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67:1  Blessed is the one in his hand is The Sovereignty, and He is over everything competent.
67:2  The one who is created, the death and the life, to try you, which of you excelled work. And He is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Ghafoor (The Forgiver).
67:3  The one who has created seven skies as typical layers. You do not see in the creation of Al-Rahman (The Widely merciful) any disparity. So, return the sight; do you see any flaws?
67:4  Then return the sight two repetitions. The sight will overturn to you despised while it is purblind.
67:5  And already We have adorned the lower sky with lamps and set them up as missiles against the devils; and We have prepared for them The Torment of Blaze Fire.
67:6  And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is a Gohanam (Hell) torment, and wretched is the destiny.
67:7  If they were thrown into it, they heard for it inhale while it boils up.
67:8  It almost bursts from the Rage. Whenever a cohort is thrown into it, its wardens ask them, “Had no warner come to you?”
67:9  They said," Yes, a warner had already come to us, so we falsified and said, ' Allah had not sent down a thing. Surely you are not except in a grand astray.' "
67:10  And they said, "If we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be within the companions of the Blaze Fire."
67:11  So they confessed their misdeeds. So, a bash on the blaze fire’s companions.
67:12  Surely those who are awed of their Lord with the unseen, for them is forgiveness and a grand wage.
67:13  And secret your saying or announce it. Surely, He is Knowledgeable with the chest's ego.
67:14  Does He not know who He created? And He is Al-Lataif (The Subtle), Al-Khabir (The Expert).
67:15  He is the one who set up the earth servile for you, so walk in its swerves, and eat from His livelihood. And to Him is the propagation (Raising the dead).
67:16  Have you secured, that who is in the sky will not cause the earth to collapse down by you, so then it sways?
67:17  Or have you secured that, who is in the sky will not send against you a stone storm? Then, you will know how My warning is?
67:18  And already had those before them falsified, so how was the reproach.?
67:19  Have they not seen the birds above them, spreading their wings, and folding them? None withholds them except Al-Rahman (The Widely merciful). Surely, He is with everything, A Seer.
67:20  Or who is the one that is a soldier for you, to victory you from without Al-Rahman (The Widely merciful)? Surely the infidels are not except, in vanity.
67:21  Or who is the one that provides livelihood to you, if He withholds His livelihood? Nay, but they persist soliciting in defiance and aversion.
67:22  So is he who walks tossed on his face better guided, or he who walks upright on a straight path?
67:23  Say, “He is the one who instituted you; and set for you the hearing, and the vision, and the hearts. A little what you are, thankful.”
67:24  Say, “He is the one who produced you on the earth, and to Him you are mustering.”
67:25  And they say, "When is this promise, if you should be truthful?"
67:26  Say, "The knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only an obvious warner."
67:27  So, when they saw it coming near (The torment), the faces of those who disbelieved badded and it was said, “This which you were calling for.”
67:28  Say, “Have you seen? if Allah destroyed me and those who were with me or had mercified us, so who can shield the infidels from a painful torment?"
67:29  Say, "He is Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful); We have believed in Him, and upon Him We have relied. So, you will know who is in an obvious astray."
67:30  Say, "Have you seen: if your water becomes sunken-wells, so who could bring you with flowing water.?"