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52:1  By the mount.
52:2  By a book written
52:3  In parchment unrolled.
52:4  By the frequented house.
52:5  By the elevated roof.
52:6  By the swelling sea.
52:7  Indeed, the punishment of your Lord will surely come to pass;
52:8  There is no repeller for it.
52:9  The day the sky will reel, reeling,
52:10  And the mountains shall move about,
52:11  Then woe on that day to those who say it is a lie,
52:12  Those who they are in vain discourse to play.
52:13  The day they shall be thrust to the fire of Hell, a thrusting.
52:14  This is the fire, which you used to call a lie.
52:15  Then is this magic, or do you not see?
52:16  Broil in it. And be patient or do not be patient, equal on you. You are only being recompensed for what you used to do.
52:17  Indeed, those who fear shall be in gardens and pleasure,
52:18  Enjoying what their Lord has given them; and their Lord saved them from the punishment of Hell.
52:19  Eat and drink with good digestion, for what you used to do.
52:20  Reclining on couches in rows; and We will wed them to wide-eyed houris.
52:21  And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in the faith, We will join their offspring with them; and We will not cheat them of their work anything; every man is pledged for what he earns.
52:22  And We will extend to them fruit and meat such as they desire.
52:23  They shall pass to and fro therein a cup of wine in which is neither idle speech nor sin.
52:24  And round them shall go boys of theirs, as though they were protected pearls.
52:25  And some of them advanced towards some, questioning one another.
52:26  They said, 'Indeed, We were before among our people, fearful,
52:27  But God has been gracious to us and saved us from the punishment of the hot wind.
52:28  Indeed, we used to call on Him before; indeed, He is the Benign, the Compassionate.'
52:29  Therefore remind, and you are not, by the favour of your Lord, a soothsayer nor a madman.
52:30  Or do they say, 'A poet; we wait for the vicissitudes of fortune to befall him.'?
52:31  Say, 'Wait, and indeed I am, with you among those who wait.'
52:32  Or do their minds command them this? Or are they an immoderate people?
52:33  Or do they say, 'He has invented it.'? Nay, they do not believe.
52:34  Then let them bring a discourse like it, if they are truthful.
52:35  Or were they created of nothing, or are they the creators?
52:36  Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they are not sure.
52:37  Or have they the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the absolute authority?
52:38  Or have they a ladder, in it they listen? Then let their listener bring a clear authority.
52:39  Or has He daughters, while you have sons?
52:40  Or do you ask of them a payment, so they are weighed down with debt?
52:41  Or have they the unseen, so they write it down?
52:42  Or do they desire a plot? So those who disbelieved, they are those who are plotted against.
52:43  Or have they a god besides God? Glory be to God from what they associate.
52:44  And if they should see a fragment of the sky falling down, they would say, 'A cloud heaped up.'
52:45  So leave them until they meet their day in which they shall swoon;
52:46  The day their plotting shall not avail them anything, and they will not be helped.
52:47  And indeed, there is a punishment besides that for those who do wrong; but most of them do not know.
52:48  And be patient for the judgment of your Lord, and indeed you are in Our eyes. And glorify with the praise of your Lord when you stand up,
52:49  And in the night glorify Him, and at the retreating of the stars.