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Muhammad Asad   
O you who have attained to faith! Kill no game while you are in the state of pilgrimage. And whoever of you kills it intentionally, [shall make] amends in cattle equivalent to what he has killed - with two persons of probity giving their judgment thereon- to be brought as an offering to the Ka`bah; or else he may atone for his sin by feeding the needy, or by the equivalent thereof in fasting: [this,] in order that. he taste the full gravity of his deed, [while] God shall have effaced the past. But whoever does it again, God will inflict His retribution on him: for God is almighty, an avenger of evil
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
O believers! Do not kill game while on pilgrimage. Whoever kills game intentionally must compensate by offering its equivalence—as judged by two just men among you—to be offered at the Sacred House, or by feeding the needy, or by fasting so that they may taste the consequences of their violations. Allah has forgiven what has been done. But those who persist will be punished by Allah. And Allah is Almighty, capable of punishment.
Safi Kaskas   
Believers, do not hunt while you are in the state for sanctity. Whoever kills an animal intentionally must compensate by offering an equivalent domestic animal comparable to what he killed as defined by two just men—an offering to be delivered to the Ka’bah. Or, he may atone for his sin by feeding disabled persons or by fasting an equivalent number of days so that he may understand the seriousness of what he has done. God forgives what is past, but if anyone does it again, God will punish him severely. God is Revered and Capable of Revenge.

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یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ لَا تَقۡتُلُوا۟ ٱلصَّیۡدَ وَأَنتُمۡ حُرُمࣱۚ وَمَن قَتَلَهُۥ مِنكُم مُّتَعَمِّدࣰا فَجَزَاۤءࣱ مِّثۡلُ مَا قَتَلَ مِنَ ٱلنَّعَمِ یَحۡكُمُ بِهِۦ ذَوَا عَدۡلࣲ مِّنكُمۡ هَدۡیَۢا بَـٰلِغَ ٱلۡكَعۡبَةِ أَوۡ كَفَّـٰرَةࣱ طَعَامُ مَسَـٰكِینَ أَوۡ عَدۡلُ ذَ ٰلِكَ صِیَامࣰا لِّیَذُوقَ وَبَالَ أَمۡرِهِۦۗ عَفَا ٱللَّهُ عَمَّا سَلَفَۚ وَمَنۡ عَادَ فَیَنتَقِمُ ٱللَّهُ مِنۡهُۚ وَٱللَّهُ عَزِیزࣱ ذُو ٱنتِقَامٍ ۝٩٥
Transliteration (2021)   
yāayyuhā alladhīna āmanū lā taqtulū l-ṣayda wa-antum ḥurumun waman qatalahu minkum mutaʿammidan fajazāon mith'lu mā qatala mina l-naʿami yaḥkumu bihi dhawā ʿadlin minkum hadyan bāligha l-kaʿbati aw kaffāratun ṭaʿāmu masākīna aw ʿadlu dhālika ṣiyāman liyadhūqa wabāla amrihi ʿafā l-lahu ʿammā salafa waman ʿāda fayantaqimu l-lahu min'hu wal-lahu ʿazīzun dhū intiqāmi
Word for Word
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh, Ms. Kauser Katri, and more
O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

Generally Accepted Translations of the Meaning
Muhammad Asad   
O you who have attained to faith! Kill no game while you are in the state of pilgrimage. And whoever of you kills it intentionally, [shall make] amends in cattle equivalent to what he has killed - with two persons of probity giving their judgment thereon- to be brought as an offering to the Ka`bah; or else he may atone for his sin by feeding the needy, or by the equivalent thereof in fasting: [this,] in order that. he taste the full gravity of his deed, [while] God shall have effaced the past. But whoever does it again, God will inflict His retribution on him: for God is almighty, an avenger of evil
M. M. Pickthall   
O ye who believe! Kill no wild game while ye are on the pilgrimage. Whoso of you killeth it of set purpose he shall pay its forfeit in the equivalent of that which he hath killed, of domestic animals, the judge to be two men among you known for justice, (the forfeit) to be brought as an offering to the Ka'bah; or, for expiation, he shall feed poor persons, or the equivalent thereof in fasting, that he may taste the evil consequences of his deed. Allah forgiveth whatever (of this kind) may have happened in the past, but whoso relapseth, Allah will take retribution from him. Allah is Mighty, Able to Requite (the wrong)
Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)   
O ye who believe! Kill not game while in the sacred precincts or in pilgrim garb. If any of you doth so intentionally, the compensation is an offering, brought to the Ka'ba, of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or by way of atonement, the feeding of the indigent; or its equivalent in fasts: that he may taste of the penalty of his deed. Allah forgives what is past: for repetition Allah will exact from him the penalty. For Allah is Exalted, and Lord of Retribution
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
O believers! Do not kill game while on pilgrimage. Whoever kills game intentionally must compensate by offering its equivalence—as judged by two just men among you—to be offered at the Sacred House, or by feeding the needy, or by fasting so that they may taste the consequences of their violations. Allah has forgiven what has been done. But those who persist will be punished by Allah. And Allah is Almighty, capable of punishment.
