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77:1  I swear by the emissary winds that are sent forth one after another:
77:2  By the raging winds that blow violently:
77:3  By the winds that spread clouds in the sky:
77:4  By the those Angels who distinguish (truth from falsehood):
77:5  By those (Angels) who bring down the Revelation Knowledge
77:6  To verify or to warn:
77:7  Most surely what you are promised will come to pass!
77:8  So When the stars are obliterated,
77:9  And the sky is rent asunder,
77:10  And the mountains crumble into dust,
77:11  The Messengers (of Allâh) are gathered to their appointed time.
77:12  For what day are (these Portents) postponed?
77:13  For the Day of Decision.
77:14  And what will make you know exactly what the Day of Decision is?
77:15  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually dead.
77:16  Did We not destroyed the ancients (for their evil deeds)?
77:17  Then We let them be followed by later generations.
77:18  This is how We deal with the Ungodly Sinners.
77:19  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually dead!
77:20  Have We not created you from despicable water?
77:21  Then We placed it in a safe abode (i.e. womb)
77:22  Till an appointed time.
77:23  We perfectly decreed its process of developing. How Brilliant are We in doing so!.
77:24  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually dead and blind!
77:25  Have We not made the earth an abode
77:26  For the living and the dead?
77:27  Have you not placed high mountains upon it and given you sweet fresh water to drink?
77:28  Woe betide, on that day, those who are Spiritually blind!
77:29  So (they will be told): “Go forth to that doom which you were inclined to deny.
77:30  Go forth to a shadow of smoke ascending in three columns,
77:31  Which gives the impious neither shade nor shelter from the Blazing Flame.”
77:32  It throws sparks as huge as a palace
77:33  As if they were dark yellow camels.
77:34  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually blind!
77:35  This is the day on which they will not speak,
77:36  Neither will it be permitted for them to give excuses.
77:37  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually blind!
77:38  Such is the Day of Decision. We will bring you along with the ancients together.
77:39  Now, if you have a stratagem (by which you can save yourselves from the punishment), go ahead and use it against Me!
77:40  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually blind!
77:41  Indeed, the Pious will dwell amid shades and fountains,
77:42  And fruits such as they desire.
77:43  Eat and drink in full enjoyment for what you used to do.
77:44  This is how We reward those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith.
77:45  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually blind!
77:46  Eat and enjoy yourselves for a while! Surely you are Ungodly Sinners.
77:47  Woe betide, on that day, those who are spiritually blind!
77:48  When they are told to bow in prayer, they do not bow.
77:49  Woe betide, on that, those who are spiritually blind!
77:50  In what Message other than the Qur’ān will they then come to Faith?