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Vulgate (Latin)   
qui interrogationem manifestat parabit verbum et sic deprecatus exaudietur et conservabit disciplinam et tunc respondebit

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
Carefully prepare what you have to say, and you will be listened to; draw upon your learning, and then give your answer.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
Prepare what to say, and then you will be listened to; draw upon your training, and give your answer.
Good News Translation®   
Prepare what you are going to say and people will listen to you. Use what you have learned before you start talking.
Wycliffe Bible   
He that maketh open asking, shall make ready [or shall prepare] a word; and so he shall pray, and shall be heard, and he shall keep (the) teaching, and then he shall answer.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
Prepare what to say, and thus you will be heard; bind together your instruction, and make your answer.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
Prepare what to say, and then you will be listened to; draw upon your training and give your answer.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
Prepare what to say, and then you will be listened to; draw upon your training, and give your answer.
Common English Bible © 2011   
Prepare your speech, and then you will be heard; draw upon your training, and give an answer.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
Prepare your words and then you will be listened to; draw upon your training, and give your answer.
Revised Standard Version   
Prepare what to say, and thus you will be heard; bind together your instruction, and make your answer.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
Prepare what to say, and then you will be listened to; draw upon your training, and give your answer.