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2:1  But I will that ye know, what busyness I have for you, and for them that be at Laodicea, and whichever saw not my face in flesh,
2:2  that their hearts be comforted, and they be taught in charity, into all the riches of the plenty of understanding [that the hearts of them be comforted, taught in charity, and into all riches of plenty of understanding], into the knowing of [the] mystery of God, the Father of Jesus Christ,
2:3  in whom all the treasures of wisdom and of science be hid. [in whom be all the treasures of wisdom and knowing hid.]
2:4  For this thing I say, that no man deceive you in height of words.
2:5  For though I be absent in body, [but] by spirit I am with you, joying and seeing your order and the firmness of your belief that is in Christ.
2:6  Therefore as ye have taken Jesus Christ our Lord, walk ye in him,
2:7  and be ye rooted and builded above in him [rooted and built above in Christ], and confirmed in the belief, as ye have learned, abounding in him in doing of thankings.
2:8  See ye that no man deceive you by philosophy and vain fallacy, after the tradition of men, after the elements of the world, and not after Christ.
2:9  For in him dwelleth body-like all the fullness of the Godhead.
2:10  And ye be filled in him [And ye be fulfilled in him], that is head of all principat and power.
2:11  In whom also ye be circumcised in circumcision not made with hand, in despoiling of the body of flesh [in nakedness of the body of flesh], but in circumcision of Christ;
2:12  and ye be buried together with him in baptism, in whom also ye have risen again by faith of the working of God, that raised him from death.
2:13  And when ye were dead in your guilts, and in the prepuce of your flesh, he quickened together you with him; forgiving to you all guilts [all guilts, or trespasses],
2:14  doing away that writing of decree that was against us, that was contrary to us; and he took away that from the middle, pitching it on the cross [pitching it to the cross];
2:15  and he spoiled principats and powers, and led out trustily, openly overcoming them in himself.
2:16  Therefore no man judge you in meat, or in drink, or in part of feast day, or of new moon, or of sabbaths,
2:17  which be shadow of things to coming [which be shadow of things to come]; for the body is of Christ.
2:18  No man deceive you, willing to teach in meekness, and [the] religion of angels, those things which he hath not seen, walking vainly, swollen with wit of his flesh [in-blown with wit of his flesh],
2:19  and not holding the head, of which all the body, by bands and joinings together [by bonds and joinings together] under-ministered and made, waxeth into [the] increasing of God.
2:20  For if ye be dead with Christ from the elements of the world, what yet as men living to the world deem ye?
2:21  That ye touch not, neither taste, neither treat with hands those things, [Neither ye shall touch, neither taste, neither treat with hands,]
2:22  which all be into death by that use, after the commandments and teachings of men;
2:23  which have a reason of wisdom in vain religion and meekness [which be soothly having reason of wisdom in superstition, or vain religion, and meekness], and not to spare the body, not in any honour to the fulfilling of the flesh.