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54:1  The Hour has drawn nigh, and the Moon has been rent asunder.
54:2  Yet, whenever they behold a Sign (of Allah’s power & glory), they turn away in a repulsive manner and say: "Continuous magic."
54:3  They persistently denied the truth and yielded to their own whims. Yet every affair has its appointed time.
54:4  And verily there have already come to them narratives in which there are sufficient warnings to deter them.
54:5  The Qur’ān is consummate wisdom. Yet warnings don't avail (them).
54:6  Now, therefore, ignore them and (wait for) the day when the caller will call them to something dreadful.
54:7  They will come out of their graves with their eyes downcast as if they were scattered locusts,
54:8  Hastening towards the caller. Those who are spiritually dead and blind will say: "This is an arduous day."
54:9  Before them the people of Noah persistently denied the Truth, accusing Our servant of Lying and saying: “Lunatic.” And he was repulsed.
54:10  Then he called upon his Lord: "Lo! I have been defeated and so I need Your help".
54:11  So We opened the gates of heavens with water pouring forth,
54:12  Causing the earth to burst forth with spring so that the two waters would meet for a predestined purpose.
54:13  We carried him on the (Ark) made of planks and nails,
54:14  Sailing before Our Eyes. The flood was a chastisement for (the iniquitous deeds) of those who persistently refused to yield to the Truth.
54:15  And certainly We left it as a Sign. So is there anyone who will be willing to receive admonition (and yield to the truth)?
54:16  How dreadful was then My chastisement after My warnings!
54:17  And verily, We made the Qur’ān easy for recollection, but is there anyone who will be willing to receive admonition (and yield to the truth)?
54:18  (The people of) ‘Ād’ accused (Hūd) of lying, then how dreadful was My chastisement after My warnings!
54:19  Verily, We unleashed against them a wrathful wind on a day of continuous misfortune,
54:20  Sweeping men away as if they were decayed palm tree trunks.
54:21  How dreadful was then My chastisement after My warnings!
54:22  Verily, We made the Qur’ān easy for recollection, but is there anyone who will be willing to receive admonition(and yield to the truth)?
54:23  (The people of) Thamūd persistently refused to take close heed of Our warnings.
54:24  They said: “What! Is it a mortal man, one of us, that we should follow? Verily, we would then be in utter deception and madness.
54:25  What! Out of all of us have the Enlightenment Quotes been given to him alone?? Nay, but he is an insolent liar!"
54:26  They will know tomorrow who is the liar, the insolent one!
54:27  Verily, We are going to send the She-camel as a temptation for them. Thus, watch them, (O’ Sālih), and cling to patience.
54:28  Now inform them that the water is going to be divided among them. Every drinking time will be regulated.
54:29  But they called their companion, so he took (a sword) and hamstrung the She-camel.
54:30  How dreadful was then My chastisement after My warnings!
54:31  Verily, We sent upon them one awful blast and so they became like dry twig fragments (used by) a fence builder.
54:32  And verily, We made the Qur’ān easy for recollection, but is there anyone who will be willing to receive admonition (and yield to the truth)?
54:33  The people of Lot persistently refused to take close heed of Our warnings.
54:34  Verily, We sent upon them a storm of stones, except the followers of Lot. We saved them in the early morning
54:35  As a grace from Us. This is how We reward those who show gratitude.
54:36  He, verily, warned them of Our punishment but they cast doubts on the warning!
54:37  Verily, they tried to turn him from his guests, but We wiped out their eyes. Now, therefore, taste My chastisement and My warning.
54:38  Verily, an abiding chastisement seized them early in the morning.
54:39  Then taste My chastisement and My warning.
54:40  And Verily, We made the Qur’ān easy for recollection, but is there anyone who will be willing to receive admonition (and yield to the truth)?
54:41  Verily, warnings came to the clan of Pharaoh.
54:42  They persistently denied whatsoever We have revealed, so We seized them with a seizure of the Mighty, All-powerful One.
54:43  Are, then, those of you who are spiritually blind better than those? Or have you received amnesty through the Scriptures?
54:44  Or do they say: "We shall be triumphant because of our unity?"
54:45  The hosts will be defeated. They will turn and flee.
54:46  Nay, but the Hour is their promised time, and It will be the most grievous and bitter!
54:47  Most assuredly the Ungodly Sinners are in deception and insanity.
54:48  On the day when they are dragged into the Fire upon their faces, (It will be said unto them): “Taste the touch of the Hellfire!”
54:49  Verily, We have created everything for a specific reason.
54:50  Our Command is but one as the twinkling of an eye.
54:51  Verily, We have utterly destroyed so many people like you. But is there anyone who will be willing to receive admonition (and yield to the truth)?
54:52  Everything they did is in the Books.
54:53  Everything, small or big, is written down.
54:54  Verily, the Pious servants will be in Gardens and rivers,
54:55  In a Seat of Truth in the Presence of the Most Powerful King.