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Vulgate (Latin)   
quia hodie nomen tuum ita magnificavit ut non recedat laus tua de ore hominum qui memores fuerint virtutis Domini in aeternum pro quibus non pepercisti animae tuae propter angustias et tribulationem generis tui sed subvenisti ruinae ante conspectum Dei nostri

King James Variants

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Wycliffe Bible   
for today he hath magnified so thy name, that thy praising go not away from the mouth of men, that shall be mindful of the virtue of the Lord without end (or who shall remember the power of the Lord forevermore); for which thou sparedest not thy life for the anguishes and tribulations of thy kin [or of thy kindred], but helpedest the falling before the sight of our God/for which men thou sparedest not thy life, but puttedest it for the anguishes and tribulations of thy kin, and thou hast holpen (or hast helped) the falling of the people before the sight of our God.