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Vulgate (Latin)   
quae communicatio sancto homini ad canem aut quae pax bona diviti ad pauperem

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
When the rich man slips, many rush to his rescue; even if he says something nonsensical, people justify him. When the poor man slips, he is criticized, and no attention is paid when his words are filled with wisdom.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
If the rich person slips, many come to the rescue; he speaks unseemly words, but they justify him. If the humble person slips, they even criticize him; he talks sense, but is not given a hearing.
Good News Translation®   
When someone rich makes a mistake, there are many people to cover up for him and explain away all the things he never should have said. But let someone poor make a mistake, and he gets nothing but criticism. Even if what he says makes good sense, nobody will listen.
Wycliffe Bible   
Many recoverers (or helpers) be to a rich man deceived; he spake proudly, and they justified him. (But) A meek man is deceived, furthermore also he is reproved; he spake wisely, and no place was given to him. [To the rich deceived many be recoverers; he spake proudly, and they justified him. The meek is deceived, furthermore and reproved; he spake wisely well, and there is not given to him a place.]
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
If a rich man slips, his helpers are many; he speaks unseemly words, and they justify him. If a humble man slips, they even reproach him; he speaks sensibly, and receives no attention.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
If the rich person slips, many come to the rescue; he speaks unseemly words, but they justify him. If the humble person slips, they even criticize him; he talks sense but is not given a hearing.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
If the rich person slips, many come to the rescue; he speaks unseemly words, but they justify him. If the humble person slips, they even criticize him; he talks sense, but is not given a hearing.
Common English Bible © 2011   
When the rich slip, their helpers are many; they speak things that shouldn’t be spoken, and people justify them. The humble slip, and people criticize them as well; they utter something sensible, and no one pays attention.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
When the rich speak they have many supporters; though what they say is repugnant, it wins approval. When the poor speak people say, “Come, come, speak up!” though they are talking sense, they get no hearing.
Revised Standard Version   
If a rich man slips, his helpers are many; he speaks unseemly words, and they justify him. If a humble man slips, they even reproach him; he speaks sensibly, and receives no attention.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
If the rich person slips, many come to the rescue; he speaks unseemly words, but they justify him. If the humble person slips, they even criticize him; he talks sense, but is not given a hearing.