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Vulgate (Latin)   
sed et figulus mollem terram premens laboriose fingit ad usus nostros unumquodque vas et de eodem luto fingit quae munda sunt in usum vasa similiter et quae his sunt contraria horum autem vasorum qui sit usus iudex est figulus

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
A potter laboriously kneads the soft earth, molding each object for our use, fashioning out of the same clay both the vessels that will serve noble purposes and those designed for a contrary use. But what shall be the purpose of each object is determined by the potter.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
A potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously molds each vessel for our service, fashioning out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all alike; but which shall be the use of each of them the worker in clay decides.
Good News Translation®   
A potter works the soft clay and carefully shapes each object for our use. Some things he makes are put to good use, and some are not, but he makes them all from the same clay, and shapes them in the same manner. The potter himself decides which objects shall be used for what purposes.
Wycliffe Bible   
But also a potter, thrusting (or squeezing) [the] nesh earth, by great travail maketh each vessel to (or for) our uses; and (out) of the same clay he maketh vessels that be clean to use (or be for clean uses), and in like manner those that be contrary to these; forsooth what use is of these vessels, the potter is (the) judge.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
For when a potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously molds each vessel for our service, he fashions out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all in like manner; but which shall be the use of each of these the worker in clay decides.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
A potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously molds each vessel for our service, fashioning out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all alike, but which shall be the use of each of them the worker in clay decides.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
A potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously moulds each vessel for our service, fashioning out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all alike; but which shall be the use of each of them the worker in clay decides.
Common English Bible © 2011   
The potters take great pains to mold the clay. They make each piece for our use. They make some containers to be used for holy purposes. Others will be used for ordinary purposes. Both pieces are made from the same clay, and both are made in the same way. But the use to which each is put is left up to the judgment of the potter.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
For the potter, laboriously working the soft earth, molds for our service each single article: He fashions out of the same clay both the vessels that serve for clean purposes and their opposites, all alike; As to what shall be the use of each vessel of either class the worker in clay is the judge.
Revised Standard Version   
For when a potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously molds each vessel for our service, he fashions out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all in like manner; but which shall be the use of each of these the worker in clay decides.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
A potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously moulds each vessel for our service, fashioning out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all alike; but which shall be the use of each of them the worker in clay decides.