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Vulgate (Latin)   
pondus super se tollit qui honestiori communicat et ditiori te ne socius fueris

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
Do not bear a burden too heavy for you, or associate with someone who is greater or wealthier than you. How can the clay pot be used with the iron cauldron? When they collide, the pot will be smashed.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
Do not lift a weight too heavy for you, or associate with one mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it and be smashed.
Good News Translation®   
Don't try to lift something too heavy for you, and don't keep company with people who are richer and more powerful than you. You cannot keep a clay pot next to an iron kettle; the pot will break if it hits the kettle.
Wycliffe Bible   
He raiseth a weight on himself, that communeth with a more honest (or more honoured) man than himself; and be thou not fellow to a man richer than thou. What (or How) shall a caldron commune to (or with) a pot? for when those hurtle themselves together, the pot shall be broken. [Burden upon him(self) he taketh, that communeth to the honester than himself; and to the richer than thou, thou shalt not be (a) fellow. What shall commune the caldron to the pot? when forsooth they shall hurtle themselves, it shall be broken.]
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
Do not lift a weight beyond your strength, nor associate with a man mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it, and will itself be broken.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition   
Do not lift a weight too heavy for you or associate with one mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it and be smashed.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
Do not lift a weight too heavy for you, or associate with one mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it and be smashed.
Common English Bible © 2011   
Don’t lift something that’s too heavy for you, and don’t associate with people who are more powerful and rich than you are. What does a clay pot have in common with a metal cauldron? The one will knock against the other and be shattered.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
Do not lift a weight too heavy for you, or associate with anyone wealthier than you. How can the clay pot go with the metal cauldron? When they knock together, the pot will be smashed:
Revised Standard Version   
Do not lift a weight beyond your strength, nor associate with a man mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it, and will itself be broken.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised   
Do not lift a weight too heavy for you, or associate with one mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it and be smashed.