Safi Kaskas   
Believers, do not hunt while you are in the state for sanctity. Whoever kills an animal intentionally must compensate by offering an equivalent domestic animal comparable to what he killed as defined by two just men—an offering to be delivered to the Ka’bah. Or, he may atone for his sin by feeding disabled persons or by fasting an equivalent number of days so that he may understand the seriousness of what he has done. God forgives what is past, but if anyone does it again, God will punish him severely. God is Revered and Capable of Revenge.
Wahiduddin Khan   
Believers, do not kill any game while you are on a pilgrimage. Anyone of you who kills game deliberately shall make compensation with an animal which is the equivalent of what he has killed, to be determined by two just men from among you, as an offering brought to the Kabah; or he shall, in expiation, either feed the poor or do the equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the consequence of his deeds. God forgives what is past, but if anyone relapses into wrongdoing, God will exact His retribution. God is mighty, the Lord of retribution
O you who believe! do not kill game while you are on pilgrimage, and whoever among you shall kill it intentionally, the compensation (of it) is the like of what he killed, from the cattle, as two just persons among you shall judge, as an offering to be brought to the Kaaba or the expiation (of it) is the feeding of the poor or the equivalent of it in fasting, that he may taste the unwholesome result of his deed; Allah has pardoned what is gone by; and whoever returns (to it), Allah will inflict retribution on him; and Allah is Mighty, Lord of Retribution
Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar   
O those who believed! Kill not game when you are in pilgrim sanctity. And whoever of you killed as one who is willful, then, the recompense is like what he killed of flocks by two possessors of justice who give judgment. Among you will be a sacrificial gift—that which reaches the Kabah—or the expiation of food for the needy or the equivalent of that in formal fasting so that he, certainly, experiences the mischief of his conduct. God pardoned what is past. And whoever reverted to it, then, God will requite him. And God is Almighty, Possessor of Requital.
You who believe, do not kill any game while you are forbidden [this while on Pilgrimage]. Anyone of you who kills some deliberately may make compensation through the same [type of animal] as he has killed, in livestock, with two fair-minded men from among you judging it, which should be sent as an offering to reach the Kaba; or else exoneration may mean feeding paupers or the equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the effect of his action. God pardons whatever is a thing of the past. God will avenge Himself on anyone who does so over again; God is Powerful, the Wielder of Retribution.
Abdul Hye   
O you who believe! You don’t kill game when you are in a state of Ihram (for Pilgrimage). Whoever of you kills it intentionally, then penalty is like what was killed of cattle judged by 2 just men among you, an offering brought to the Ka’bah; or for expiation, feeding of needy or to that equivalent fasting so as to taste and grieve (punishment) of the deed. Allah has pardoned what is passed. But whoever repeats it, Allah will take retribution on him. Allah is All-Mighty, Lord of retribution.
The Study Quran   
O you who believe! Slaughter not any game while you are in a state of pilgrim sanctity. And [for] the one among you who slaughters it intentionally, a recompense of cattle, the like of that which he slaughtered, as judged by two just men among you, as an offering brought to the Ka?bah, or the expiation of feeding the indigent, or the equivalent of this in fasting, that he may taste the evil consequences of his affair. God has forgiven that which is past, but whosever relapses, God will take vengeance upon him, and God is Mighty, Possessor of Vengeance
Talal Itani & AI (2024)   
O you who believe, don’t kill game while you are in the state of pilgrimage sanctity. Whoever among you kills it intentionally, the penalty is a domestic animal, equivalent to the one he killed, judged by two just men among you, as an offering reaching to the Kaaba, or expiation by feeding the needy, or its equivalent in fasting, so that he may taste the consequences of his action. God has pardoned what is past. But whoever repeats it, God will take retribution from him. God is Mighty, Capable of Retribution.
