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4:1  Masters, practice equality and justice with your Servants and be aware that you also have a Master in Heaven.
4:2  Persevere in prayer and be watching in it and giving thanks.
4:3  And pray also for us that God would open the door of the word to us to speak the mystery of The Messiah, for whose sake I am bound,
4:4  That I may reveal it and speak it just as I must.
4:5  Walk in wisdom toward outsiders and buy your opportunities.
4:6  And your words should always be with grace, as if seasoned with salt, and be aware how it is appropriate for you to answer each man.
4:7  Tukyqos, a beloved brother and a trustworthy Minister and our companion in THE LORD JEHOVAH, will inform you of my matters,
4:8  This one whom I sent to you to know your matters and to comfort your hearts,
4:9  With Onesimus, a trustworthy and beloved brother, who is from among you, to inform you of those matters that pertain to us.
4:10  Aristarchus, a captive who is with me, invokes your peace, and Marcus, son of the paternal uncle of BarNaba, about whom you have been directed; if he comes you, receive him,
4:11  And Yeshua, who is called Justus, these who are of the circumcision and those alone who helped me in The Kingdom of God and those who are comforts to me.
4:12  Epaphra, a Servant of The Messiah from among you, invokes your peace, laboring always for you in prayer, that you may stand perfect and complete in the whole pleasure of God,
4:13  For I testify about him that he has great zeal for your sake and for those who are in Laidiqia and in Aerapolis.
4:14  Luqa, our beloved Physician, invokes your peace, and Dema.
4:15  Invoke the peace of the brethren in Laidiqia and of Numpha and of the church which is in his house.
4:16  And whenever this letter is read to you, cause it to be read in the church of Laidiqia and read that which was written from Laidiqia.
4:17  And tell Arkippus, “Remember the ministry that you have received in Our Lord, that you finish it.”
4:18  This greeting is in my own hand, who am Paulus. Remember my imprisonment. Grace be with you. Amen.