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78:1  Of what do they ask one another?
78:2  Of the great information,
78:3  The one concerning which they disagree.
78:4  Not so, soon they will know.
78:5  Again, not so, soon they will know.
78:6  Did We not make the earth a bed,
78:7  And the mountains stakes,
78:8  And We created you in pairs,
78:9  And We made your sleep a rest,
78:10  And We made the night a garment,
78:11  And We made the day for livelihood,
78:12  And We built above you seven strong,
78:13  And We made a burning lamp,
78:14  And We sent down from the clouds water pouring forth,
78:15  That We may bring forth with it grain and plants,
78:16  And luxuriant gardens?
78:17  Indeed, the Day of Decision is an appointed time.
78:18  On the day the horn will be blown in, and you come in troops,
78:19  And the sky is opened and becomes gates,
78:20  And the mountains pass away and become a mirage.
78:21  Indeed, Hell is an ambush,
78:22  A place of return for the immoderate,
78:23  To tarry in it for a long time.
78:24  They will not taste in it coolness nor drink,
78:25  Except hot water and pus;
78:26  A fit recompense.
78:27  Indeed, they were not hoping for a reckoning,
78:28  And they said Our signs were lies, denying.
78:29  And everything We have numbered it in a Book.
78:30  So taste, and We will not increase you except in punishment.
78:31  Indeed, for those who fear is a place of security,
78:32  Gardens and grapevines,
78:33  And girls with swelling breasts, equal in age,
78:34  And a brimming cup of wine;
78:35  They will not hear in it idle speech nor denying;
78:36  A recompense from your Lord, a sufficing gift.
78:37  Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between both of them, the Merciful, they do not have power to discourse of Him.
78:38  On the day the spirit and the angels will stand in ranks, they will not speak except him who the Merciful permitted, and he said what is right.
78:39  That is the True Day, so he who willed took to his Lord a place of return.
78:40  Indeed We, We warned you of a near punishment on the day the man will look at what his two hands sent forward, and the disbeliever will say, 'O would that I were dust.'