Talal Itani (2012)   
O you who believe! do not kill game while you are in pilgrim sanctity. Whoever of you kills any intentionally, its penalty shall be a domestic animal comparable to what he killed, as determined by two honest persons among you—an offering delivered to the Kaabah. Or he may atone by feeding the needy, or its equivalent in fasting, so that he may taste the consequences of his conduct. God forgives what is past. But whoever repeats, God will take revenge on him. God is Almighty, Avenger
Dr. Kamal Omar   
O you who have Believed! Kill not game while you are those ‘under prohibition’ (i.e., you are within the Harem or putting on Ehram for Hajj or Umra); and whoever killed it from amongst you intentionally (and not by oversight or mistake), the penalty is equivalent to what he killed, in the form of a quadruped animal — two just men from amongst you shall give judgement about it; Hadiya (gift-animal to be sacrificed) which is one that reaches the Ka’ba; or expiation could be given as food to the poor, or equivalent to this (could be keeping of) fasts so that he (i.e., the game-hunter) may taste the punishment for his deed. Allah has forgiven what happened before but whoever repeated, then Allah will take retribution from him. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Able of retribution
M. Farook Malik   
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrim garb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay a penalty through an offering brought to the Ka’bah of a domestic animal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined by two just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a few indigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste the evil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven what happened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah will inflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable of Retribution
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali   
O you who have believed, do not kill the game (while) you are in pilgrim sanctity; (i.e., in the sacred precints or in the sanctified) and whoever of you kills it premeditatedly, then the recompense is the like of what he has killed, in (grazing) livestock as shall be judged by two men of justice (Literally: possessing "a sense of" justice) among you, an offering to reach the Kacbah, or expiation food for indigent persons, or the just equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the pernicious result of His Command. (i.e. the Command of Allah) Allah has been clement towards what is bygone; and whoever goes back (to offense), then Allah will take vengeance on him; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Owner of vengeance
Muhammad Sarwar   
Believers, do not hunt when you are in the holy precinct. Whichever of you purposely kills game in the holy precinct has to offer, as an expiation, a sacrifice in the holy precinct which two just people among you would consider equal to the prey or food to a destitute person or has to fast (for an appointed time) to bear the burden of the penalty for his deed. God forgives whatever was done in the past, but He will take revenge on whoever returns to transgression, for He is Majestic and Capable of taking revenge
Muhammad Taqi Usmani   
O you who believe, do not kill game when you are in IHram (state of consecration for Hajj or ‘Umrah). If someone from among you kills it deliberately, then compensation (will be required) from cattle equal to what one has killed, according to the judgement of two just men from among you, as an offering due to reach the Ka‘bah, or an expiation, that is, to feed the poor, or its equal in fasts, so that he may taste the punishment of what he did. Allah has forgiven what has passed, but whoever does it again, Allah shall subject him to retribution. Allah is Mighty, Lord of Retribution
Shabbir Ahmed   
O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Do not kill animals of game while you are in the state of Pilgrimage. Whoever kills it intentionally, must send a Permissible domestic animal to the Ka'bah, as a gift for the needy. Two equitable persons will decide what domestic animal is equivalent to the game animal that was killed. They must ensure that the offering reaches the Ka'bah (for use by the needy pilgrims (22:28)). Or for expiation, feed some poor persons at a cost equal to the cost of the animal. If someone has no means to do that, then Abstinence (for three days as in Ramadan. Three days of Abstinence would equal feeding ten poor persons (5:89). Allah has pardoned past violations. An appropriate court shall punish those who persist in violating this Law. Allah is Almighty, Able to requite
Dr. Munir Munshey   
Oh you who believe! Do not kill (or hunt) a game animal while you are in a state of ´Ihram´ _ (the attire of pilgrimage). The penance for anyone of you who hunts (during ´Ihram´) is an offering at the Kaaba similar to what was killed _ as judged by two just men among you. The atonement (for that act) is the feeding of the poor, or fasting for an equivalent number of days, so he may taste the consequence of his evil act. Allah forgives whatever has happened in the past, but He will exact retribution if anyone repeats (the offense). Allah is the most Powerful; He is the Lord of Revenge
Syed Vickar Ahamed   
O you who believe! Kill not game (for sport or for food) while in the Sacred Grounds (of the Holy Mosque) or (while being) in pilgrim clothes (or I’hram). If any of you does so knowingly, the compensation is an Offering, brought to the Ka’bah, of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as decided by two just men from yourselves; Or by way of making up (the peace), the feeding of the needy, or its equivalent in fasts; That he may taste the penalty of his deed. Allah forgives what is past: For repeating (such acts) Allah will take from him the penalty. And Allah is Almighty (Aziz), and Lord of Retribution (Zun-Inthiqam)
