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3:1  So if you were raised to life with the Messiah, search for the things that are above, where the Messiah is seated at God’s right hand!
3:2  Think about the things that are above, not the things that belong on the earth.
3:3  Don’t you see: you died, and your life has been hidden with the Messiah, in God!
3:4  When the Messiah is revealed (and he is your life, remember), then you too will be revealed with him in glory.
3:5  So, then, you must kill off the parts of you that belong on the earth: illicit sexual behavior, uncleanness, passion, evil desire and greed (which is a form of idolatry).
3:6  It’s because of these things that God’s wrath comes on the children of disobedience.
3:7  You too used to behave like that, once, when your life consisted of that sort of thing.
3:8  But now you must put away the lot of them: anger, rage, wickedness, blasphemy, dirty talk coming out of your mouth.
3:9  Don’t tell lies to each other! You have stripped off the old human nature, complete with its patterns of behavior,
3:10  and you have put on the new one—which is being renewed in the image of the creator, bringing you into possession of new knowledge.
3:11  In this new humanity there is no question of “Greek and Jew,” or “circumcised and uncircumcised,” of “barbarian, Scythian,” or “slave and free.” The Messiah is everything and in everything!
3:12  These are the clothes you must put on, then, since God has chosen you, made you holy, and lavished his love upon you. You must be tender-hearted, kind, humble, meek, and ready to put up with anything.
3:13  You must bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against someone else, you must forgive each other. Just as the master forgave you, you must do the same.
3:14  On top of all this you must put on love, which ties everything together and makes it complete.
3:15  Let the Messiah’s peace be the deciding factor in your hearts; that’s what you were called to, within the one body. And be thankful.
3:16  Let the Messiah’s word dwell richly among you, as you teach and exhort one another in all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God with grateful hearts.
3:17  And whatever you do, in word or action, do everything in the name of the master, Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the father.
3:18  Now a word for wives: you should be subject to your husbands. This is appropriate in the Lord.
3:19  And for husbands: you should treat your wives with love, and not be bitter with them.
3:20  And for children: obey your parents in everything; this pleases the Lord.
3:21  And for fathers: don’t provoke your children to anger, otherwise they might lose heart.
3:22  A word, too, for slaves: obey your earthly masters in everything. Don’t do it simply out of show, to curry favor with human beings, but wholeheartedly, because you fear the Master.
3:23  Whatever you do, give it your very best, as if you were working for the Master and not for human beings.
3:24  After all, you know that you’re going to receive the true inheritance from the Master as your reward! It is the Master, the Messiah, that you are serving.
3:25  Anyone who does wrong will be paid back for wrongdoing, and there will be no favorites.