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Vulgate (Latin)   
ut illi quidem concupiscentes escam propter ea quae illis ostensa et missa sunt etiam a necessaria concupiscentia averterentur hi autem in brevi inopes facti novam gustaverunt escam

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
Thus, the idolaters, repulsed by the sight of loathsome creatures sent to plague them, lost their appetite even though suffering from hunger, while your own people, after a short period of privation, partook with pleasure of rare delicacies.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
in order that those people, when they desired food, might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them, while your people, after suffering want a short time, might partake of delicacies.
Good News Translation®   
You did all this so that the idolaters, when they were hungry, would be unable to eat because of the disgusting creatures sent to them. Your people, however, suffered hunger only a short while, and then they ate the finest food.
Wycliffe Bible   
That soothly they coveting meat, were turned away, yea, from needful coveting, for those things that were showed, and sent to them; but these men made poor in short time, tasted new meat. [That they forsooth coveting meat, for those things that to them be showed, and sent, also from needful coveting they should be turned away; these forsooth needy made in short, tasted new meat.]
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
in order that those men, when they desired food, might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them, while thy people, after suffering want a short time, might partake of delicacies.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
in order that those people, when they desired food, might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them, while your people, after suffering want a short time, might partake of delicacies.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
in order that those people, when they desired food, might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them, while your people, after suffering want a short time, might partake of delicacies.
Common English Bible © 2011   
You did so in order that the enemies of your people, who were also hungry, wouldn’t be able to stomach food because of the ugliness of those creatures that you had sent against them. You also did so in order that your people, who were in need only for a little while, might share in a novel meal.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
So that those others, when they desired food, should lose their appetite even for necessities, since the creatures sent to plague them were so loathsome, While these, after a brief period of privation, partook of a novel dish.
Revised Standard Version   
in order that those men, when they desired food, might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them, while thy people, after suffering want a short time, might partake of delicacies.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
in order that those people, when they desired food, might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them, while your people, after suffering want a short time, might partake of delicacies.