Umm Muhammad (Sahih International)   
O you who have believed, do not kill game while you are in the state of ihram. And whoever of you kills it intentionally - the penalty is an equivalent from sacrificial animals to what he killed, as judged by two just men among you as an offering [to Allah ] delivered to the Ka'bah, or an expiation: the feeding of needy people or the equivalent of that in fasting, that he may taste the consequence of his deed. Allah has pardoned what is past; but whoever returns [to violation], then Allah will take retribution from him. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Owner of Retribution
[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition)   
O you who believe, do not kill any game while you are restricted; and whosoever of you kills it deliberately, then the recompense is to value what was killed against the livestock, which shall be judged by two equitable persons from you, and to make such as a donation to reach the Quadrangle. Or, its expiation shall be in using it to feed the needy ones, while he abstains from it; that is to suffer the results of his deed; God forgives what has past. And whosoever returns, then God will seek vengeance from him. God is Noble, capable of vengeance
Abdel Haleem   
You who believe, do not kill game while you are in the state of consecration [for pilgrimage]. If someone does so intentionally the penalty is an offering of a domestic animal brought to the Kaba, equivalent- as judged by two just men among you- to the one he has killed; alternatively, he may atone by feeding the needy or by fasting an equivalent number of days, so that he may taste the full gravity of his deed. God forgives what is past, but if anyone re-offends, God will exact the penalty from him: God is mighty, and capable of exacting the penalty
Abdul Majid Daryabadi   
O ye who believe! slay not chase while ye are in a state of sanctity; and whosoever of you slayeth it wittingly, his compensation is the like of that which he hath slain, in domestic flocks, which two equitable persons among you shall judge: an offering brought to the Ka'ba; or as an expiation the feeding of the needy, or the equivalent thereof in fasts, that he may taste the grievousness of his deed. Allah hath pardoned that which is past, but whosoever returnoth, Allah shall take retribution from him; verily Allah is Mighty, Lord of Retributio
Ahmed Ali   
O you who believe, do not kill game when you are on pilgrimage. And anyone among you who does so on purpose should offer livestock of equivalent value, determined by two honourable persons among you, (as atonement), to be brought to the Ka'bah as an offering; or else expiate by giving food to the poor, or its equivalent in fasting, so that he may realise the gravity of his deed. God has forgiven what has happened in the past; but any one who does so again will be punished by God. And God is severe in requital
Aisha Bewley   
You who have iman! do not kill game while you are in ihram. If one of you kills any deliberately, the reprisal for it is a livestock animal equivalent to what he killed, as judged by two just men among you, a sacrifice to reach the Ka´ba, or expiation by feeding the poor, or fasting commensurate with that, so that he may taste the evil consequences of what he did. Allah has pardoned all that took place in the past; but if anyone does it again Allah will take revenge on him. Allah is Almighty, Exactor of Revenge.
Ali Ünal   
O you who believe! Do not kill game while you are in the state of pilgrim sanctity or in the sacred precincts of Makkah. Whoever of you kills it, then its recompense is the like of what he has killed, from livestock, to be judged by two men among you of equity and probity, and to be brought to the Ka‘bah as an offering; or (there shall be) an expiation by way of giving (as much) food to the destitute (as the value of the game killed), or fasting (a number of days) equivalent (to the number of the persons to be fed or the shares assigned for them). (That is ordained) so that he may taste the evil consequences of his deed. God has pardoned what is past; but for one who re-offends, God will take retribution from him. And God is All-Glorious with irresistible might, Ever-Able to requite (wrong)
Ali Quli Qara'i   
O you who have faith! Do not kill any game when you are in pilgrim sanctity. Should any of you kill it intentionally, its atonement, the counterpart from cattle of what he has killed, as judged by two fair men among you, will be an offering brought to the Ka‘bah, or an atonement by feeding needy persons, or its equivalent in fasting, that he may taste the untoward consequences of his conduct. Allah has excused what is already past; but should anyone resume, Allah shall take vengeance on him, for Allah is all-mighty, avenger
Hamid S. Aziz   
O you who believe! Kill not game while you are on pilgrimage. But he amongst you who kills it purposely, he shall compensate the equivalent of that which he has killed, in domestic animals - of which two just persons amongst you shall judge - an offering
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad   
You who believe, do not kill the game (in hunting) while you are forbidden (during the Hajj). Any one of you who kills it intentionally, then his punishment is the livestock like what he killed, as judged by two just persons among you, as an offering to reach the Ka'aba, or atonement of feeding some needy or the equivalent of that in fasting, so he may taste the consequence of his action. God excuses what is passed, and anyone who returns (to such actions) then God will take revenge from him, and God is powerful and revengeful.
