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Vulgate (Latin)   
hostias illorum sacerdotes ipsorum vendunt et abutuntur similiter et mulieres eorum decerpentes neque infirmo neque mendicanti aliquid inpertiunt

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
Any sacrifices made to these idols are sold by the priests, who then pocket the proceeds. Likewise, their wives salt and preserve parts of the meat that is offered, but they refuse to offer any share whatsoever to the poor or the helpless.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
because, if any of these gods falls to the ground, they themselves must pick it up. If anyone sets it upright, it cannot move itself; and if it is tipped over, it cannot straighten itself. Gifts are placed before them just as before the dead.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
And those who serve them are ashamed because through them these gods are made to stand, lest they fall to the ground. If any one sets one of them upright, it cannot move itself; and if it is tipped over, it cannot straighten itself; but gifts are placed before them just as before the dead.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
because, if any of these gods falls to the ground, they themselves must pick it up. If anyone sets it upright, it cannot move itself; and if it is tipped over, it cannot straighten itself. Gifts are placed before them just as before the dead.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
Their priests sell their sacrifices for their own advantage. Likewise their wives cure some of the meat, but they do not share it with the poor and the weak;