Translation Change/Error Log
Updates and Corrections
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- Category: Updates and Corrections
A long-standing problem with Bijan Moeinan's rendition of ayah Al-Ma'idah 5:72 has been addressed.
The text was often reported as truncated, but this was not a technical issue.
Note the actual content in the physical publication...
The facts are this: the translator chose to put the remainder of the translation of the meaning in the footnotes at the bottom of this page. IslamAwakened has put this explanation in the verse page as shown here...
As a rule we try to avoid editing published works in this compendium, but we hope explanations like this will help the reader.
March 3, 2024 / Shaʻban 22, 1445 AH
Thank you again for your patronage.
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- Category: Updates and Corrections
Br. Sameer Wahab reported a truncated row, 54:1 Wahiduddin Khan.
This has been corrected.
March 1, 2024 / Shaʻban 20, 1445 AH
Thank you again for your patronage.
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- Category: Updates and Corrections
IslamAwakened now has "Anwar Ul-Quran: The Holy Quran with English Translation by Fode Drame"
Thank to assistance from Adit Bastaman and recommendations from Muhammad Eskandari.
February 28, 2024 / Shaʻban 18, 1445 AH
Thank you all again for your patronage.
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- Category: Updates and Corrections
Br. Muhammad Mir reported several truncated rows in Surah 44.
These have been corrected.
February 20, 2024 / Shaʻban 10, 1445 AH
Thank you again for your patronage.
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- Category: Updates and Corrections
As of 2024/02/16
Notice the "Prior Books (Beta!)" addition to the main menu...
This will take you to the previous scriptures, displayed in multiple translations much as we present the Qur'an.
This should be a useful reference when studying our history and our dealings with the people of the book.
We will be adding notes in the various biblical verses to indicate which ones the Qur'an itself cites, and which ones the Qur'an abrogates.
Once again, thank all of you for your help and support.