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100:1  By the high- mettled horses when they breath hard or pant
100:2  And their hoofs emit sparks as they touch the rough terrain
100:3  En route to launch an attack on Allah's enemies at dawn
100:4  Raising clouds of dust
100:5  And assemble to penetrate into their midst to put them to rout with an effective thrust
100:6  That man is indeed ungrateful to Allah his Creator
100:7  And by his behavior he bears witness to this discord
100:8  How greedy he is for wealth, gains and health
100:9  Does he not know what happens when the graves eject their contents
100:10  And all that was hidden in the peoples’ chests become personified and manifest
100:11  And that this is the Day their Creator reveals to them secrets He knows; which secrets they had long forgotten