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Muhammad Asad   
O YOU who have attained to faith! What is amiss with you that, when you are called upon, "Go forth to war in God's cause," you cling heavily to the earth? Would you content yourselves with [the comforts of] this worldly life in preference to [the good of] the life to come? But the enjoyment of life in this world is but a paltry thing when compared with the life to come
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
O believers! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth in the cause of Allah, you cling firmly to ˹your˺ land? Do you prefer the life of this world over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this worldly life is insignificant compared to that of the Hereafter.
Safi Kaskas   
Believers, what is the matter with you? When you are told to march forth to war in God’s cause, you continue to cling to the Earth. Are you content with this present life to the point that you prefer it to the life to come? The enjoyment of the present life is practically nothing in comparison to the life to come.

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یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ مَا لَكُمۡ إِذَا قِیلَ لَكُمُ ٱنفِرُوا۟ فِی سَبِیلِ ٱللَّهِ ٱثَّاقَلۡتُمۡ إِلَى ٱلۡأَرۡضِۚ أَرَضِیتُم بِٱلۡحَیَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنۡیَا مِنَ ٱلۡءَاخِرَةِۚ فَمَا مَتَـٰعُ ٱلۡحَیَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنۡیَا فِی ٱلۡءَاخِرَةِ إِلَّا قَلِیلٌ ۝٣٨
Transliteration (2021)   
yāayyuhā alladhīna āmanū mā lakum idhā qīla lakumu infirū fī sabīli l-lahi ithāqaltum ilā l-arḍi araḍītum bil-ḥayati l-dun'yā mina l-ākhirati famā matāʿu l-ḥayati l-dun'yā fī l-ākhirati illā qalīlu
Word for Word
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh, Ms. Kauser Katri, and more
O you who believe! What (is the matter) with you when it is said to you go forth in (the) way (of) Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life (of) the world (rather) than the Hereafter? But what (is the) enjoyment (of) the life (of) the world in (comparison to) the hereafter except a little.

Generally Accepted Translations of the Meaning
Muhammad Asad   
O YOU who have attained to faith! What is amiss with you that, when you are called upon, "Go forth to war in God's cause," you cling heavily to the earth? Would you content yourselves with [the comforts of] this worldly life in preference to [the good of] the life to come? But the enjoyment of life in this world is but a paltry thing when compared with the life to come
M. M. Pickthall   
O ye who believe! What aileth you that when it is said unto you: Go forth in the way of Allah, ye are bowed down to the ground with heaviness. Take ye pleasure in the life of the world rather than in the Hereafter? The comfort of the life of the world is but little in the Hereafter
Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)   
O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
O believers! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth in the cause of Allah, you cling firmly to ˹your˺ land? Do you prefer the life of this world over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this worldly life is insignificant compared to that of the Hereafter.
Safi Kaskas   
Believers, what is the matter with you? When you are told to march forth to war in God’s cause, you continue to cling to the Earth. Are you content with this present life to the point that you prefer it to the life to come? The enjoyment of the present life is practically nothing in comparison to the life to come.
Wahiduddin Khan   
Believers, what is the matter with you that when you are asked to go forth in the cause of God, you cling slothfully to the land? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, compared to that of the Hereafter
O you who believe! What (excuse) have you that when it is said to you: Go forth in Allah's way, you should incline heavily to earth; are you contented with this world's life instead of the hereafter? But the provision of this world's life compared with the hereafter is but little
Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar   
O those who believed! What was it with you when was said to you: Move forward in the way of God, you inclined heavily downwards to the earth? Were you so well-pleased with this present life instead of the world to come? But the enjoyment of this present life is not but little compared to the world to come.
You who believe, what is wrong with you when you are told: ´March off in God´s cause!"? Do you feel weighted down to the ground? Are you more satisfied with worldly life than with the [prospect of the] Hereafter? The comfort of worldly life will mean so little in the Hereafter.
Abdul Hye   
O you who believe! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth in the Way of Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this life is little compared to the life of the Hereafter.
The Study Quran   
O you who believe! What ails you, that when it is said unto you, “Go forth in the way of God,” you sink down heavily to the earth? Are you content with the life of this world over the Hereafter? Yet the enjoyment of the life of this world, compared with the Hereafter, is but a little
Talal Itani & AI (2024)   
O you who believe, when you’re called to mobilize in God’s way, why do you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the worldly life over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this earthly life, compared to the Hereafter, is insignificant.
