mankind one community. Yet they will not cease differing,
11:119  Except those on whom your Lord has given His Mercy. The word of your Lord is fulfilled: I will definitely fill Gehenna to the brim with jinn and men all together.
11:120  All that We relate to you of the story of the Messengers is that wherewith We invigorate your heart. There has come to you, in these, the truth and an admonition, and an enlightenment quote to those who have adhered to monotheistic faith.
11:121  Say to those who have no tendency to live by Faith: ‘Work according to your strength. For lo! We (too) are working.
11:122  Wait, definitely, we are waiting’.
11:123  Unto Allâh belongs the unseen of the heavens and earth, and to Him, the matter will be returned. So worship Him, and depend on Him with full trust. Your Lord has full knowledge of whatsoever you do