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42:1  Haa. Me’im!
42:2  A'in. Siin. Qaf!
42:3  In the same manner, Allâh, the Almighty, the All-Wise, has given you, (Muhammad), the revelation in the knowledge of Him, He gave (the prophets) who were before you .
42:4  To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. He is the Most High, the Most Great.
42:5  Lo! the heavens are almost about to disintegrate above them. And the Angels celebrate the praise of their Lord and declare His glory, asking Forgiveness for those on the earth. Most Certainly Allâh is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
42:6  As for those who have taken for themselves guardians, other than Him, Allâh is Watchful over them. And you, (Muhammad), are not a guardian over them to take full responsibility for their affairs.
42:7  And so we have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’ān so that you may warn the people of the mother of towns (Mecca) and all those around it of Irrefutable Day of Gathering when some will be admitted into Al- Jannah and others will be thrown into the Inferno.
42:8  Had Allâh willed, He would surely have made them one community. But He admits whom He wills into His (Omnipotent) Mercy. Those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims will have no guardian or helper.
42:9  Or have they taken for themselves guardians besides Him? But Allâh is the only true guardian. He is the One Who gives life to the dead. And He is Most capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
42:10  In whatever you differ, the verdict thereof is with Allâh. This is Allâh, my Lord. I depend on Him with full trust. And to Him do I turn in repentance.
42:11  (He is) the Master Architect of the heavens and earth. He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs of the cattle, too, multiplying you thereby. There is nothing like to Him. He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
42:12  To Him belong the Keys of the Treasures of Heavens and the Earth: He extends and straitens His sustenance to whom He wills. Most Certainly He has Full Knowledge of everything.
42:13  He has ordained for you of religion which He commended to Noah, that which We have revealed to you, and that which We commended to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, (saying), Establish firmly the Religion and do not be divided therein.” Ungainly is that for Polytheists which you invite them. Allâh chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides to Himself whoever turns to (Him) in repentance, frequently.
42:14  They only fell into division after having received the Knowledge of Truth due to jealousy and resentment among themselves. Had it not been for a Word that had already gone forth from your Lord for an appointed term, then the whole issue would have been settled between them. Those who were made to inherit the Scripture after them are surely in disquieting doubt about their own books.
42:15  Now, therefore, to that (Faith) keep on inviting, remain on the right course as you are commanded. And do not yield to their own whims and say: “I have Absolute Faith in all the scriptures which Allâh has sent down, and my Lord has commanded me to establish justice among you. Allâh is our Lord and your Lord. We will be held accountable for our deeds, and you will be held accountable for yours. Let there be no disputation between us. Allâh will bring us all together. And to Him alone is the final destination.
42:16  Those who dispute about Allâh after obedience has been rendered to Him, their argument is invalidated in the sight of their Lord. And upon them is wrath, and they will be subjected to a vehement punishment.
42:17  It is Allâh Who sent down the Book with truth, and the Balance. What will make you know? Perhaps the Hour is close at hand.
42:18  Only those who have no Faith in It seek to hasten it. But those who live by Faith hold it in genuine reverence, knowing that it is the truth. Indeed, as for those who harbor doubts about the Hour have been deceived into going far away (form the Truth).
42:19  Allâh is extremely Benevolent towards His servants. He gives sustenance to whom He wills. He is the All-Strong, the Almighty.
42:20  Whoever seeks the tillage of the Hereafter, We will increase his tillage. Whoever seeks the tillage of this worldly life, We will give him thereof. But he will have no share in the Hereafter.
42:21  Or do they have partners of Allâh -(deities)-, who have made lawful for them in religion that which Allâh did not permit? Had it not been for the decisive Word, the whole issue would have been settled between them. Indeed, as for those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims will be subjected to a painful punishment.
42:22  You will see those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims fearful of that which they have earned, and the (divine) retribution will certainly befall them. But as for those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts (in this worldly life), they will be in the flowering meadows of the Gardens. They will have whatsoever they desire from their Lord. This is the most ultimate Bounty and the supreme one.
42:23  That is of which Allâh gives the glad tidings to His Pious Savants, to those who adhere to Faith and strive to do righteous acts (in this worldly life). Say: “I ask of you no reward for my preaching to you except love for the kinsfolk." Whoever gains a righteous act, We will give him more of good therein. Most certainly Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, All-Appreciative.