Talal Itani (2012)   
O you who believe! What is the matter with you, when it is said to you, 'Mobilize in the cause of God,' you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the present life to the Hereafter? The enjoyment of the present life, compared to the Hereafter, is only a little
Dr. Kamal Omar   
O you people who have Believed! What (is the matter) with you? When it was said to you: “March forth in the Cause of Allah,” you clung heavily to the earth. Did you get satisfied with the life of this world in comparison to the Hereafter? So what is the enjoyment of the life of this world in comparison to the Hereafter — except a very very negligible one
M. Farook Malik   
O believers! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth in the way of Allah, you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the life of the hereafter? If it is so, then you should know that the comforts of this life are little compared to the life of the hereafter
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali   
O you who have believed, how is it with you, (that) when it is said to you, "March out in the way of Allah, " you sink down heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the present life, (Literally: the lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) rather than with the Hereafter? Yet in no way is the enjoyment of the present life, in the Hereafter anything except a little thing.
Muhammad Sarwar   
Believers, why is it that when you are told to march for the cause of God, you seem to linger at home. Have you given preference to the worldly life over the life hereafter? The worldly gains compared to those of the next life are but very little
Muhammad Taqi Usmani   
O you who believe, what is wrong with you that when it is said to you, .Come out in the way of Allah,. you turn heavy (and cling) to the ground. Have you become happy with the worldly life instead of the Hereafter? So, (remember that) the enjoyment of the worldly life is but trivial in (comparison with) the Hereafter
Shabbir Ahmed   
O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! What is amiss with you that, when called upon, "Go forth in the Cause of Allah," you cling heavily to the ground? Do you choose pleasure in the life of this world rather than in the life to come? The enjoyment of this life is but a paltry thing compared to the Hereafter
Dr. Munir Munshey   
Oh you who believe! What is the matter with you? When asked to (leave home and) go (into battle) for the sake of Allah, you drag your feet and cling to the ground. Do you prefer the life of this world to the afterlife? Compared to the afterlife, the possessions (and pleasures) of the life of this world are much too meager
Syed Vickar Ahamed   
O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that, when you are asked to go out in the Cause of Allah, you stay on (tied) tightly to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But the comfort of this life is very small, compared with (the comfort of) the Hereafter
Umm Muhammad (Sahih International)   
O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah , you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little
[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition)   
O you who believe, what is wrong with you when you are told: "March forth in the cause of God," you become heavy on Earth. Have you become content with this worldly life over the Hereafter The enjoyment of this worldly life compared to the Hereafter is nothing
Abdel Haleem   
Believers, why, when it is said to you, ‘Go and fight in God’s way,’ do you feel weighed down to the ground? Do you prefer this world to the life to come? How small the enjoyment of this world is, compared with the life to come
Abdul Majid Daryabadi   
O Ye who believe! what aileth you that when it is said unto you: march forth in the way of Allah, ye are weighed down earthward? Are ye pleased with the life of the world rather than the Hereafter? whereas the enjoyment of the life of the world by the side of the Hereafter is but little
Ahmed Ali   
What has happened to you, O believers, that when you are asked to set out in the cause of God your feet begin to drag? Do you find the life of the world so pleasing that you forget the life to come? Yet the profit of the life of this world is but meagre as compared to the life to come
Aisha Bewley   
You who have iman! what is the matter with you that when you are told, ´Go out and fight in the way of Allah,´ you sink down heavily to the earth? Are you happier with this world than the Next World? Yet the enjoyment of this world is very small compared to that of the Next World.
Ali Ünal   
O you who believe! What excuse do you have that when it is said to you: "Mobilize (for the campaign of Tabuk) in God’s cause!" you cling heavily to the earth? Are you content with the present, worldly life, rather than the Hereafter? Yet slight is the enjoyment of the worldly life as compared with the Hereafter
Ali Quli Qara'i   
O you who have faith! What is the matter with you that when you are told: ‘Go forth in the way of Allah,’ you sink heavily to the ground? Are you pleased with the life of this world instead of the Hereafter? But the wares of the life of this world compared with the Hereafter are but insignificant
Hamid S. Aziz   
O you who believe! What ailed you when you were told to march forth in Allah´s way, that you were bowed down to the ground with heaviness? Were you content with the life of this world instead of the Hereafter? But the comforts of the life of this w
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad   
You who believe, what is with you that when you are told to march forward in God's way, you hold on to the earth (and do not move)? Are you satisfied with this world’s life instead of the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this world’s life against the Hereafter is a little.