A.L. Bilal Muhammad et al (2018)   
O you who believe, do not kill game while in pilgrim garb. If any of you does so intentionally, the compensation is an offering brought to the Kaaba of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just people among you, or in exchange, the feeding of the indigent, or its equivalent in fasts, that he may taste of the penalty of his deed. God forgives what has passed. For retribution God will exact from him the penalty, for God is Exalted, Lord of retribution
Musharraf Hussain   
Believers, don’t hunt and kill animals while you are in the sanctified state of pilgrims. The penalty for killing an animal intentionally is: sacrifice a livestock animal near the Kaaba that is judged to be equivalent by two just men; atone by feeding the needy or fast an equivalent number of days to realise the seriousness of his action. Allah has pardoned what happened in the past, but whoever transgresses from now on, Allah will punish him. Allah is the Almighty, the Avenger.
Believers! Do not kill game while you are in the state of pilgrim sanctity. Whoever of you kills it wilfully there shall be a recompense, the like of what he has killed in cattle - as shall be judged by two men of equity among you - to be brought to the Ka´bah as an offering, or as an expiation the feeding of the needy, or its equivalent in fasting in order that he may taste the grievousness of his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever has passed; but Allah will exact a penalty from him who repeats it. Allah is All-Mighty. He is fully capable of exacting penalties
[The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition)   
O you who believe, do not kill any game while you are restricted; and whoever of you kills it deliberately, then the recompense is to value what was killed against the livestock, which shall be judged by two equitable persons from you, and to make it as a donation to reach the Ka'aba. Or, its expiation shall be in using it to feed the needy ones, while he abstains from it; that is to suffer the results of his deed; God forgives what has past. And whoever returns, then God will seek vengeance on him. God is Noble, capable of vengeance
Mohammad Shafi   
O you who believe! Kill not the game while you are in the state of Ihram. And whoever among you kills it intentionally, the penalty is the like of what he killed, from the cattle, as adjudged by two just persons among you, as an offering to be brought to the Kaabah — Or the expiation therefor is the feeding of the poor or commensurate fasting — so that whoever killed the game, may taste the burden of his deed. Allah has forgiven what is past. And whoever does it again, Allah will take retribution from him. And Allah is Omnipotent, Capable to take retribution

Controversial or status undetermined works
Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)   
'O believers! Kill not game while you are in a pilgrim garb. And who so amongst you kills it intentionally, then; his compensation is that he should give a like animal from amongst the cattle as judged by two just persons among you, this offering reaching to the Kaaba, or as an expiation, feeding of some needy persons or its equivalent in, fasting, so that he may taste the enormity of his deed. Allah has pardoned what happened in the past. And who so will do now Allah will take retribution from him. And Allah is Dominant Lord of Retribution.
Rashad Khalifa   
O you who believe, do not kill any game during pilgrimage. Anyone who kills any game on purpose, his fine shall be a number of livestock animals that is equivalent to the game animals he killed. The judgment shall be set by two equitable people among you. They shall make sure that the offerings reach the Ka`bah. Otherwise, he may expiate by feeding poor people, or by an equivalent fast to atone for his offense. GOD has pardoned past offenses. But if anyone returns to such an offense, GOD will avenge it. GOD is Almighty, Avenger.
Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah   
O believers, do not kill the hunted while you are in pilgrim sanctity. Whosoever of you kills it willfully there shall be a recompense, the like of what he has slain from cattle as shall be judged by two just men among you, an offering to reach the Ka'bah; or expiation food for needy persons or the equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the weight of the recompense of his action. Allah has pardoned what is past; but whoever offends again, Allah will take vengeance on him. Allah is the Almighty, Owner of Vengeance
Maulana Muhammad Ali   
O you who believe, kill not game while you are on pilgrimage. And whoever among you kills it intentionally, the compensation thereof is the like of what he killed, from the cattle, as two just persons among you judge, as an offering to be brought to the Ka’bah, or the expiation thereof is the feeding of the poor or equivalent of it in fasting, that he may taste the unwholesome result of his deed. Allah pardons what happened in the past. And whoever returns (to it), Allah will punish him. And Allah is Mighty, Lord of Retribution
Muhammad Ahmed & Samira   
You, you those who believed, do not kill the hunt/trapping, and you are forbidden/respecting for pilgrimage, and who intentionally/purposely killed it from you, so a reimbursement equal/similar (to) what he killed from the properties/livestock (the animals/birds), (two) of (B) justice/equality from you judges/rules with it (as) an offering reaching/delivered (to) the Kaaba , or substitution (of) feeding (the) poorest of poor/poor oppressed (P), or redemption (of) that (is) fasting , to taste/experience his matter's/affair's severity/bad consequences/evil results, God forgave/pardoned on what preceded, and who returned (again), so God revenges from Him, and God (is) glorious/mighty , (owner) of revenge
