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Vulgate (Latin)   
cumque gravaret eos rex Aegypti atque in aedificationibus urbium suarum in luto et latere subiugasset eos clamaverunt ad Deum suum et percussit totam terram Aegypti plagis variis

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
Later, when a severe famine afflicted the land of Canaan, they went down to Egypt, where they remained as long as food was available in abundance for them. There they grew into so great a multitude that their numbers could not be counted.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
When a famine spread over the land of Canaan they went down to Egypt and lived there as long as they had food. There they became so great a multitude that their race could not be counted.
Good News Translation®   
Later, when a famine struck all the land of Canaan, these Israelites, as they were later called, went down to Egypt and stayed there as long as there was enough food. While they were there, they became a large nation with so many people that they could not be counted.
Wycliffe Bible   
And when the king of Egypt had grieved them, and had made them subjects in the buildings of his cities in clay and tilestone [or and in building of his cities in clay and tile(stone) had under-yoked them], they cried to their God, and he smote all the land of Egypt with diverse vengeances.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
When a famine spread over Canaan they went down to Egypt and lived there as long as they had food; and there they became a great multitude—so great that they could not be counted.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
When a famine spread over the land of Canaan they went down to Egypt and lived there as long as they had food. There they became so great a multitude that their number could not be counted.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
When a famine spread over the land of Canaan they went down to Egypt and lived there as long as they had food. There they became so great a multitude that their race could not be counted.
Common English Bible © 2011   
But when a famine spread through the land of Canaan, they went down to live as strangers in Egypt, where there was food. While they were there, their numbers increased so that they couldn’t be counted.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
Later, when famine had gripped the land of Canaan, they went down into Egypt. They stayed there as long as they found sustenance and there they grew into such a great multitude that the number of their people could not be counted.
Revised Standard Version   
When a famine spread over Canaan they went down to Egypt and lived there as long as they had food; and there they became a great multitude—so great that they could not be counted.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
When a famine spread over the land of Canaan they went down to Egypt and lived there as long as they had food. There they became so great a multitude that their race could not be counted.