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86:1  By the sky and the knocking star,
86:2  what do you know about the knocking star?
86:3  It is the piercing Star,
86:4  there is no soul without a protector over it.
86:5  So let the human being consider what he was created from.
86:6  He was created from ejected fluid,
86:7  emerging from the vicinity of the backbone and the ribs.
86:8  Indeed, God is able to bring him [the human being] back to life.
86:9  On a Day when secrets are disclosed,
86:10  a human being will have no power or anyone to help him.
86:11  By the sky and its cyclical system
86:12  and the Earth which cracks open,
86:13  indeed, this is a decisive statement,
86:14  not to be taken lightly.
86:15  They plot and scheme,
86:16  but I am planning too.
86:17  So bear with the unbelievers. Let them be for a while.