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Vulgate (Latin)   
diligis enim omnia quae sunt et nihil odisti horum quae fecisti nec enim odiens aliquid constituisti

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
How could anything have continued to exist unless you had willed it, or be preserved if it had not been called forth by you?
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
How would anything have endured if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved?
Good News Translation®   
How could anything last, if you did not want it to? How could it endure, if you had not created it?
Wycliffe Bible   
But how might anything dwell, no but thou wouldest?/but if thou wouldest? (or if thou haddest not willed it?) either how should a thing be kept, that were not called of (or by) thee? [How forsooth might anything abide still, but thou haddest would? or that of thee were not called, should be kept?]
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
How would anything have endured if thou hadst not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by thee have been preserved?
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
How would anything have endured if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved?
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
How would anything have endured if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved?
Common English Bible © 2011   
Nothing could survive unless you had willed it. Nothing could remain unless you continued to call it into being.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
How could a thing remain, unless you willed it; or be preserved, had it not been called forth by you?
Revised Standard Version   
How would anything have endured if thou hadst not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by thee have been preserved?
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
How would anything have endured if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved?