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21:1  Their reckoning draws near to mankind, while they turn away in heedlessness.
21:2  No new reminder comes to them from their Lord, but they listen while they play,
21:3  Diverted their hearts. And those who do wrong discourse secretly, 'Is this except a mortal like you? Will you then approach the magic while you see?'
21:4  Say, 'My Lord knows what is said in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.'
21:5  Nay, they say, 'A confusion of dreams; Nay, he has invented it; Nay, he is a poet; So let him bring us a sign as those of old were sent.'
21:6  No city before them which We destroyed believed, will they then believe?
21:7  And We sent not before you, except men whom We inspired. So ask the people of the Reminder, if you do not know.
21:8  And We did not make them bodies not eating food, nor were they immortal.
21:9  Then We fulfilled the promise to them, and We saved them and whom We willed; and We destroyed the extravagant.
21:10  Certainly, We have sent down to you a Book in which is your Reminder; so will you not become intelligent?
21:11  And how many a city which had done wrong have We broken up, and raised up after it another people.
21:12  And when they perceived Our punishment, behold, they ran away from it.
21:13  Run not away; and return to what life of affluence you enjoyed and your dwellings, perhaps you will be questioned.
21:14  They said, 'O woe to us! Indeed, We were wrongdoers.'
21:15  And that ceased not to be their cry until We made them mown down, extinguished.
21:16  And We did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them in play.
21:17  Had We wished to take a diversion, surely We would have taken it from Ourselves; if We were doers.
21:18  Nay, We hurl the truth against the falsehood and it breaks its head, and behold, it vanishes, and woe to you for what you describe.
21:19  And His is whoever is in the heavens and the earth and those who are with Him are not proud for His service, nor do they weary.
21:20  They glorify night and day, they do not pause.
21:21  Or have they taken gods from the earth who can quicken?
21:22  If there were in both of them gods besides God, surely they would have been corrupted. So glory be to God, the Lord of the throne, above what they describe.
21:23  He shall not be questioned concerning what He does, but they shall be questioned.
21:24  Or have they taken gods besides Him? Say, 'Bring your proof. This is the Reminder of those who are with me, and the Reminder of those who were before me.' Nay, most of them do not know the truth, so they turn away.
21:25  We have not sent any messenger before you, but We inspired him that, 'There is no god but Me, so serve Me.'
21:26  And they say, 'The Merciful has taken a son.' Glory be to Him. Nay, honoured servants;
21:27  They do not precede Him in speech; and they act at His command.
21:28  He knows what is before them, and what is behind them, and they shall not intercede except for who He is pleased with; and they are apprehensive from fear of Him.
21:29  And whoever of them says, 'Indeed, I am a god besides Him,' then that We will recompense with Hell. Thus We recompense the wrongdoers.
21:30  Do those who disbelieved not see that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them; and We made from water every living thing; will they not then believe?
21:31  And We placed in the earth firm mountains lest it should move with them, and We made therein ravines as ways, perhaps they may be guided.
21:32  And We made the heaven a guarded roof; but they, from its signs turn away.
21:33  And He is the one who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all are in an orbit, gliding.
21:34  And We made not immortality for mortals before you; so if you die, then will they be immortal?
21:35  Every soul will taste death. And We test you with the evil and the good, a trial; and unto Us you will be returned.
21:36  And when those who disbelieve see you, they take you not except in mockery, 'Is this he who mentions your gods?' And they at the mention of the Merciful are disbelievers.
21:37  Man is created of haste. I will show you My signs; so do not ask Me to hasten.
21:38  And they say, 'When is this threat, if you are truthful?'
21:39  If those who disbelieved knew when the fire shall not be warded off from their faces nor from their backs, and they shall not be helped.
21:40  Nay, it shall come on them suddenly, and shall dumbfound them, and they shall not be able to repel it, nor shall they be respited.
21:41  And surely, certainly messengers before you were mocked, then what they used to mock at surrounded those who scoffed among them.
21:42  Say, 'Who shall guard you by night and day from the Merciful?' Nay, they from the mention of their Lord turn aside.
21:43  Or have they gods to defend them besides Us? They cannot help themselves, and they cannot be protected from Us.
21:44  Nay, We have granted enjoyment to these and their fathers until life was prolonged upon them. Do they not see that We come to the land, reducing it of its borders? Shall they then prevail?
21:45  Say, 'I only warn you by the inspiration;' But the deaf do not hear the call when they are warned.
21:46  And if a breath of the punishment of your Lord touches them, surely they will definitely say, 'O woe to us! Indeed, we were wrongdoers.'
21:47  We will place just balances for the Day of Resurrection, so no soul shall be wronged anything, and if there is the weight of a grain of mustard seed, We will bring it; and We suffice for reckoners.
21:48  And surely, certainly We gave Moses and Aaron the criterion, and a light and a reminder for those who fear;
21:49  Those who fear their Lord in the unseen; and they are afraid of the Hour.
21:50  And this is a blessed reminder which We have sent down, will you then reject it?
21:51  And surely, certainly We gave Abraham his rectitude before, and about him We knew.
21:52  When he said to his father and his people, 'What are these images to which you pay devotion?'
21:53  They said, 'We found our forefathers for them servants.'
21:54  He said, 'Surely, certainly you and your forefathers have been in clear error.'
21:55  They said, 'Have you come to us with the truth or are you of those who play?'