A.L. Bilal Muhammad et al (2018)   
O you who believe, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to go forward in the cause of God, you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of the present to the hereafter? But little are the comforts of this life, as compared with the hereafter
Musharraf Hussain   
Believers, what is the matter with you? When you are told: “Mobilise yourself in Allah’s way!” Why do you feel weighed down to the ground? Are you happy with this life instead of the Hereafter? The pleasures of this life are nothing compared to the Hereafter
Believers! What is amiss with you that when it is said to you: "March forth in the cause of Allah," you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the worldly life to the Hereafter? Know well that all the enjoyment of this world, in comparison with the Hereafter, is trivial
[The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition)   
O you who believe, what is wrong with you when you are told: "Mobilize in the cause of God," you become heavy on the earth. Have you become content with this worldly life over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this worldly life compared to the Hereafter is nothing.
Mohammad Shafi   
O you who believe! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to set out in Allah's Path, you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer this life to the Hereafter when the provisions of this life count for nothing but little in the Hereafter

Controversial or status undetermined works
Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)   
'O Believers! What happened to you, that when it is said to you, 'Go forth in the way of Allah, you sit down on the earth heavily'? Have you chosen the life of this work in preference to the Hereafter? And the goods of the living worlds in comparison with that of the Hereafter is nothing but little.
Rashad Khalifa   
O you who believe, when you are told, "Mobilize in the cause of GOD," why do you become heavily attached to the ground? Have you chosen this worldly life in place of the Hereafter? The materials of this world, compared to the Hereafter, are nil.
Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah   
Believers, why is it that when it is said to you: 'March in the Way of Allah, ' you linger with heaviness in the land? Are you content with this life rather than theEverlasting Life? Yet the enjoyment of this life in (comparison to) the Everlasting Life is little
Maulana Muhammad Ali   
O you who believe, what (excuse) have you that when it is said to you, Go forth in Allah’s way, you should incline heavily to earth? Are you contented with this world’s life instead of the Hereafter? The provision of this world’s life is but little as compared with the Hereafter
Muhammad Ahmed & Samira   
You, you those who believed, why (is it) to you, if (it) is said to you: "Rush/hasten in God's sake ," you become heavy/burdened in the earth/Planet Earth? Did you accept/become content with the life the present/worldly life, (other) than the end (other life)? So the present world's/worldly life's long life/enjoyment is not except little/small in the end (other life)
Bijan Moeinian   
O’ believers, what happened to you that, when [in preparation for the campaign of Tabuk] you were asked to march forth for the cause of God, you became heavily attached to the earth? Does it mean that you prefer this earthly life to the life of the Hereafter? If this is the case, rest assured that all the pleasures of the world is nothing compared to that of Hereafter
Faridul Haque   
O People who Believe! What is the matter with you, that when it is said to you, "Migrate in Allah's cause", you sit on the ground with heaviness? Have you preferred this worldly life over the Hereafter? And the wealth of the life of this world, in comparison with the Hereafter, is but only a little
Sher Ali   
O ye who believe; what is the matter with you that, when it is said to you, go forth in the way of ALLAH, you sink down heavily towards the earth? Are you contented with the present life in the preference to the Hereafter? But the enjoyment of the present life is but little compared to the Hereafter
Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri   
O believers! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to set out (to fight) in the way of Allah, you, weighing heavier, incline towards (the material and ignoble world of) the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? So, the property and belongings of the life of this world are worthless in (comparison with) the Hereafter (and carry) but little (value)
Amatul Rahman Omar   
O you the (so called) believers! what (excuse) have you that when it is said to you to go forth for the cause of Allah (to Tabuk) you incline heavily towards the earth. Would you be contented with the present life in preference to the Hereafter? (If it is so then remember that) the provision of this present life, as compared with the Hereafter, is but little
Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali   
O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter

Non-Muslim and/or Orientalist works
Arthur John Arberry   
O believers, what is amiss with you, that when it is said to you, 'Go forth in the way of God,' you sink down heavily to the ground? Are you so content with this present life, rather than the world to come? Yet the enjoyment of this present life, compared with the world to come, is a little thing
George Sale   
O true believers, what ailed you, that, when it was said unto you, go forth to fight for the religion of God, ye inclined heavily towards the earth? Do ye prefer the present life to that which is to come? But the provision of this life, in respect of that which is to come, is but slender
Edward Henry Palmer   
O ye who believe! what ailed you when ye were told to march forth in God's way, that ye sank down heavily upon the earth? were ye content with the life of this world instead of the next? but the provision of this world's life is but a little to the next
John Medows Rodwell   
O Believers! what possessed you, that when it was said to you, "March forth on the Way of God," ye sank heavily earthwards? What! prefer ye the life of this world to the next? But the fruition of this mundane life, in respect of that which is to come, is but little
N J Dawood (2014)   
Believers, why is it that when you are told: ‘March in the cause of God,‘ you linger slothfully in the land? Are you content with this life in preference to the life to come? Few indeed are the blessings of this life, compared with those of the life to come

New, Partial, or In Progress Translations
Fode Drame   
O you who believe! What is the matter with you that when you are told to go forth in the way of Allah, then you incline heavily towards the earth. Are you pleased with the life of this world than the hereafter but the enjoyment of the life of this world compared to that of the hereafter is nothing but little.
