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68:1  Nu’on. By the pen and that which they inscribe:
68:2  You are not, by the Grace of your Lord, a madman.
68:3  For you, most surely, there will be a never-ending reward.
68:4  Indeed, You are endowed with sublime moral excellence.
68:5  You will see and they will also see
68:6  Which of you is infatuated with insanity.
68:7  Most assuredly your Lord already knows who has deviated from His path. And He knows those who walk on the right path to salvation.
68:8  Now, therefore, pay no attention to those who are spiritually blind.
68:9  They would like to (see you) compromise so that they may also make compromises.
68:10  And pay no attention to any despicable oath-maker,
68:11  Slanderer, spreading vilification (in all directions),
68:12  Abandoning goodness in favour of falsehood, going beyond the bounds, willfully keeping on sinning
68:13  Willfully causing suffering to others, besides all that, morally corrupt,
68:14  Even though he possesses hug wealth and many children.
68:15  Whenever the Qur'ānic Verses are recited to him, he says: “Myths of the ancients."
68:16  We shall brand him on the snout.
68:17  Indeed, We have let them experience hardship as We let the owners of the cultivated orchard experience hardship when they swore to pluck all its fruits in the morning
68:18  Without saying: “If Allâh wills it.”
68:19  So there came upon it a visitation form your Lord when they were asleep.
68:20  It became like dark gloomy night.
68:21  Then they called out to each other in the early morning:
68:22  “Now go early to your cultivated orchard if you desire to pluck the fruits.”
68:23  So they set out while whispering to each other.
68:24  “Let not any poor enter it today when you are there.”
68:25  They went forth early in the morning, thinking that they were able to (drive the poor away from their orchard).
68:26  But when they saw it, they said: "Most surely we have lost our way:
68:27  No, but the fact is we are deprived.”
68:28  The most moderate one of them said: "Did I not tell you that you should celebrate the praise of your Lord and declare His absolute majesty and glory?"
68:29  They said: "Honor, power, and might belong to our Lord forever. We have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of our own whims."
68:30  Then they started casting blame on each other.
68:31  They said: "Woe betide us! Surely we were transgressors:
68:32  It may be that our Lord will give us in exchange a better (orchard) than this. Indeed, we turn in repentance to our Lord.”
68:33  Such is the punishment. Surely the punishment of the Hereafter is greater If only they knew.
68:34  Surely the Pious will have in the presence of their Lord Gardens of bliss.
68:35  Shall We then treat the ones who wholly submit (to the authority of Allâh) like the Ungodly Sinners?
68:36  What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
68:37  Or do you have a book in which you learn
68:38  That you will indeed have whatever you choose (and desire)?
68:39  Or do you have covenant on oath from Us, extending until the day of Resurrection, that you will have whatever you demand?
68:40  Now ask them which of them will vouch for that,
68:41  Or do they have partners? Then let them bring their partners if they are truthful.
68:42  On the Day of Judgement, Allâh will uncover His Shin, and the Ungodly Sinners will be ordered to prostrate themselves, but they will not be able.
68:43  Their eyes will be cast down, and humiliation will cover them, for they had been be called to prostrate themselves while they were whole.
68:44  Now, therefore, leave Me alone with him who refuses this pronouncement. We will progressively lead them into their own destruction from whence they do not anticipate.
68:45  And I will give them respite. My plan is firmly established.
68:46  Or do you ask them to give you a reward (for your preaching) while they are heavily burdened with debt?
68:47  Or do they have (the knowledge of) the world of unseen, so they write (it) down?
68:48  Now, therefore, wait with patience for the verdict of your Lord and do not be like the companion of the whale, (Jonah), who cried out in despair.
68:49  Had not been a grace from his Lord reached him, he would have been cast off onto the open land while he was still blameworthy
68:50  But his Lord chose him and made him among the righteous.
68:51  Those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth would almost smite you with their eyes when they hear a recitation from the Book of Enlightenment Quotes- (the Revealer of Truth, the Qur’ān). Then they say: “Surely he is a lunatic."
68:52  But it is not more than a of Enlightenment Quotes to all the beings.