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Vulgate (Latin)   
ut probes quia ita est ecce caput Holofernis qui in contemptu superbiae suae Deum Israhel contempsit et tibi interitum minabatur dicens cum captus fuerit populus Israhel gladio perforari praecipiam latera tua

King James Variants

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Wycliffe Bible   
And (so) that thou prove that it is so, lo! the head of Holofernes, which in the despite of his pride despised God of Israel, and he menaced death to thee, and said, When the people of Israel is taken, I shall command thy sides to be pierced with a sword. [And that thou prove for so it is, lo! the head of Holofernes, that in the despising of his pride God of Israel despised, and to thee death threatened, saying, When the people of Israel were taken, I shall command with a sword to stick him through the sides.]