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Vulgate (Latin)   
lucernas accendunt illis et quidem multas ex quibus nullam videre possunt sunt autem sicut trabes in domo

King James Variants

Other translations
New Catholic Bible   
The priests light more lamps for the gods than they do for themselves, yet not even one of these can the idols see.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
so are their gods when they have been set up in the temples. Their eyes are full of the dust raised by the feet of those who enter. And just as the gates are shut on every side against anyone who has offended a king, as though under sentence of death, so the priests make their temples secure with doors and locks and bars, in order that they may not be plundered by robbers.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition   
And just as the gates are shut on every side upon a man who has offended a king, as though he were sentenced to death, so the priests make their temples secure with doors and locks and bars, in order that they may not be plundered by robbers.
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition   
so are their gods when they have been set up in the temples. Their eyes are full of the dust raised by the feet of those who enter. And just as the gates are shut on every side against anyone who has offended a king, as though under sentence of death, so the priests make their temples secure with doors and locks and bars, in order that they may not be plundered by robbers.
New American Bible (Revised Edition)   
They light more lamps for them than for themselves, yet not one of these can they see.