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Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim

ash-Shams (The Sun)
as rendered by [Al-Muntakhab]
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Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim rendition of Surah The Sun(ash-Shams)
91:1 By the sun and its daylight
91:2 By the moon which follows it when first seen shortly after their apparent proximity or conjunction
91:3 By the day which exposes the sun’s glory and exposes the earth to sight
91:4 By the night which keeps the sun out of view and the earth veiled to sight
91:5 By the heaven and the way it was constructed,
91:6 And by the earth and the way its expanse was conducted.
91:7 And by the soul and how it was made to comprehend the difference between right and wrong and how its contrary attributes were divinely inducte
91:8 And how He inspired the self with self-abuse and self-indulgence, as well as with reverence and vindication and self-sacrifice and adaptation
91:9 Successful indeed will be he who is endowed with the attribute of self- reproach and self-judgment, who listens to such advice as Allah propounds
91:10 And a loser indeed will be he who has perverted himself and by the hand of sin he is bound
91:11 The people of Thamud rejected the truth, brought to them by Allah's Messenger - Saleh -, through impudent transgression
91:12 And there, did their most wicked leader jump at the occasion to defy Allah's ordinance and prompt the aggression
91:13 Allah's Messenger warned them against harming Allah's She- Camel and advised them to let her drink
91:14 But they considered him a liar; they disabled the She-Camel by cutting her hamstring muscles; and so Allah pounded them away in requital of their criminal deed, and of all hopes they were dashed to the ground
91:15 For Allah fears no consequences nor to anything ever He is bound


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