Or (have) they taken gods from the earth, they raise (the dead)?
And yet some people choose to worship certain earthly things or beings as deities that [are supposed to] resurrect [the dead; and they fail to realize that]
Or have they chosen gods from the earth who raise the dead
Or have they taken (for worship) gods from the earth who can raise (the dead)
Or have they taken gods from the earth, who can raise the dead?
Or have they taken for themselves Earthly gods who resurrect the dead?
Have they taken deities from the earth who can bring the dead to life
Or have they taken gods from the earth who raise (the dead)
Or took they gods to themselves from the earth, they, ones who revive the dead?
Or have they taken gods from earth who will raise the dead?
Or have they taken ones worthy of worship from the earth who (has the power to) raise the dead?
Or have they taken gods from the earth who resurrect
Did they choose gods from the earth who can resurrect?
Or have they taken to themselves gods from the earth who resurrect
Or have the people picked up gods from the earth? Will they raise (the dead)
Have the earthly deities, that they have taken for worship, the power to raise the dead
Or even have they taken to themselves gods from the earth who make (the dead) rise up again
Have they chosen deities from earth? Can such deities give life to anyone
Or have they adopted gods from the earth, who raise the dead
And yet, some people choose 'gods' from the earth thinking that systems devised by them can make the humanity rise
Have they accepted other gods on the earth? Do those other gods bring the dead back to life
Or have they taken (other) gods from the earth who can raise the dead
Or have men taken for themselves gods from the earth who resurrect [the dead]
Or have they taken earthly gods who can resurrect?
Have they chosen any gods from the earth who can give life to the dead
Have they taken gods from the earth who raise the deed
Or have they taken gods from the earth who can raise the dead
Or have they taken gods out of the earth who can bring the dead to life?
What, have those polytheists (given up hope of heaven and) adopted deities from the earth, (do they believe) that they (those deities) can raise up the dead
Have they taken gods from the earth who raise [the dead]
Or have they chosen gods from the earth who can raise the dead
Or have they taken gods from the earth that they (can) raise (the dead)?
Have they taken for worship gods from the earth who can resurrect
Or have they taken gods from the Earth who can resurrect
Have they taken earthly gods who are such that they raise up the dead to life
Or have they taken earthly gods who can resurrect?
Or have they taken gods whom they themselves have fashioned/designed out of the earth!
Have they made some such gods from the earth who creates something?
Have they found gods on earth who can create?
Or, have they taken earthly gods who revive the dead
Or have they taken gods from the earth who give life
Or they took/received gods from the earth/Planet Earth, they are reviving/resurrecting
Can these earthly things (that they have taken them as their gods) create
Have they appointed from the earth, gods that create something
Have they taken gods from the earth who raise the dead
Have they (the disbelievers) taken from (the contents of) the earth gods that can raise (the dead) alive
And yet some people have chosen (false) gods from the earth who (are supposed to) raise (the dead) to life
Or have they taken (for worship) aliha (gods) from the earth who raise the dead
Or have they taken gods out of the earth who raise the dead
Have they taken gods from the earth? Shall they raise the dead to life
Or have they taken gods from the earth who can raise up (the dead)
Have they taken gods from the earth who can quicken the dead
Or have they chosen earthly deities? And can these deities restore the dead to life
Or have they taken gods from the earth who raise the dead?
What! Have they taken gods from the earth (in belief that) they are capable of giving life to the dead?
Or do they adopt gods from the earth who resurrect the dead?
Or have they taken to themselves gods from the earth who (can) resurrect?
Have they chosen earthly gods that can resurrect?
Or have they taken gods from earth who will raise the dead?
They are glorifying in the night and the day, not slacking.
Or have they taken for worship some earthly deities who can restore the dead to life?
Have they taken to gods from the earth who resurrect the dead?
Or have they taken deities on earth who can bring to life (enable the experience of one’s essential reality) those who are dead in their grave (unaware of the consciousness in their body)?
Or have they taken gods from the earth who can raise (the dead)
Could it be that they- the idolaters-have taken earthly objects of worship who can raise the dead and restore them to life
They glorify (Him) night and day without slowing down.
Or have they taken gods from the earth who can quicken?
Or have they taken (for worship) gods from the earth who can raise (the dead)
Or (have) they taken gods from the earth, they raise (the dead)
Ami ittakhathoo alihatan mina al-ardi hum yunshiroona
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