Bijan Moeinian   
O’ Believers, do not hunt while you set forth to the pilgrimage [of Mecca.] If anyone fails to obey this order, he should send either an offering to Mecca, feeding some poor people or fast; all these will be decided by two just men among you. This is a hardship to remind the guilty one of the evil work [of not obeying the Lord] that he has committed. God has already forgiven your past actions, but if anyone repeats the same, God will punish the sinner as He is the Most Serious when it comes to the punishment
Faridul Haque   
O People who Believe! Do not kill prey while you are on the pilgrimage; and whoever among you kills it intentionally, so its recompense is that he shall give a similar domestic animal (for sacrifice), two honest men among you rendering the command, the sacrifice being brought to the Ka’abah - or he gives as redemption, food for some needy persons, or fasts for the same number of days, so that he may taste the consequences of his deed; Allah has forgiven what has passed; and henceforth whoever does it, Allah will take recompense from him; and Allah is Almighty, Avenger
Sher Ali   
O ye who believe ! kill not game while you are in a state of Pilgrimage. And whoso among you kills it intentionally, its compensation is a quadruped like unto that which he has killed, as determined by two just men from among you, the same to be bought as an offering to the Ka'bah; or as an expiation he shall feed a number of poor persons, or fast an equivalent number of days, so that he may taste the penalty of his deed. As for the past, ALLAH forgives it; but whoso reverts to it, ALLAH will punish him for his offence. And ALLAH is the Lord of retribution
Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri   
O believers! Do not kill game whilst you are in pilgrim attire (ihram). Whoever of you (pilgrim-clad) kills it intentionally will recompense (it) in kind of cattle equivalent to the one he has killed. In this regard, two men of probity out of you are to judge (whether this animal is really the game’s equal, provided) that offering is to be brought to the Ka‘ba. Or its atonement is feeding a few indigent persons (i.e., usual food for the number of poor people manageable in the animal’s cost), or fasting corresponding to that (number of days manageable within the same food meant for the poor,) so that he tastes the (gravity) of his offence. Allah has forgiven whatever has gone by earlier (to it), but whoever repeats (a similar act) Allah will avenge (his defiance). And Allah is Mighty, the Lord of Retribution
Amatul Rahman Omar   
O you who believe! kill no game while you are in a pilgrim's garb or in the Sacred Precincts. And whosoever amongst you kills it intentionally he shall recompense by sacrificing a domestic cattle, the like of the animal he has killed, the same to be determined by two just persons from among you, and (the same) to be brought as an offering to the Ka'bah, or the expiation (of his sin) is the feeding of a number of needy persons, or the equivalent in fasting, so that he may suffer the penalty of his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever might have happened in the past, and whoso does it again Allah will punish him (for his offence), for Mighty is Allah, Lord of retribution
Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali   
O you who believe! Kill not game while you are in a state of Ihram for Hajj or Umrah (pilgrimage), and whosoever of you kills it intentionally, the penalty is an offering, brought to the Kabah, of an eatable animal (i.e. sheep, goat, cow, etc.) equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or, for expiation, he should feed Masakin (poor persons), or its equivalent in Saum (fasting), that he may taste the heaviness (punishment) of his deed. Allah has forgiven what is past, but whosoever commits it again, Allah will take retribution from him. And Allah is AllMighty, All-Able of Retribution

Non-Muslim and/or Orientalist works
Arthur John Arberry   
O believers, slay not the game while you are in pilgrim sanctity; whosoever of you slays it wilfully, there shall be recompense -- the like of what he has slain, in flocks as shall be judged by two men of equity among you, an offering to reach the Kaaba; or expiation -- food for poor persons or the equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the mischief of his action. God has pardoned what is past; but whoever offends again, God will take vengeance on him, God is All-mighty, Vengeful
George Sale   
O ye who believe! kill not game while you are in a state of Pilgrimage. And whoso among you kills it intentionally, its compensation is a quadruped like unto that which he has killed, as determined by two just men from among you, the same to be bought as an offering to the Ka'bah; or as an expiation he shall feed a number of poor persons, or fast an equivalent number of days, so that he may taste the penalty of his deed. As for the past, God forgives it; but whoso reverts to it, God will punish him for his offence. And God is the Lord of retribution
Edward Henry Palmer   
