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44:1  Haa. Me’im!
44:2  By this Book, which reveals the (ultimate truth).
44:3  We sent it down on a Blessed Night. We truthfully are ever warning.
44:4  On this night, every wise command is made distinct.
44:5  A command from Us, We truthfully are ever sending Messengers
44:6  As a Mercy from your Lord. Most certainly He is All-hearing and All-knowing.
44:7  (Allâh is) the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them if you do have Absolute Faith.
44:8  There is no other God beside Him. He is the One true God Who gives life and causes death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your fore-fathers.
44:9  Nay, but they harbour doubts, playing.
44:10  Then wait for the day when the sky brings dense smoke,
44:11  Enveloping the people. This is an agonizing chastisement.
44:12  (They will say): "Our Lord! We pledge to affirm our Faith if You will deliver us from this deadly peril!"
44:13  How can this (deadly peril) awaken their hearts (at the last minute) when a Messenger has already come to them (with the Full Knowledge of Truth)?
44:14  Yet they turned away from him and said: “A lunatic, taught by others."
44:15  We shall indeed deliver you from the deadly peril for a while but truly you will revert (to your persistent and purposeful denial of the Truth).
44:16  On the day when We will seize them with the most fierce seizing: we will definitely inflict retribution.
44:17  And verily We tried the clan of Pharaoh before them: An honorable Messenger came to them,
44:18  Saying: “Deliver to me the servants of Allâh, I am truly faithful Messenger (of Allâh) to you.”
44:19  Do not (venture to) display an arrogant attitude towards the Authority of Allâh. Surely, I have come to you with the evidence of Truth.
44:20  And lo! I truly seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord lest you stone me to death.
44:21  But if you do not trust me, then at least stay away from me.”
44:22  Then he called upon his Lord: “These are Ungodly Sinners.”
44:23  Then (his Lord commanded): “Then set out with My servants by night. Most surely, you will be followed,
44:24  And leave the sea behind at rest. Surely they are a host doomed to be drowned".
44:25  How many gardens and fountains did they leave behind,
44:26  As well as cornfields, luxury homes,
44:27  And other bounties which they enjoyed.
44:28  This is how We caused all these things to be inherited by other people.
44:29  Neither the sky nor the earth shed a tear over them; nor were they reprieved.
44:30  Verily We saved the Children of Israel from the humiliating torment,
44:31  Inflicted by Pharaoh. Surely he was haughty and one of the prodigals.
44:32  We chose them, out of a knowledge, above all the beings.
44:33  We gave them of the Signs that in which there was a perilous trail.
44:34  Verily these do say:
44:35  "There is naught but our first death. And we shall not be resurrected.
44:36  So bring back our fore-fathers if you are truthful.
44:37  Are they better or the folk of Tubba and those who were before them whom We destroyed? We destroyed them because they were truly Ungodly Sinners.
44:38  It was not in play that We created the heavens or the earth, or all that is between them.
44:39  We created them not except for a specific reason, but most of them don’t know.
44:40  Most surely, the Decisive Day is the term for them all,
44:41  The day when no friend will be able to avail his friend in aught, nor will they be helped,
44:42  Except for the one to whom Allâh will show (His) mercy. Most certainly, He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
44:43  Surely the tree of Zaqqum
44:44  Will be the food of the sinful,
44:45  Like the murky oil boiling in the bellies.
44:46  Like the boiling of scalding water.
44:47  (It will be said): "Seize him and thrust him into the midst of Hellfire.
44:48  Then pour over his head the chastisement of scalding water."
44:49  (It will be said): “Savor! surely, you are the mighty, the generous!
44:50  Verily this is what you used to doubt.”
44:51  Indeed, the Pious will be in a secure place
44:52  In gardens and springs,
44:53  Clothed in fine silk and rich fabric, sitting face to face with one another.
44:54  Even so We will wed them to fair women with beautiful wide, lustrous eyes.
44:55  They will enjoy therein different types of fruits in perfect peace and tranquility.
44:56  They shall not taste therein death except the first death, and He will deliver them from the punishment of the Hellfire
44:57  As a Bounty from your Lord! This is indeed the ultimate success and the supreme one.
44:58  Verily, We have made this (Qur’ān) easy in your tongue so that they may take close heed.
44:59  Now, therefore, await (their doom), for they are awaiting (your death) .