21:56  He said, 'Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth who originated them; and I am of those who testify to that;
21:57  And by God, surely I will plot against your idols after that you turn back, retreating.'
21:58  So he made them fragments, except a large one they had; that perhaps they might return to it.
21:59  They said, 'Who has done this with our gods? Indeed, he is of the wrongdoers.'
21:60  They said, 'We heard a youth mention them, it is said he is Abraham.'
21:61  They said, 'Then bring him before the eyes of the people; perhaps they will bear witness.'
21:62  They said, 'Have you done this with our gods, O Abraham?'
21:63  He said, 'Nay, this, the largest of them, did it; but ask them if they can speak.'
21:64  So they returned to themselves and said, 'Indeed, you are the wrongdoers.'
21:65  Then they were turned upside down on their heads, 'Indeed, you know these cannot speak.'
21:66  He said, 'Will you then serve besides God what cannot profit you anything nor harm you?
21:67  Uff to you, and to what you serve besides God! So will you not become intelligent?'
21:68  They said, 'Burn him, and help your gods, if you are doers.'
21:69  We said, 'O fire! Be coolness and safety for Abraham.'
21:70  And they desired to plot against him, but We made them the greatest losers.
21:71  And We saved him and Lot to the land which We have blessed for the worlds.
21:72  And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob in addition, and each We made righteous;
21:73  And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired them to do good works, and to be steadfast in the prayer, and to give the alms; and they were for Us servants.
21:74  And Lot, We gave him judgment and knowledge, and We saved him from the city which was doing bad deeds; indeed, they were evil, disobedient people.
21:75  And We made him enter into Our mercy; indeed, he was of the righteous.
21:76  And Noah, when he called before, and We answered him and saved him and his people from the great trouble.
21:77  And We helped him from the people who said Our signs were lies; indeed, they were evil people, so We drowned them all together.
21:78  And David and Solomon, when they gave judgment concerning the field, when the people's sheep strayed therein; and We were witnesses to their judgment;
21:79  And We made Solomon to understand it, and to each We gave judgment and knowledge. And We subjected with David the mountains and the birds; they glorify. And We were doers.
21:80  And We taught him the making of coats of mail for you, to protect you from your valour; are you then grateful?
21:81  And to Solomon the wind blowing violently, flowing by his command to the land in which We blessed. And We know all things.
21:82  And of the devils were those who would dive for him and would do work other than that; and We were guardians of them.
21:83  And Job, when he cried to his Lord, 'Indeed, harm has touched me, and You are the most merciful of the merciful.'
21:84  And We answered him, and removed what was on him of harm; and We gave him his family, and the like of them with them, mercy from Us, and a reminder to the servants.
21:85  And Ishmael, and Idris, and Dhu 'l Kifl, all were of the patient.
21:86  And We made them enter into Our mercy; indeed, they were of the righteous.
21:87  And Dhu 'l Nun, when he went in anger and thought that We had no power over him; and He cried out in the darkness, 'There is no god except You, Glory be to You. Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers.'
21:88  So We answered him and saved him from the grief. And thus We save the believers.
21:89  And Zachariah, when he called on his Lord, 'My Lord! Do not leave me alone; and You are the best of heirs.'
21:90  So We answered him, and bestowed upon him John; and We made his wife right for him; indeed, they used to hasten in good works, and they called on Us with longing and fear, and were humble to Us.
21:91  And the one who guarded her private parts, so We blew into her of Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds.
21:92  Indeed, this your nation is one nation; and I am your Lord, So serve Me.
21:93  But they cut up their affair between them; all shall return to Us;
21:94  And he who does good works, and he is a believer, there is no denial of his effort, and indeed, We are scribes for it.
21:95  And there is a ban upon a city which We have destroyed that they shall not return,
21:96  Until when Yajuj and Majuj are let out, and they from every mound descend.
21:97  And the true promise has drawn near, and behold, the eyes of those who disbelieve starring. 'O woe to us! Verily, We were in heedlessness of this. Nay, we were wrongdoers.'
21:98  'Indeed, you and what you serve besides God, shall be pebbles of Hell, you shall come to it.'
21:99  If these had been gods they would not have come to it, and all shall dwell forever therein;
21:100  For them therein is groaning, and they therein shall not hear.
21:101  Indeed, those for whom the good has gone forth from Us, those shall be kept far away from it;
21:102  They shall not hear the slightest sound of it, and they in what their souls desire shall dwell forever.
21:103  The greatest terror shall not grieve them; and the angels shall meet them, 'This is your day which you were promised.'
21:104  The day We will roll up the heaven like a scroll is rolled up for books; as We began the first creation will We repeat it, a promise upon Us; indeed, We are doers.
21:105  And verily, We have written in the Psalms after the reminder that 'The earth, My righteous servants will inherit it.'
21:106  Indeed, in this is surely a communication for people, servants.
21:107  And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds.
21:108  Say, 'It is only inspired to me that your god is one god; will you then submit?
21:109  Then if they turn their backs then say, 'I have announced to you equally, and I do not know if what you are threatened with is near or far.
21:110  Indeed, He knows what is spoken aloud, and He knows what you hide.
21:111  And I know not, perhaps it is a trial for you and a provision for a time.’
21:112  He said, 'My Lord! Judge with truth. And Our Lord is the Merciful, the one whose help is sought against what you describe.'