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69:1  The Inevitable Reality!
69:2  What is the Inevitable Reality?
69:3  And what will make you know exactly what the Inevitable Reality is?
69:4  (The people of) Thamūd and ‘Ād refused to admit the truth of the calamity.
69:5  As for the Thamūd, they were destroyed by loud and dreadful cry.
69:6  As for ‘Ād, they were destroyed by furious howling wind,
69:7  Which Allâh unleashed it upon them for seven nights and eight days continuously. Thus, you could see the people lying lifeless as if they were hollow trunks of date-palms!
69:8  Now, can you see any trace of them?!
69:9  Similarly, Pharaoh, and those who lived before him, and the overthrown cities- (all of them) indulged in iniquitous deeds,
69:10  And persistently refused to yield to what their Lord has revealed to His Messenger, and so He chastised them with a fierce punishment.
69:11  Truly when the waters rose high above the earth, We carried you in the floating (Ark)
69:12  So that We may make this a lesson for you, and that those who attentively listen will take close heed (of the warnings).
69:13  Then when the Trumpet will be blown with one blast,
69:14  The earth and the mountains will be lifted up from their places and dashed to pieces with a single blow.
69:15  Then, on that day, the Inevitable Event will come to pass.
69:16  The heavens will split asunder and become frail on that day
69:17  While the Angel will be on its sides. Eight of them, on that day, will carry the (Glorious) Throne of your Lord above all the creatures.
69:18  On that day, you will be brought (before your Lord): all the secrets of yours will be laid bare.
69:19  Then as for him who is given his record book in his right hand, he will say: "Here, take and read my book!.
69:20  Surely I knew that I would meet my account.”
69:21  So he will be in a delightful life,
69:22  In a lofty Garden:
69:23  Its fruits are within reach.
69:24  Eat and drink pleasantly for what you put forth in the days past.
69:25  However, as for him who is given his record book in his left hand, he will say: "I wish that I had not been given my book,
69:26  And that I had not known what my account was.
69:27  I wish death had been the end.
69:28  My wealth has not availed me,
69:29  (And) I have lost the power of influence.”
69:30  Now seize him, then shackle him,
69:31  Then throw him into the Inferno,
69:32  And then tie him up with a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits.
69:33  Most assuredly he had no Faith in Allâh, the Most Great.
69:34  He did not urge on the feeding of the poor.
69:35  So, this day, he will have no true friend here
69:36  Neither any food (to eat) but pus.
69:37  Which none eats it but the Ungodly Sinners.
69:38  But nay! I swear by all that you see
69:39  And by all that you do not see.
69:40  This (Qur’ān) is most definitely the utterance of an honorable messenger.
69:41  It is not the utterance of a poet. You have so little faith!
69:42  It is not the utterance of sage. You have little reason to heed .
69:43  It is Revelation Knowledge from the Lord of all the worlds.
69:44  If he had invented false sayings about Us,
69:45  We would definitely have taken him by the right hand,
69:46  Then cut off his aorta.
69:47  No one of you would be able to prevent Us from punishing him.
69:48  Verily (this Qur’ān) is a Book of Enlightenment Quotes for the Pious.
69:49  And most assuredly We know that there are some among you who are spiritually blind.
69:50  Verily (this Qur’ān) is a source of bitter regret for the spiritually blind.
69:51  Indeed, It is the Absolute Truth.
69:52  Now, therefore, glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.