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72:1  Say, “It was revealed to me that persons among the jinn listened in, so they said, ‘We have heard a wondrous Quran.
72:2  It guides to righteous guidance, so we have believed in it; and we will never associate with our Lord, anyone.
72:3  And surely Exalted is our Grandeur Lord, He never had taken a female friend, nor a son.
72:4  And surely our imbecile one was saying about Allah an enormous lie.
72:5  And surely, we had assumed that the humans and the jinn would never say a lie against Allah.
72:6  And surely there were men from the human, incanting by men from the jinn, so they increased them an overstrain.
72:7  And they assumed, as you assumed, that Allah would never mission anyone.
72:8  And surely, we touched the sky, so we found it filled with stern guards and shooting stars flames.
72:9  And surely, we were sat from it, seats of the listening; so, whoever listens now finds for him shooting star flame is lookout.
72:10  And we do not cognize whether an evil is wanted with whoever on the earth, or their Lord wants with them righteous guidance.
72:11  And among us are the righteous, and among us are less than that; we were divergent modalities.
72:12  And surely, we have assumed that we will never cause incapacitation of Allah on the earth, nor can we cause incapacitation of Him by escaping.
72:13  And when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. So, whoever believes in his Lord, so he will neither fear deprivation, nor an overstrain.
72:14  And surely from us are the submitters, and from us are the inequities ones. So, whoever has submitted, so those have sought righteous guidance.
72:15  And as for who inequities ones, so they were for Gohanam (Hell), a firewood.
72:16  And if they straighten upon the method path We would be watering them by delicious plentiful water.
72:17  To let them infatuate in it. And whoever turns away from his Lord’s reminder, He will insert him into an escalating torment.
72:18  And surely Al-Masajid (Mosques) are for Allah. So do not call, with Allah, anyone.
72:19  And when Allah’s slave stood up calling Him, they almost were against him, accumulated in abundance."
72:20  Say, “I only call my Lord, and I never associate with Him, anyone.”
72:21  Say, “I do not own for you a harm, nor rightly guidance.”
72:22  Say, “Surely no one will shield me from Allah, and I will not find without Him a safeguard refuge.
72:23  Except a notification from Allah and His messages. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, so surely, for him is Gohanam Fire, immortals therein forever.
72:24  Until, when they saw what they were promised, so they will know who are weaker supporters, and fewer in numbers.
72:25  Say, “I do not cognize whether what you are promised is near, or whether my Lord will set up for it, duration.”
72:26  The Unseen’s Knower; He does not disclose upon His Unseen, anyone.
72:27  Except whoever He satisfied from a Messenger. So, He will get along him between his hands and from behind him an observatory lookout angel.
72:28  To, surely, He knows that they have already notified their Lord’s messages. And He encompasses by what they have and has enumerated everything in numbers.