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Vulgate (Latin)   
Tobias dixit hic ego hodie non manducabo neque bibam nisi prius petitionem meam confirmes et promittas mihi dare Sarram filiam tuam

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
Raguel overheard this and said to the young man, “Eat and drink and be merry tonight, for no one else but you, my brother, has the right to marry my daughter Sarah. In any event, I do not have the right to give her to anyone else, since you are my closest relative. “However, my son, I must frankly reveal the truth to you.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
But Raguel overheard it and said to the lad, “Eat and drink, and be merry tonight. For no one except you, brother, has the right to marry my daughter Sarah. Likewise I am not at liberty to give her to any other man than yourself, because you are my nearest relative. But let me explain to you the true situation more fully, my child.
Good News Translation®   
Eat and drink something first and enjoy yourself this evening. You have the right to marry Sarah, and I cannot let anyone else marry her, because you are my closest relative. But I must tell you the truth, my son.
Wycliffe Bible   
Tobias said, I shall not eat, neither drink here today, no but thou confirm first mine asking, and [thou] promise to give to me Sarah, thy daughter to (or for my) wife.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
for it is your right to take my child. But let me explain the true situation to you.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
But Raguel overheard it and said to the young man, “Eat and drink, and be merry tonight. For no one except you, brother, has the right to marry my daughter Sarah. Likewise I am not at liberty to give her to any other man than you because you are my nearest relative. But let me explain to you the true situation more fully, my son.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
But Raguel overheard it and said to the lad, ‘Eat and drink, and be merry tonight. For no one except you, brother, has the right to marry my daughter Sarah. Likewise I am not at liberty to give her to any other man than yourself, because you are my nearest relative. But let me explain to you the true situation more fully, my child.
Common English Bible © 2011   
Raguel overheard Tobias’ comment and said to the young man, “Eat, drink, and be happy tonight! There is no other man except you, my brother, for whom it is proper to marry my daughter Sarah. What’s more, I have no right to give her to any man except for you since you are my nearest relative. “But, my lad, I must tell you the truth.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
Raguel overheard the words; so he said to the young man: “Eat and drink and be merry tonight, for no man has a greater right to marry my daughter Sarah than you, brother. Besides, not even I have the right to give her to anyone but you, because you are my closest relative. However, son, I must frankly tell you the truth.
Revised Standard Version   
for it is your right to take my child. But let me explain the true situation to you.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
But Raguel overheard it and said to the lad, ‘Eat and drink, and be merry tonight. For no one except you, brother, has the right to marry my daughter Sarah. Likewise I am not at liberty to give her to any other man than yourself, because you are my nearest relative. But let me explain to you the true situation more fully, my child.