42:24  Or do they say: "He has attributed falsehood to Allâh?” If Allâh willed, He would close securely your heart. Then Allâh will completely remove falsehood and will entrench the Truth by His Word. Most Certainly He has full knowledge of whatsoever is stored up in the hearts.
42:25  He is the One Who accepts repentance from His servants and delivers people from the punishment of their iniquitous deeds. He is Fully Aware of whatsoever you do.
42:26  And He responds to those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts (in this worldly life). He will give them more out of His (Infinite) Grace. But for those who have no tendency to live by Faith, there is a vehement punishment.
42:27  If Allâh were to extend excessively the sustenance for his servants, they would certainly rebel on the earth. But He sends down by measure as He wills. Most certainly He is All-Aware, All-Seer of His servants.
42:28  And He is the One Who sends down the rain after they have lost hopes, spreading out His Mercy. He is the Guardian, Worthy of all Praise.
42:29  (One) of His Signs (of power & glory) is the creation of the heavens and of the earth, and of whatever beasts He has dispersed therein. He is Most Capable of gathering them all together whenever He desires.
42:30  And whatever misfortune befalls you, it is due to what your own hands have earned.
42:31  And you cannot frustrate the power (of Allâh) on the Earth. Other than Allâh, you have neither a protector nor a helper.
42:32  (One) of His Signs (of power & glory) is the ships that run on the sea like mountains.
42:33  If He wills, He can cause the wind to become still and let the ships remain motionless on the top of water. Surely, in this, there are Signs for every one who is patient and grateful.
42:34  Or He can destroy them (by drowning) as a (divine) retribution for their evil deeds. But He pardons much.
42:35  And that those who dispute concerning Our Signs may know that there can be no safe havens for them.
42:36  Therefore, whatever you are given is but a provision of this worldly life. But what is with Allâh is far better and more lasting for those who live by faith and depend on their Lord with full trust;
42:37  Who shun the major sins and gross indecencies, and forgive whenever they are angry,
42:38  Who respond to their Lord, establish the regular prayer, conduct their affairs by Mutual Consultation and expend of what We have bestowed on them,
42:39  And who when they suffer aggression, they defend themselves.
42:40  The retribution for an evil act is an evil one like thereof, but whoever forgives and makes amends, his reward is due from Allâh. Indeed, Allâh does not demonstrate His own love for those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
42:41  And whoever defends himself after he has been wronged, for such, there will be no blame on them.
42:42  Blame attaches only to those who oppress people and wrongfully revolt on the earth. For those, there will be a painful chastisement.
42:43  And verily whosoever clings to patience and Forgiveness: it surely reflects a true strength of character.
42:44  And whomever Allâh leaves to go astray has no protector after Him. You will see those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims when they behold the punishment, they will (remorsefully) say: "Is there any way (for us) to be sent back (to the worldly life)?"
42:45  And you will see them exposed to the Fire, humbled by abasement, looking with a stealthy glance. Those who live by Faith will say: “Indeed, the real losers are the ones who brought destruction to themselves and to their families on the Day of Resurrection.” Indeed, those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims will be in perpetual torment.
42:46  They will have no guardians to help them, other than Allâh. And whomever Allâh leaves to go astray has no way (to the truth/or to Al-Jannah).
42:47  Respond to your Lord before there comes to you from Allâh a day which cannot be averted when you will find no refuge to escape from the chastisement of Allâh, nor can you deny (your evil deeds).
42:48  But if it happens that they fall away from the Faith, (then remember), We have not sent you as a keeper over them. Your duty is only to convey (the message). Indeed, When We let man taste a dose of Mercy from Us, he exults in it. But when he is afflicted by evil because of what his own hands have sent ahead, then lo! man behaves impiously.
42:49  To Allâh belongs the (absolute) sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, creating whatever He wills, giving daughters to whomever He wills and giving sons to whomever He wills.
42:50  Or He gives both males and females, causing whomever He wills to be barren. Most certainly He is the All-Knowing and Most Capable of doing whatever He desires.
42:51  It is not possible for a human being to communicate with Allâh except through inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending an Apostle through whom He reveals whatever He wills. Most surely, He is Most High, Most Wise.
42:52  In the same manner, We inspired in you, (Muhammad), a Spirit of Our command. You did not know what the Book is, or what Faith is. But We have made this Qur’ān a Light by which We guide whom We will of Our servants. And truly you are leading (mankind) to (Him) in a straight path-
42:53  The path of Allâh, to Whom belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. Most surely, with Allâh, all matters do end up.