O ye who believe! kill not game while ye are on pilgrimage. But he amongst you who kills it purposely, his compensation is the like of that which he has killed, in sheep -- of which two equitable persons amongst you shall be judge -- an offering brought to the Kaabah; or as an expiation, the food of poor persons, or an equivalent thereof in fasting, that he may taste the evil result of his deed. God pardons bygones; but whoso returns, God will take vengeance on him, for God is mighty and the avenger
John Medows Rodwell   
O believers! kill no game while ye are on pilgrimage. Whosoever among you shall purposely kill it, shall comsent pensate for it in domestic animals of equal value (according to the judgment of two just persons among you), to be brought as an offering to the Caaba; or in expiation thereof shall feed the poor; or as the equivalent of this shall fast, that he may taste the ill consequence of his deed. God forgiveth what is past; but whoever doth it again, God will take vengeance on him; for God is mighty and vengeance is His
N J Dawood (2014)   
Believers, you shall not kill game while on Pilgrimage. He that kills game by design, shall present, as an offering to the Ka‘bah, an animal equivalent to the one he killed, to be determined by two just men among you; or he shall, in atonement, either feed the destitute or fast, so that he may taste the evil consequences of his deed. God has pardoned what is past; but if anyone relapses God will avenge Himself on him: God is Almighty and capable of revenge

New, Partial, or In Progress Translations
Fode Drame   
O you who believe! Do not kill the game while you have consecrated yourself for the pilgrimage. And whoever kills it from among you deliberately, then the penalty will be the like of what he has killed from the cattle decided by two just men among you as a gift to reach the Ka’ba or the expiation of feeding the needy ones or the equivalent of that in fasting so that he may taste the consequence of his affair. Allah has pardoned that which went before but whoever reverts then Allah will exact revenge from him and Allah is All-mighty Master of retribution.
Munir Mezyed   
O' you live by Faith! Do not kill game while you are in state of holiness and purity. Whosoever among you kills it intentionally, its indemnification is a quadruped like to that which he has killed, as determined by two just men from among you, as an offering to be brought to Ka’bah, or as an atonement, he must feed a number of needy people, or the equivalent of that in Fasting, so that he may taste the consequence of his deed. And Allâh has pardoned what is past. But whoever reverts to it, Allâh will take retribution from him.
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher   
Oh you believers, do not kill animals by hunting whilst you are on pilgrimage, and whoever of you kills them intentionally, his punishment is equal to what he has killed of the catch, judged by two just people amongst you, as an offering to reach the Ka´bah, or the compensation is to feed poor people or fasting in place of it so that he feels it and comprehends his situation. Allah has forgiven what happened in the past, and whoever returns, Allah will avenge it from him, and Allah is mighty and vengeful.
Linda “iLHam” Barto   
O Believers, do not kill wild, food animals while you are involved in the sacred rites. If one among you intentionally kills (a wild animal), he/she has to pay from the domestic animals. The exact offering must be decided by two righteous people from among you. The offering must reach the Kabah. As alternatives [for the atonement], [the perpetrator] may feed the poor, or he/she may fast an appropriate time. In that way, he/she may taste the penalty of the deed. Allah forgives what is past. For repetitive mistakes, Allah will inflict punishment on (the perpetrator). Allah is the Victorious owner of justice.
Fadel Soliman, Bridges‘ Translation   
O you who have attained faith, do not kill game while you are consecrating yourselves to pilgrimage. And whoever of you kills any intentionally, then a penalty: the like of what he has killed of domestic animals, as determined by two reliable persons from among you—an offering delivered to the Ka'bah—or an atonement: food for (some) destitute people or by fasting an equivalent number of days, so that he may taste the grievous consequences of his conduct. Allah has pardoned what has passed, but whoever reverts, then Allah will take vengeance on him, for Allah is Almighty, Capable of vengeance.
Irving & Mohamed Hegab   
You who believe, do not kill any game while you are forbidden [this while on Pilgrimage]. Anyone of you who kills some deliberately may make compensation through the same [type of animal] as he has killed, in livestock, with two fair-minded men from among you judging it, which should be sent as an offering (sacrifice) to reach the Kaba; or else exoneration may mean feeding paupers or the equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the effect of his action. Allah (God) pardons whatever is a thing of the past. Allah (God) will avenge Himself on anyone who does so over again; Allah (God) is Powerful, the Wielder of Retribution.
Samy Mahdy   
O you who believed! Do not kill the hunts while you are in Ihram state. And whoever from you kills it intentionally, so its penalty is an equivalent of that which he has killed from the livestock, judged with it, two just men among you as a gift [to Allah] to be reached to the Ka‘bah. Or atonement of feeding needy persons, or its redemption of that by fasting, so that he may taste the bad consequences of his matter. Allah pardons about what is past. And whoever returned, so Allah will take revenge from him. And Allah is Almighty, possessor of revenge.
