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77:1  By those that are sent forth gently,
77:2  then storm tempestuously;
77:3  by those who spread an announcement,
77:4  then distinguish differentiation
77:5  and set forth reminder,
77:6  as justification or warning:
77:7  what you are promised will surely take place.
77:8  That is when the stars are extinguished
77:9  and when the sky is split open,
77:10  and when the mountains arc pulverized,
77:11  and when the Envoys are appointed their time.
77:12  To what day arc these deferred?
77:13  To the day of judgment.
77:14  And what will convey to you what the day of judgment is?
77:15  Woe on that day to those who rejected truth as false!
77:16  Did We not annihilate peoples of earlier times?
77:17  We then cause others to follow them:
77:18  thus do We deal with sinners.
77:19  Woe on that day to those who rejected truth as false!
77:20  Did We not crec1.te you all from an ignominious fluid,
77:21  which We placed in a secure abode
77:22  for a determined measure?
77:23  For We have determined measures, being the best giver of order.
77:24  Woe on that day to those who reject truth as false.
77:25  Have We not made the earth a gathering place
77:26  for the living and the dead?
77:27  And placed thereupon lofty mountains, and given you sweet water to drink?
77:28  Woe on that day to those who reject truth as false:
77:29  “Go on your way to what you used to deny as false:
77:30  go to a three-forked shadow
77:31  that gives no shade and is no use against the fire
77:32  that throws sparks big as buildings.
77:33  like a herd of yellow camels."
77:34  Woe on that day to those who reject truth as false:
77:35  this is the day they will be tongue-tied
77:36  and not allowed to excuse themselves.
77:37  Woe on that day to those who reject truth as false!
77:38  That is the day of judgment, when We will gather you all and all of those before you.
77:39  So if you have a scheme then scheme against Mel
77:40  Woe on that day to those who reject truth as false!
77:41  As for the conscientious, they will be in the midst of shades and springs,
77:42  and fruits such as they want:
77:43  "Eat and drink, as wholesome and beneficial, for what you have done.”
77:44  Truly We thus reward those who are doers of good.
77:45  Woe on that day to those who reject truth as false!
77:46  "Eat and enjoy a little: you are truly sinners.”
77:47  Woe on that day to those whoreject truth as false!
77:48  When it is said to them, "Bow down,” they do not prostrate themselves.
77:49  Woe on that day to those 'Who reject truth as false!
77:50  In what tale after this will they then believe?