Munir Mezyed   
O’ you who come by Faith! What ails you that when you are asked to go forth (to the Expedition of Tabūk) in the cause of Allâh, you cling heavily to the earth? Are you fully contented with this worldly life instead of the Hereafter? (You need to be aware that) the provision of this worldly life in respect of the Hereafter is but modicum.
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher   
Oh you believers, what is the matter with you that when you are told to move out in the way of Allah you cling to the earth? Are you content with the life of this world over the hereafter? But the provision of the life of this world is only little compared to the hereafter.
Linda “iLHam” Barto   
O Believers, what is wrong with you? When you are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, you cling tenaciously to the world. Do you prefer the life of this world to the life hereafter? The comfort of this world is small compared to that of the hereafter.
Fadel Soliman, Bridges‘ Translation   
O you who have attained faith, what is the matter with you that when it is said to you, “Mobilize in the way of Allah,” you cling heavily to the earth? Are you content with the Earlier Life rather than the Hereafter? For the enjoyment of the Earlier Life compared to the Hereafter is but little.
Irving & Mohamed Hegab   
You who believe, what is wrong with you when you are told: 'March off in Allah (God)'s cause!"? Do you feel weighted down to the ground? Are you more satisfied with worldly life than with the [prospect of the] Hereafter? The comfort of worldly life will mean so little in the Hereafter.
Samy Mahdy   
O you who believed! What is with you, when it is said to you, “Advance in Allah’s pathway,” you cling heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the Dunya life (of this world) rather than the Hereafter? So, the enjoyment of the Dunya life in the Hereafter is not, except a little.
Sayyid Qutb   
Believers, what is amiss with you that, when it is said to you: 'Go forth to fight in God's cause,' you cling heavily to the earth? Are you content with the comforts of this world in preference to the life to come? Paltry indeed are the enjoyments of life in this world when compared with those to come.
Ahmed Hulusi   
O believers... What is wrong with you that when you are told, “Go forth to battle in the way of Allah” you cling heavily to the earth! Do you prefer the worldly life over the eternal life to come? While the bounties of the worldly life are nothing compared to those of the life to come!
Sayyed Abbas Sadr-Ameli   
O� you who have Faith! What (excuse) have you that when it is said to you : �Go forth in Allah�s way�, you should incline heavily to the ground? Are you contented with the life of this world instead of the Hereafter? But the enjoyment of the life of this world, compared with the Hereafter, is but little
Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur‘an al-Karim   
O you who have conformed to Islam: what ails you that you are indisposed to action! When you are told to strive in the cause of Allah you cling heavily to the ground! Have you come to be worldly - minded and content with life here afore that Hereafter! But how little are the material and the immaterial things that minister to enjoyment and content here as compared with Hereafter
Mir Aneesuddin   
O you who believe ! what is (the matter) with you, that when it is said to you to go out in the way of Allah (to Tabuk) , you cling heavily to the earth. Are you more pleased with the life of this world compared to the hereafter? Then the provision of the life of this world compared to the hereafter is but little.
The Wise Quran   
O those who believed! What ails you when it is said to you, 'Go forth in the way of God,' You sink down heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the worldly life instead of the hereafter? But what is the provision of the worldly life in the hereafter except a little.

Obsolete and/or older editions
Yusuf Ali (Orig. 1938)   
O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of God, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared wit h the Hereafter
OLD Literal Word for Word   
O you who believe! What (is the matter) with you when it is said to you go forth in (the) way (of) Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life (of) the world (rather) than the Hereafter? But what (is the) enjoyment (of) the life (of) the world in (comparison to) the hereafter except a little
OLD Transliteration   
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ma lakum itha qeela lakumu infiroo fee sabeeli Allahi iththaqaltum ila al-ardi aradeetum bialhayati alddunya mina al-akhirati fama mataAAu alhayati alddunya fee al-akhirati illa qaleelun