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Vulgate (Latin)   
talia dixerunt et peccaverunt

King James Variants

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New Catholic Bible   
The hope of the godless is like chaff carried on the wind, and like sea spray swept before a storm; it is dissipated like smoke confronted by the wind, and it passes away like the memory of a guest who stays but a single day.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
Because the hope of the ungodly is like thistledown carried by the wind, and like a light frost driven away by a storm; it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, and it passes like the remembrance of a guest who stays but a day.
Good News Translation®   
What hope do wicked people have? Only the hope of straw blown about in the wind, the hope of ocean foam that disappears in the storm, the hope of smoke in the breeze. Their hope lasts no longer than our memory of a guest who stays one day and leaves the next.
Wycliffe Bible   
For the hope of a wicked man [or the unpious] is as the flower of a briar, [or (a) thistle-down], which is taken away of (or by) the wind, and as small froth [or foam] which is scattered abroad of (or by) a tempest, and as smoke which is spread abroad of (or by) (the) wind, and as the mind of a guest of one day, that passeth forth.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
Because the hope of the ungodly man is like chaff carried by the wind, and like a light hoarfrost driven away by a storm; it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, and it passes like the remembrance of a guest who stays but a day.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
Because the hope of the ungodly is like thistledown carried by the wind and like a light frost driven away by a storm; it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, and it passes like the remembrance of a guest who stays but a day.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
Because the hope of the ungodly is like thistledown carried by the wind, and like a light frost driven away by a storm; it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, and it passes like the remembrance of a guest who stays but a day.
Common English Bible © 2011   
The ungodly person’s hope disappears like dust in the wind, like frost that is stripped away and scattered by a mighty wind, like smoke that rises and is immediately dispersed by the wind, like the memory of a stranger who spends the day and then is gone.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
Yes, the hope of the wicked is like chaff borne by the wind, and like fine, storm-driven snow; Like smoke scattered by the wind, and like the passing memory of the nomad camping for a single day.
Revised Standard Version   
Because the hope of the ungodly man is like chaff carried by the wind, and like a light hoarfrost driven away by a storm; it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, and it passes like the remembrance of a guest who stays but a day.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
Because the hope of the ungodly is like thistledown carried by the wind, and like a light frost driven away by a storm; it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, and it passes like the remembrance of a guest who stays but a day.