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72:1  Say:, It has been revealed unto me that a company from the Jinn had listened and they said, ”We have indeed heard a Quran most marvelous.
72:2  It guides to the right way so we believed in it and we will never ascribe anyone as a partner to our Lord.
72:3  And that indeed exalted is the glory of our Lord. He has not taken unto Himself a spouse or a son.
72:4  And that indeed the foolish one among us used to tell enormities about Allah.
72:5  And that indeed we thought that the humans and the jinn were never going to say a lie about Allah.
72:6  And that indeed there used to be some men from the humans who used to seek refuge with some men from the Jinn but they [Jinns] only increased them [humans] in distress.
72:7  And that indeed they thought just as you thought that Allah is never going to raise anyone as a messenger.
72:8  And that indeed we reached out to the heaven but we found it filled with mighty guards and with flames.
72:9  And that indeed we used to take up stations there at for eavesdropping. But whosoever eavesdrops now, he will find a flame lying in wait for him.
72:10  And that indeed we do not know if it is an ill that is intended against those in the earth or that their Lord intends right guidance for them.
72:11  And that indeed among us are the righteous and among us are those who are aught else other than that and that indeed we were of divergent ways.
72:12  And that indeed we thought that we will never go beyond the reach of Allah in the earth and that we will never go beyond His reach by flight.
72:13  And that indeed when we heard the guidance we believed in it and whoever believes in his Lord, then he will have no fear of cheating nor of distress.
72:14  And that among us are those who are the ones who have wholly submitted themselves to Allah and among us are those who have submitted themselves with a reserve and whosoever wholly submits himself to Allah, truly they have sought the right guidance.
72:15  And as for those who submit themselves with a reserve, truly they are firewood of the hellfire.”
72:16  And if only they had remained upright on the path, We would have certainly given them water to drink in abundance.
72:17  So that We may try them thereby and whosoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will make him go through a punishment most mounting.
72:18  And that the houses of prayer are only for Allah so none should be invoked along with Allah.
72:19  And that indeed when the servant of Allah stood up to invoke Him alone, they nearly thronged around him like the crests from the neck of the horse.
72:20  Say, “I only invoke my Lord and I do not ascribe any as a partner to Him.”
72:21  Say, “I have no power of control over harm for you nor over right guidance.”
72:22  Say, “As for me indeed no one will ever deliver me from Allah and I will never find besides Him anyone to take refuge in.”
72:23  It is but a deliverance of the message from Allah and from His messages and whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger, truly there is hellfire for him to abide therein forever.
72:24  Until when they see that which they are promised then they will know who is weaker as a helper and who is less in numbers.
72:25  Say, “I all but know whether near it is that which you are promised or that my Lord is going to give it an extension.”
72:26  Knower of the unseen nor does He cause anyone to take a look at His unseen.
72:27  Except such a one as He pleases from a messenger then He indeed will cause a guard to go ahead of him and from behind him.
72:28  So that He may ascertain that they indeed have delivered the messages of their Lord and that He has encompassed in knowledge all that is with them and has thoroughly taken a count of everything.