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92:1  I swear by the night when it covers:
92:2  By the day when it shines:
92:3  By the One Who created male and female:
92:4  Your endeavors are indeed in vain.
92:5  As for the one who gives charity, acts piously
92:6  And confirms the belief of the best word,
92:7  We will lead him easily towards ease.
92:8  But the one who refrains from giving alms, considers himself free of need
92:9  And denies the best word,
92:10  We will facilitate for him the path of adversity.
92:11  And his wealth will not avail him when falls (into hellfire).
92:12  Verily, it is incumbent on Us to guide to the Truth.
92:13  And surely unto Us belong the End and the Beginning.
92:14  So I have warned you of fiercely blazing fire.
92:15  It scorches none but the most wretched one,
92:16  Who denies the Truth and takes no heed.
92:17  But the most pious one can elude from it
92:18  Since he gives from his wealth to purify himself,
92:19  Without expecting anything in return,
92:20  Only seeking the countenance of his Lord, the Most High.
92:21  And he shall certainly be well-pleased.