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77:1  By those that send out fragrance.
77:2  And by the winds that blow violently.
77:3  And by the ones that spread a nice spreading.
77:4  And by the ones that part with a forceful parting.
77:5  And by the ones that receive a remembrance;
77:6  whether of exculpation or of warning.
77:7  Indeed that which you are promised would most certainly come to pass.
77:8  Lo! When the stars are effaced.
77:9  And when the heaven is torn apart.
77:10  And when the mountains are reduced to dust.
77:11  And when the messengers are gathered on the appointed time.
77:12  for which day will all this come to its term,
77:13  for the day of the judgment.
77:14  And how do you know what is the day of the judgment?
77:15  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:16  Did We not destroy the people of the ancient times?
77:17  Then We will cause the people of the later times to follow them [in their fate].
77:18  Thus do We deal with the evildoers.
77:19  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:20  Have we not created you from a liquid most humble?
77:21  And then We placed it in a station most secure,
77:22  for a period of time well defined.
77:23  Thus do We measure [in truth] and We are the best of those who measure [in truth].
77:24  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:25  Have We not made the earth a cradle?
77:26  For the living and for the dead.
77:27  And We placed therein towering mountains and We gave you to drink a water most palatable.
77:28  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:29  “Go forth to that which you used to belie.
77:30  Depart you to a shade with three partitions.”
77:31  It is neither a cool shade nor does it avail aught against the flame.
77:32  Truly it emits sparks like the huge tower.
77:33  As though it were yellow camels.
77:34  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:35  This is a day when they will not speak.
77:36  And permission will not be given to them in order for them to make excuses.
77:37  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:38  This is the day of the judgment. We have gathered you and the people of the ancient times.
77:39  So if you do have any plot, then plot against Me.
77:40  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:41  Truly those who safeguard their own souls will be in cool shades and fountains.
77:42  And they will have [at their disposal] fruits from all that they desire.
77:43  “Eat and drink in self-congratulation for all that you used to do.”
77:44  Thus truly do We reward those who act in excellence.
77:45  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:46  “Eat and enjoy for a little. Truly you are evildoers.”
77:47  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:48  And when they are told, “Bow down” they do not bow down.
77:49  Woes on that day are for the beliers.
77:50  Then in which discourse after this will they believe in?