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54:1  The hour has drawn near and the moon is split.
54:2  And if they see a sign, they turn aside and they say, “A magic that is going to pass.”
54:3  And they belied and followed their vain desires but every commandment must reach its final destination.
54:4  And indeed there has come unto them such news wherein there is enough to warn them away.
54:5  A wisdom of the uttermost reach but the warnings avail not.
54:6  Therefore turn your back on them till the day when the caller will call to something most objectionable.
54:7  With their eyes cast down in humility they will come forth from their graves as though they are locusts scattering.
54:8  Going in haste towards the caller, the disbelievers will say, “This is a day most hard.”
54:9  Before them the people of Noah belied and they belied Our servant and they said, “A madman.” so he was shunned.
54:10  So he called out to his Lord that, “I am overwhelmed so come to assistance!”
54:11  Therefore We opened the gates of the heaven with water pouring down.
54:12  And We caused the earth to gush forth with fountains so the water met according to a commandment which was well devised.
54:13  And We carried him onboard [a vessel] made of planks and nails.
54:14  It sailed under Our eyes as a requital for such a one who disbelieved.
54:15  And We indeed left it as a sign. Is there then any who is going to ponder?
54:16  How then did it go with My punishment and My warnings?
54:17  And We have indeed made the Quran easy for the remembrance. Is there then any who is going to ponder?
54:18  The people of ‘Ad belied [too] and how then did it go with My punishment and My warnings?
54:19  We indeed sent against them a freezing wind in a day of continuous ill omen.
54:20  Plucking people as though they were trunks of date-tree uprooted.
54:21  How then did it go with My punishment and My warnings?
54:22  And We have indeed made the Quran easy for the remembrance. Is there then any who is going to ponder?
54:23  People of Samood belied the warnings.
54:24  And they said, “Are we going to follow one human among us? We then are truly in a misguidance and a mania.
54:25  Has the remembrance been sent down on him [alone] from among us? Nay! He is a liar most arrogant.”
54:26  They will come to know tomorrow who is the liar most arrogant.
54:27  We indeed are going to send the she-camel as a trial for them so watch them [O Salih!] and exercise patience.
54:28  And inform them that the water is to be shared between them [and the she-camel]. Each share of the drink will be made available.
54:29  But they called their companion and he took it upon himself and hamstrung [her].
54:30  How then did it go with My punishment and My warnings?
54:31  We indeed sent against them one deafening blast so they became like the broken stalk of a cattle-fold.
54:32  And We have indeed made the Quran easy for the remembrance. Is there then any who is going to ponder?
54:33  The people of Lot belied the warnings.
54:34  We indeed sent against them a shower of pebbles excepting the family of Lot. We took them to safety by early dawn.
54:35  As a grace from Our presence. Thus do We requite anyone who offers gratitude.
54:36  And indeed he warned them of Our mighty seize but they disputed the warnings.
54:37  And they indeed sought to prevail with him about his guests so We blinded their eyes. Therefore taste you My punishment and My warnings.
54:38  And indeed a most enduring punishment visited them in the morning.
54:39  Taste you therefore My punishment and My warnings.
54:40  And We have indeed made the Quran easy for the remembrance. Is there then any who is going to ponder?
54:41  And indeed the warnings came unto the people of Pharaoh.
54:42  They belied Our signs all of them, so We seized them with a seizing of one who is All-mighty, All enforcer.
54:43  Are your disbelievers better than those ones or do you have a vindication in the former books [of wisdom]?
54:44  Or do they say, “We are all together and we are going to triumph.”
54:45  The multitude will soon be defeated and they will turn their backs in flight.
54:46  Nay! The hour is their appointed time and the hour is most horrendous and most bitter.
54:47  Truly the evildoers are in a misguidance and in a mania.
54:48  The day when they will be dragged on their faces in the fire. [It will be said unto them], “Taste you then the touch of saqar [a fire that cuts into pieces].”
54:49  Truly everything have We created it in due measure.
54:50  But Our commandment is nothing except like one twinkling of the eye.
54:51  And We indeed destroyed people of your kind [before you]. Is there then any who is going to ponder?
54:52  All that they have done is in the former books [of wisdom].
54:53  And everything small and big is noted down.
54:54  Truly those who revere Allah will be in gardens and rivers.
54:55  In a platform of righteousness in the presence of a King, All Enforcer.