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79:1  By the souls that extract themselves from a state of drowning.
79:2  By the souls that depart in ease.
79:3  By the souls that proceed by swimming.
79:4  By the souls that race swiftly.
79:5  By the souls that receive first hand commandment [from their Lord].
79:6  Day when the quaking will take place.
79:7  Followed by the second quaking.
79:8  Hearts that day will be in palpitation.
79:9  The sights thereof [the hearts] will be cast down in humility.
79:10  They will say, “Are we surely going to be brought back in our graves to our former state?
79:11  Even when we have become bones decomposed”
79:12  They will say, “That then will be a return of complete loss.”
79:13  However it is all but a single compelling outcry.
79:14  And lo! They are all in full awakening.
79:15  Has the story of Moses come to you?
79:16  When his Lord called out to him in the holy valley of Tuwa.
79:17  “Go hence to Pharaoh. Truly he has transgressed.
79:18  and say unto him ‘Do you wish to sanctify your soul?’
79:19  ‘That I may guide you to your Lord so that you may come to defer to Him’”
79:20  Then he showed him the great sign.
79:21  But he belied [the sign] and disobeyed [the messenger].
79:22  Then he turned away in view to work hard [for his plans].
79:23  So he assembled [his people] and made a declaration.
79:24  Thereupon he said, “I am your Lord the most high.”
79:25  So Allah seized him as an example of the punishment of the hereafter and of this life.
79:26  Truly in that is surely a transcending lesson for whoever defers to Allah.
79:27  Are you stronger in creation or the heaven? He built it up
79:28  He raised its roofing and then made it even.
79:29  And He darkened its night and He brought forth its radiance.
79:30  And the earth after that, He laid it down [like a cradle].
79:31  From it He brought forth its water and its pasture.
79:32  And the mountains, He anchored them firmly.
79:33  As a temporary provision for you and for your cattle.
79:34  But when the overwhelming calamity comes to pass.
79:35  The day when the human being will remember all that he had endeavored for.
79:36  And the hellfire is brought out in full view for anyone who is supposed to see it.
79:37  As for him who had transgressed.
79:38  And had preferred the life of the present world.
79:39  Then truly the hellfire is the abode.
79:40  And as for him who had feared the station of his Lord and restrained the soul from the vain desires,
79:41  then truly the garden is the abode.
79:42  They ask you about the hour when will it reach its final port?
79:43  What do you have to do with declaring it?
79:44  Final knowledge thereof is to your Lord.
79:45  You are but a warner for anyone who has deference for it.
79:46  The day they will see it as though they had not remained [in this world] except a single hour of the night or of the day.