Sayyid Qutb   
Believers, kill no game while you are on pilgrimage. Whoever of you kills game by design shall make amends in cattle equivalent to what he has killed, adjudged by two persons of probity among you, to be brought as an offering to the Ka`bah; or else he may atone for his sin by feeding needy persons, or by its equivalent in fasting, so that he may taste the evil consequences of his deeds. God has forgiven what is past; but whoever repeats his offence, God will inflict His retribution on him. God is Almighty, Lord of retribution.
Ahmed Hulusi   
O believers... Do not hunt while you are in ihram (attire worn by the pilgrim to represent a state he enters, where he refrains from worldly activities and turns wholeheartedly to Allah)... Whoever intentionally kills game, the compensation is a sacrifice to be delivered to the Kaba, equivalent to the game that is killed, judged by two just men among you... Or in expiation, to feed the needy, or do the equivalent of that in fasting, so he may taste the consequence of his deeds... Allah has forgiven what is past... But whoever relapses, Allah will enforce the consequences of his deeds! Allah is the Aziz, the Zuntaqim (severely enforces the consequences of an action).
Sayyed Abbas Sadr-Ameli   
O' you who have Faith! kill no game while you are in pilgrim garb: and anyone of you who kills it intentionally, its atonement is the like in cattle of what he has killed, as (to this likeness) two just persons among you judge, (and the animal) will be an offering reached to the Ka`bah, or the atonement (of it) is feeding the poor, or the equivalent of that in fasting, that he may taste the effect of his action. Allah has pardoned whatever is a thing of the past; and whoever returns (to it) , Allah will take vengeance on him, and Allah is Mighty, the Lord of Retribution
Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur‘an al-Karim   
O you whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues: Do not kill game while vested with the pilgrim’s garb, during major or minor pilgrimage, and he who intentionally kills such an animal shall pay the equivalent thereto from animals reared for food. The exact equivalent be it in kind or in value, shall be judged by two of your men known to recourse to general principles of justice. And the sacrifice will be an offering to the Ka’ba. Failing this then he may supply food to the indigent in the amount equivalent to the price determined. Or he may fulfill his obligation by fasting -from dawn to sunset for a day or more as determined by the judges so that he tastes the evil consequences of his guilt. Bygone shall be bygone; Allah forgives what is past. And he who falls back into the same wrong-doing shall be severely punished; Allah shall take just vengeance on him; Allah is Qadirun, He justly avenges His right
Mir Aneesuddin   
O you who believe ! do not kill the game while you are in the pilgrim's dress, and whoever among you kills it intentionally, then the compensation (as fine for it) the like of what he killed of the cattle, decided by two just persons from among you, to be brought to Kaaba as an offering; or the expiation (of it) is the feeding of the poor or the equivalent of that is fasting, that he may taste the evil consequence of his affair (of disobedience). Allah has pardoned that which was done in the past but whoever returns (to it), Allah will inflict retribution on him, and Allah is Mighty, Inflicter of retribution.
The Wise Quran   
O those who believed! Do not kill game while you are on pilgrimage. But whoever amongst you who kills it purposely, then his compensation is the like of that which he has killed in cattle, of which two men of equity amongst you shall be judge, an offering reaching the Kaabah; or an expiation, the food of poor persons, or an equivalent thereof in fasting, that he may taste the evil result of his deed. God pardons bygones; but whoever returns, then God will take vengeance on him. And God is mighty, owner of retribution.

Obsolete and/or older editions
Yusuf Ali (Orig. 1938)   
O ye who believe! Kill not game while in the sacred precincts or in pilgrim garb. If any of you doth so intentionally, the compensation is an offering, brought to the Ka'ba, of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or by way of atonement, the feeding of the indigent; or its equivalent in fasts: that he may taste of the penalty of his deed. God forgives what is past: for repetition God will exact from him the penalty. For God is Exalted, and Lord of Retribution
OLD Literal Word for Word   
O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in). And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two just men among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. Allah pardoned what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then Allah will take retributi from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution
OLD Transliteration   
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la taqtuloo alssayda waantum hurumun waman qatalahu minkum mutaAAammidan fajazaon mithlu ma qatala mina alnnaAAami yahkumu bihi thawa AAadlin minkum hadyan baligha alkaAAbati aw kaffaratun taAAamu masakeena aw AAadlu thalika siyaman liyathooqa wabala amrihi AAafa Allahu AAamma salafa waman AAada fayantaqimu Allahu minhu waAllahu AAazeezun thoo intiqamin